Get Eric Schmidt in front of Congress and ask him what the "Dark Angel Protocol" is! Rigging Elections? Edgy alternative internet news media are reporting that Google staff, who have turned whistleblowers, are revealing that Google's investors came up with a way to control elections, by manipulating hundreds of millions of users experiences, and actually deployed this Psy-Ops control technology in 2007. Google's own marketing material convinces advertisers they can do this for your Toothpaste or Toyota buying decisions, so why not for your President? They secret name for this set of public perception control tools is known, in deep Google circles, as "The Dark Angel Protocol". The "Dark Angel" is presumed to refer to Barack Obama. Could Google, Facebook and Twitter Vc's get together, manipulate user experiences and trend perceptions, and trick the public into thinking one way vs. another way? Psy-ops in elections is not new, but a program on such a massive and insidious scale, if true, would be epic. Could this be true, or just a wild ass Robert Ludlum offshoot story? Too crazy ...or Crazy-like-a-fox? Whistleblowers say Google will try it on Eric Cantor's primary today. Send in your links. Let's discuss... Susan N. - DenverP ------------------------------- Proof Of How The Media Manipulates & Rigs Elections: Google Data ... Feb 18, 2014 ... Proof Of How The Media Manipulates & Rigs Elections: Google Data Proves Ron Paul Was Most Popular And Ignored By Mass Media ... r/ conspiracy/ comments/ 1y73wo/ proof_of_how_the_media_manipulates_rigs_elections/ - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight Rodger A. Payne's Blog: Could Google Rig an Election? May 17, 2013 ... “We don't have any way of knowing what biases, if any, the search engines we currently use have, and this is a concern not just for elections, ... - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight Web pages can now provide subliminal advertising | Graham Jones ... Apr 1, 2013 ... If you are an Internet marketer or a business trying to promote yourself online, the world of advertising is beset with problems. Indeed, even to ... 2013/ blog/ internet-marketing/ web-pages-can-now-provide-subliminal-advertising.html - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight EU Investigation Discovers Google DOES Manipulate Search ... 11 Apr 2013 ... The EU Commission has determined that Google DOES manipulate its search results for its own benefit and now Google is having to bow to ... eu-investigation-discovers-google-does-manipulate-search-results-for- its-own-benefit/ - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight How Google results could rig an election - The Week How Google results could rig an election. Mark Wilson/Getty Images. Rick Santorum has a Santorum problem, in that the top Google results when you search his ... speedreads/ index/ 261511/ speedreads-how-google-results-could-rig-an-election - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight A New Campaign Tactic: Manipulating Google Data - New York Times 26 Oct 2006 ... A New Campaign Tactic: Manipulating Google Data ... Politics Blog ... Much depends on the extent of political discussion already tied to a ... - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight Google's Secret Search Algorithm Could Manipulate the Results of ... 16 Jun 2013 ... A study indicated that manipulating Google results could influence how people view political candidates. Does this threaten the very structure of ... articles/ 49035/ google-s-secret-search-algorithm-could-manipulate-the-results-of-an-e lection - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight Google Openly Admits To Manipulating Search Results ... 26 Dec 2013 ... Google Openly Admits To Manipulating Search Results ... If Google will spy on you for the government, there's no reason to think they won't try ... 2013/ 12/ 26/ google-openly-admits-to-manipulating-search-results/ - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight Gujarat government manipulates Google search results | My Faking ... 2 Apr 2014 ... On March 29th, Livemint reported that Gujarat Government had taken off economic data from their official websites, which was later restored. 2014/ 04/ 02/ gujarat-government-manipulates-google-search-results/ - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight Is Google's search manipulation hurting consumer? | Digital Trends 25 Nov 2012 ... As Google dives deeper into e-commerce, concerns and criticisms about its ... behavior and limiting free competition by manipulating search results to give .... running, debating politics and throwing down on the foosball table. - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight More than just a search engine: Google flexes its global political ... 4 Feb 2014 ... The Canadian investigation also includes damning claims that Google manipulates and places special restrictions on its AdWords product, ... 2014/ 02/ 04/ more-than-just-a-search-engine-google-flexes-its-global-political-mus cle/ - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight Manipulating Democracy: Democratic Theory, Political Psychology ... Observers charge that manipulative practices in political advertising, media coverage, and public discourse have helped to ... Go to Google Books Home ... Manipulating Democracy: Democratic Theory, Political Psychology, and Mass Media. books/ about/ Manipulating_Democracy.html?id=Jlyc4BWzUGYC - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight Google warned by EU's antitrust inquiry of 'search manipulation ... 22 May 2012 ... Google has been warned about manipulating search results for its own gain by ... 'Cyber crime' costs UK £27bn each year, Government warns. technology/ google/ 9281639/ Google-warned-by-EUs-antitrust-inquiry-of-search-manipulation-concern s.html - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight EXPOSED: How Google manipulates comments on YouTube - Reddit 11 Nov 2013 ... Also, please contact us regarding spam, political or any other inappropriate videos, as this helps us remove them more quickly! r/ videos/ comments/ 1qengm/ exposed_how_google_manipulates_comments_on/ - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight When Campaigns Manipulate Social Media - Jared Keller - The ... Nov 10, 2010 ... Politicians and tech evangelists alike see it as the key to a new type of ... the attacks on Coakley to turn up in Google searches for her name, ... politics/ archive/ 2010/ 11/ when-campaigns-manipulate-social-media/ 66351/ - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight DailyTech - AT&T: Google Manipulates Media, is an Abusive, Power ... Oct 16, 2009 ... A new letter from AT&T to the federal government makes it clear that the company has little love for Google. ATT+Google+Manipulates+Media+is+an+Abusive+Power+Hungry+Monopoly/ article16524.htm - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight How The 'US' Chamber Uses Its Money To Pay Pundits, Manipulate ... Oct 28, 2010 ... Manipulating Google And Blogs: The U.S. Chamber of Commerce retains ... these reporters reprinted the Chamber's false claim that its political ... media/ 2010/ 10/ 28/ 124112/ thinkprogress-media-chamber/ - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight The Security Risks of Unregulated Google Search - Schneier on ... Jun 4, 2013 ... Could Google tip an election by manipulating what comes up from search .... Democracy is about political regime regradless of formation of ... - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight How The Media Manipulates You - David Amerland In The Guardian piece the facts are that there are buses ferrying employees to and fro from Silicon Valley tech companies like Google, Facebook and Apple. - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight Leak: NSA/GCHQ Manipulates/Subverts Online Communities » Joe ... Feb 25, 2014 ... the presence of government agencies, of religious combines, and of covert ... - case-against-google-over-search.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0. 2014/ 02/ leak-nsa-gchq-actively-subverts-online-communities/ - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight New Snowden Doc Reveals How GCHQ/NSA Use The Internet To ... Feb 25, 2014 ... While this may suite them when the attack is against politics that they do ... Techdirt uses the Internet to manipulate, deceive and destroy reputations. ..... to ask yourself, why Google Android uses persistant memory cache not ... articles/ 20140224/ 17054826340/ new-snowden-doc-reveals-how-gchqnsa-use-internet-to-manipulate-deceiv e-destroy-reputations.shtml - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight Google is Liberal and Bias - cjv123 - HubPages Google and Yahoo apparently didn't give one dime to a Republican or Conservative politician. There is other evidence that Google is actually manipulating ... - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight Subreddit Dedicated to Outing Google “Censorship” at I Hate ... 19 Apr 2012 ... I reserve judgment on the question of whether Google actually manipulates its search engine results for political or social reasons. I know for a ... - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight Yes, you will vote how Google tells you - WorldNetDaily 22 Jul 2013 ... Exclusive: Andrea Shea King covers intersection of politics, technology ... Claims like Dr. Epstein's usually assume that Google manipulates ... - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight I Was a Paid Internet Shill: How Shadowy Groups Manipulate ... 8 Jan 2013 ... Satisfied that my political views were not strong, he said I would be ..... If you Google that term, Richard Silverstein has a good expose on it. paid-internet-shill-shadowy-groups-manipulate-internet-opinion-debate / - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight The United States of Google - TechNewsWorld Oct 1, 2012 ... The fact that Google manipulates search results is a matter of record. ... Videos, Breaking News; Political Hotsheet -- Romney: "My campaign is ... - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight The new model of lobbying – Your Are Being Manipulated – Public ... May 22, 2012 ... ALEC is a forum dedicated to “Limited Government, Free Markets, ... Art editor: seriously, this is the result of google search for "model bill". - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight How Brands Use The Psychology Of Color To Manipulate You Dec 29, 2012 ... How Brands Use The Psychology Of Color To Manipulate You .... These articles have been added to your Google activity log. You can remove ... branding-and-the-psychology-of-color-2012-12?op=1 - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight Semiotic Layering through Gesture and Intonation Institution: Google Indexer. sign in icon ... The use of gestures simultaneously aligns with intonation and metaphorically manipulates political entities in space. - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight 'Psychological Operations Is My Specialty' - Rense Before focusing on PsyOps I started out running covert combat missions, .... But I do think it will eventually be proven that the elections were manipulated to ... - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight Iran Falls to US PSYOPS : Information Clearing House - ICH Jun 22, 2009 ... Iran Falls to US PSYOPS ... objective evidence that George W. Bush stole his two elections than there is at this time of election theft in Iran. - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight PSYOPS – Wars Are Fought On and Off the Battlefield Washington's ... 6 days ago ... PSYOPS – Wars Are Fought On and Off the Battlefield ... out of control intelligence agencies), who have a 95% re-election rate due to money, ... 2014/ 06/ psyops-wars-are-fought-on-and-off-the-battlefield.html - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight Psychological Operations (United States) - Wikipedia, the free ... The purpose of United States psychological operations is to induce or reinforce behavior favorable to US objectives. They are an important part of the range of ... wiki/ Psychological_Operations_(United_States) - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight Psychological warfare - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Psychological Warfare (PSYWAR), or the basic aspects of modern psychological operations (PSYOP), have been known by many other names or terms, ... - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight Psychological Operations - PSYOPS - Oil Empire Psychological operations (frequently abbreviated PSYOP) is a long-standing term of ... The poll also shows that 42 percent of the troops surveyed are unsure of ... - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight US opens Pandora's Box in Ukraine, releases more evil ... Feb 28, 2014 ... Read about the neo-Nazis intimidating the Central Election Commission in order to secure rule and personnel changes in order to favor the ... 2014/ 02/ 28/ us-opens-pandoras-box-in-ukraine-releases-more-evil/ - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight Left-Wing "Psy Ops" - Carol Platt Liebau - Townhall Sep 9, 2012 ... And as the election approaches, some will ramp up a sort of domestic "psy ops" -- an effort to convince those disinclined to vote for Obama that ... tipsheet/ carolplattliebau/ 2012/ 09/ 09/ leftwing_psy_ops - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight PsyOps and Socialbots - InfoSec Institute Sep 3, 2013 ... PsyOps is defined by the U.S. military as “planned operations to convey selected .... On occasion of the Russian parliamentary election in 2011, ... - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight Subliminal messages come in spam | ZDNet Sep 11, 2006 ... Banned subliminal messages that could potentially manipulate ... first time we have detected an Internet threat that uses subliminal techniques. - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight How Subliminal Messages are Used to Control Your Mind ... Mar 30, 2013 ... Subliminal Message Since the day you were born, modern society has conditioned you to think within the conventional matrix. As a result, your ... - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight RFC 1097 - Telnet subliminal-message option Hosts on the Internet that display subliminal messages within the Telnet protocol are expected to adopt and implement this standard. Distribution of this memo is ... - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight McSweeney's Internet Tendency: Use The Power of Subliminal ... Use The Power of Subliminal Advertising in Your Brochure Text. ... a fancy shop full of affluent white horny cops—adjust your brochure's message by making use ... articles/ use-the-power-of-subliminal-advertising-in-your-brochure-text - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight Subliminal Perception Subliminal messages and perception are linked to the idea of mind control, and the roots of this are placed very far back in our history. Mind control is where an ... - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight Subliminal Messages - Hidden Subliminal Image Samples - Do you ... Subliminal tapes are sold by the millions to people that want to motivate themselves with custom subliminal messages. There are subliminal messages in songs. - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight Subliminal Messages - Online Advertising vs. Traditional -There are many subliminal messages in all forms of advertising. Subliminal messages usually focus on the taboos of society, such as sex, death, homosexuality ... a/ online-advertising-vs-traditional/ effectiveness-of-online-advertising/ subliminal-messages - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight Internet subliminal messages at the service of international ... - Pravda Nov 15, 2006 ... On January 28, 2003, amid the furor of the impending war with Iraq the British press briefly reported on Operation Ore, the most thorough and ... - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight subliminal messages in hollywood, internet, politics ... - YouTube Nov 8, 2011 ... SUBLIMINAL MESSAGES = WORLD RELIGIONS, POLITICS & HOLLYWOOD = SATANISM The FRIENDS & COMPANY YOU KEEP SHOWS ... - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight Proof Of How The Media Manipulates & Rigs Elections: Google Data ... Feb 18, 2014 ... Proof Of How The Media Manipulates & Rigs Elections: Google Data Proves Ron Paul Was Most Popular And Ignored By Mass Media ... r/ conspiracy/ comments/ 1y73wo/ proof_of_how_the_media_manipulates_rigs_elections/ - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight Election Rigging - Huffington Post Election Rigging. Page: 1 ... McDonnell Comes Out Against Controversial GOP Election-Rigging Scheme ... Email; Facebook; Twitter; Google Plus; RSS; Mobile. - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight HowStuffWorks "10 Ways Grocery Stores Trick You Into Spending ... Read about 10 ways grocery stores trick you into spending more. ... The solution for consumers (pun intended): Question ambiguous bargain claims, and ... personal-finance/ budgeting/ 10-ways-grocery-stores-trick-you-into-spending-more.htm - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight Revealed: 7 ways food marketers try to trick consumers Apr 13, 2014 ... If you're confused by food labels, you're not alone. It's made harder because marketers use a variety of tricks to make foods seem healthier and ... life-style/ nutrition-and-wellbeing/ revealed-7-ways-food-marketers-try-to-trick-consumers-20140413-36lte. html - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight Food Labels Can Trick Consumers - 3 smart ways to decode them. By Mandy Oaklander. nutrition labels can trick consumers; apple with nutrition label on skin. How many times have you devoured ... food/ healthy-eating-tips/ food-labels-can-trick-consumers - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight How Food Companies Trick Consumers Into Eating Their Unhealthy ... Mar 1, 2013 ... According to Michael Moss, the Pulitzer prizing-winning reporter and author of the new book Salt Sugar Fat: How the Food Giants Hooked Us, ... blogs/ daily-ticker/ ml - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight 6 Ways Retailers Trick You Into Spending More - Apr 30, 2014 ... Read on to see six ways retailers get you to spend more money. ... browse before you buy — they know consumers are becoming increasingly ... posts/ 2594-6-ways-retailers-trick-you-into-spending-more - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight How Companies Trick You into Thinking You're ... - Business - Time Jan 20, 2014 ... Even as middle class consumers are tightening their budgets, companies are finding ways to tout "everyday luxury" products—from food to ... 2014/ 01/ 20/ how-companies-trick-you-into-thinking-youre-buying-a-premium-product/ - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight How food manufacturers trick consumers with deceptive ingredients ... Jul 10, 2007 ... How food manufacturers trick consumers with deceptive ingredients lists. ... Here are a few of the most common ways: One of the most common ... - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight 5 Ways Supermarkets Trick Shoppers-Kiplinger Ever go to the supermarket for milk and instead come home with a trunk full of groceries? Don't blame yourself -- blame the tricks that retailers play on the ... slideshow/ spending/ T050-S001-5-ways-supermarkets-trick-shoppers/ - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight Six Ways Stores Trick You Into Spending More - Six Ways Stores Trick You Into Spending More ... A 2007 study published in the Journal of Consumer Research indicates that shoppers are likely to feel the ... save/ savings/ six-ways-stores-trick-you-spending-more - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight Shill - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia In online discussion media, satisfied consumers or "innocent" parties may express specific opinions in ... By limiting the dialogue and discourse between specific candidates and political parties, the media can .... Scams and confidence tricks. - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight Bait-and-switch - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia First, customers are "baited" by merchants' advertising products or services at a low price, but ... 1 Function; 2 Legality; 3 Non-retail use; 4 Politics; 5 See also; 6 References; 7 External links ... Scams and confidence tricks ... Wikipedia® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia ... - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight Top 5 policy tricks used by anti-solar groups : Renew Economy 22 Apr 2014 ... After incredible victories by solar policy groups, the anti-solar world lead by ... Generally speaking, politicians do not like to vote against a bill that polls ... for consumers or solar companies and the latest in the tricks being used. 2014/ top-5-policy-tricks-used-anti-solar-groups-27294 - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight Dirty tricks alert | Trinidad Express Newspaper | Commentaries 2 days ago ... A series of political rallies, multiple elections and regular cabinet ... groups has never existed on such a scale within T&T's political parties. ... In the cyberworld of multiple realities, even the seasoned consumer can be tricked. commentaries/ Dirty-tricks-alert-262325941.html - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight 10 Worst Dirty Tricks In American Politics - Listverse 18 Jan 2014 ... Dirty tricks are those political maneuvers that go beyond mere ... Atwater worked with several outside groups to develop an ad about the ... 2014/ 01/ 18/ 10-worst-dirty-tricks-in-american-politics/ - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight LETTER: Benefiting from political trickery | Letters | BDlive 13 May 2014 ... Unless, of course, you trick consumers into buying something by mistake ... wondering how many trademarks the major parties have registered. opinion/ letters/ 2014/ 05/ 13/ letter-benefiting-from-political-trickery - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight Misinformation - It's not just politicians. Companies create pretend consumer advocate groups, and other tricks to make the appearance of public support. And in ... - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight OPINION: insurance tricks to avoid ObamaCare's consumer ... 22 Jul 2013 ... And they're using the same tactics political advertisers use to spread ... may drive insurance premiums up substantially for some small groups. 2013/ 07/ 22/ 12983/ opinion-insurance-tricks-avoid-obamacares-consumer-protections - View by Ixquick Proxy - H HowStuffWorks "How Brainwashing Works" Brainwashing is the attempt to change the thoughts and beliefs of another person against ... It's the collection of ways in which people can change other people's ... life/ inside-the-mind/ human-brain/ brainwashing.htm - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight 23 Tools To Brainwash and Influence People ... - Gatecreepers The opinions and behaviors of people and societies are easily swayed. Every decade, every year, every week, those who control mass media change the ... entries/ 23-tools-to-brainwash-and-influence-people-throu/ - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight 6 Brainwashing Techniques They're Using On You Right Now ... 23 Sep 2008 ... Brainwashing doesn't take any sci-fi gadgetry or Manchurian Candidate ... Jobs People Had to Do Before Modern Technology 5 Ways to Attack ... ml - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight Brainwashing Techniques You Encounter Every Day (and How to ... 21 Feb 2012 ... Finding balance is often easiest by simply providing yourself with the .... of the population has been brainwashed into believing they didn't exist. 5886571/ brainwashing-techniques-you-encounter-every-day-and-how-to-avoid-them - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight How People Are Influenced Mentally And Emotionally ... - Dr. Wilson HOW ARE PEOPLE INFLUENCED, CONTROLLED AND MANIPULATED? Before explaining the specific ways that mind control and manipulation work, ... - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight Research Study Explains How U.S. Media Brainwashes The Public 25 Jan 2013 ... People as drones, as automatons, in some kind of mind-control stupor ..... It's easy to be a libertarian if your finances are secure, you have good ... story/ 2013/ 01/ 26/ 1182220/ -Research-Study-Explains-How-U-S-Media-Brainwashes-The-Public - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight This column will change your life: do you believe in brainwashing ... 15 Feb 2013 ... This column will change your life: do you believe in brainwashing? ... How, you want to know, could so many people – including Tom Cruise ... lifeandstyle/ 2013/ feb/ 16/ brainwashing-scientology-oliver-burkeman - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight Americans Target Of Largest Media Brainwashing Campaign In ... 11 attack, the targetted enemy is the POPULATION OF THE UNITED STATES AND ITS ... The brainwashing methods are relatively simple and classic. First, use ... - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight Mass Mind Control Through Network Television - Rense Radio isn't any different in its ability to brainwash a population into submission. ..... to kick up the campaign of terror a few notches with new and creative ways to ... - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight Why are we so easily Manipulated - Are you Brainwashed? 25 Jun 2012 ... Do you think you are the same person you were years ago? ... The Brainwashed World. Now we as people, are becoming someone else. hub/ Psychology-Why-are-we-so-easy-to-manipulate-and-Are-you-Brainwashed - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight