I knew about Soros smear firm, says Facebook liar-chief Sandberg

Sandberg changes story about company hired to attack opponents

Sheryl Sandberg with Elliot Schrage, Facebook’s outgoing head of communications, who has taken the blame for hiring Definers. “I’m sorry I let you all down,” he said
Sheryl Sandberg with Elliot Schrage, Facebook’s outgoing head of communications, who has taken the blame for hiring Definers. “I’m sorry I let you all down,” he saidJAMES LAWLER/REUTERS

Sheryl Sandberg has changed her account of how much she knew about a PR firm that Facebook recruited to conduct smear campaigns against opponents.

The chief operating officer of the social media giant said last week that she did not know it had hired Definers, a Republican-affiliated consultancy, or “about the work they were doing”.

She has now admitted that she was copied into a “small number of emails” that referenced the business and that some of its work was presented to her.