Google pretends real news doesn't exist

Shocking personal example of Big Tech's heavy-handed totalitarian methods

David Kupelian By David Kupelian

For more than two years, I and others at WND have been reporting, documenting and urgently warning about how Big Tech is attempting to re-shape – indeed re-create – America in its far-left progressive image.

We've chronicled the endless stream of conservative, Christian and pro-life organizations that social media platforms have banished, censored, shadow-banned, de-monetized and otherwise suppressed from public view.

We've documented how the Big Tech giants anointed the reckless far-left hate group the Southern Poverty Law Center as their moral arbiter of what constitutes "hate speech" for determining which Christian and conservative voices should be banned from the public square. (WND and other mainstream Christian organizations are featured prominently on the SPLC's "Hatewatch" list along with actual hate groups like the Ku Klux Klan.)

We've shown how Google and Facebook have all but destroyed online journalism by vacuuming up an astonishing 90% of all digital advertising revenue, which long constituted the very lifeblood of independent news sites, forcing us into major layoffs, pay cuts and other painful but necessary survival strategies.

We've even reported on how multiple peer-reviewed studies show that Google has, for years now, been determining the results of elections worldwide. In fact, Google likely swung as many as 3 million votes toward Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential contest, contends top Google researcher Robert Epstein, Ph.D., formerly editor-in-chief of Psychology Today – and a Democrat!

Yes, we've been reporting on all this and faithfully sounding the alarm throughout the Trump presidency, possibly more than any other news outlet.

But I'd just like to pause for a moment and share something that happened this week – something perhaps insignificant to you in comparison to all the macro problems just enumerated, and yet which really brought home for me personally the reality of the totalitarian world Big Tech is creating. It also illustrates just how urgent the need is to keep pro-Christian, pro-American news organizations like WND alive and reporting truthfully as we have been doing for 22 years.

So here it is.

A couple years ago I suffered a serious heart attack. I didn't talk about it publicly and never wrote anything about it until two years later, this past Christmas. The article was headlined "My Christmas heart attack" and many readers told me they were deeply affected by my story and the personal Christian testimony incorporated in it. And yes, I'd say of all the articles and books I've written over the decades, this one is uniquely meaningful to me.

Anyway, the other day I needed to pull up my "heart attack" article for some reason, so I opened a Google search window and typed in the search terms, "My Christmas heart attack" – a formula that has always worked in the past. Enter the exact headline, plus "" and Google takes you directly to the story on WND as the very first search result.

Except now, it seems, WND no longer exists – not to Google. When I keyed in the search terms, my article came up all right, but reprinted on another website (Virtue Online, a popular Anglican website that likes my writings and sometimes reprints them). After that came page after page of other search returns – but none included my heart attack article on WND. To Google, you see, WND doesn't exist.

By the way, I tried the exact same query on search engines Yahoo, Bing and DuckDuckGo, and in all three cases my heart attack article on was delivered as the very first search result. Of course it would; it's the most perfect match for the search terms I entered.

Several other people duplicated this at my request, with the exact same results. And of course, this isn't the first time I've seen WND essentially scrubbed from existence by Google. If you do manage to find a WND story on Google it is usually buried way down in the search results in hopes no one will find it.

Thanks for indulging my little personal story, which I know is inconsequential to most. However, it served as a graphic reminder to me – now in my 21st year as WND's managing editor – that when we at WorldNetDaily are sounding the warning trumpets month after month about Big Tech's campaign to replace Judeo-Christian America with another country – we're doing our job as "real news" journalists.

In the end, this matters to you because, as Jefferson wrote in his 1823 letter to Lafayette, "The only security of all is in a free press. The force of public opinion cannot be resisted when permitted freely to be expressed." However, Big Tech is intent on America not having a free press, in shaping public opinion in its leftist image, and in suppressing dissenting voices like WND's.