The Deep States Desperate Attempt To Hide Barack Obamas Secret Emails At All Cost

Yes, the Deep State wanted to protect Hillary Clinton, but that protection was primarily motivated by its overwhelming desire to shield the Obama Machine, including Barack Obama and Valerie Jarrett. Here is an exchange during the recent James Comey congressional testimony that confirms this fact. Note how Mr. Comey admits he knew of both private emails being used by Mrs. Clinton and Barack Obama while one was Secretary of State and the other President of the United States. Two secret emails. (Obama used a pseudonym for his email account and also lied publicly about having knowledge of Clinton’s even though he emailed her multiple times.) Why has the Establishment Media (and most politicians) said almost nothing about Obama’s secret email account? Because the Deep State has ordered them not to. Imagine what those secret Obama emails might uncover. Oh, just imagine…

The secret Obama emails are out there somewhere. The media has said nothing. Lawmakers have said (almost) nothing. And the Deep State, well the Deep State has allowed just enough “get Hillary Clinton” distraction to then use that time to likely bury those emails deep-deep-deep from any potential prying eyes. Why are former high-ranking Deep State officials like Clapper and Brennan so openly and aggressively attacking President Trump? Because POTUS Trump is the single greatest threat to getting to Barack Obama and the entirety of the Obama Machine, including Valerie Jarrett. That same Obama Machine is slated to make BILLIONS in the coming years via media licensing, foreign “investment”, kickbacks, etc., and there are a great many hands waiting to get their fair share of that multi-billions pie.

Image result for Obama, Comey, mueller

ABOVE: Barack Obama, James Comey, and Robert Mueller – all deeply connected to the current manufactured investigations intended to protect Obama and cripple the Trump presidency.

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Image result for Valerie Jarrett daughter cnn

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