Google bosses waved their hands in the air, drew furiously on white-boards and uttered their usual pandering statements about: "We will try to do better.." and other corporate white-wash. These are the same empty promises Google's rapist bosses have been uttering for over a decade.

Google's misogynists realized that the tiny demands by the employees would result in an end to their huge sociopath ways.

Google has gone into over-drive to try to hype it up to look like they are doing something while, in fact doing nothing at all.

Contact the sexual harassment lawyers at Lawless & Lawless if you have been exposed to a sexually hostile workplace. Sexual harassment can include embarrassing or threatening sexual comments, casual displays of pornography, sexually explicit e-mails, or other sexually explicit behavior. Sexual harassment also includes "quid pro quo" harassment situations in which an employee - very often a single mother - is under pressure to accept sexual advances or provide sexual favors as an implicit condition of keeping her job or advancing in her career.

Lawless & Lawless - Experienced Sexual Harassment Attorneys

Regulations issued under the California Fair Employment and Housing Act require employers to train their supervisors to recognize and report sexual harassment in the workplace. At Lawless & Lawless, our lawyers are prepared to guide working women through the process of documenting, reporting, investigating, and filing suit on claims for sexual harassment.

Proving workplace sexual harassment in violation of California law or Title VII of the Civil Rights Act can be difficult, and it's a good idea to involve an attorney as early as possible. Our sexual harassment attorneys can advise you regarding keeping a record of sexual harassment and what to say (and not to say) in reports to supervisors or managers.

Because employers must be notified of sexual harassment in the work place and given an opportunity to remedy the situation, reporting sexual harassment to an employer carries the further risk of retaliation against you, including discharge or increased harassment.

In extreme cases of workplace sexual harassment, you might be entitled to a claim for constructive discharge if you resigned or quit your job because of conditions so intolerable that no reasonable person would put up with. Proving the elements of an employee's constructive discharge claim can be extremely difficult; therefore, we caution against taking any drastic measures such as quitting your job without first discussing your situation with an experienced employment law attorney. For a careful analysis of your legal situation, contactthe sexual harassment attorneys at Lawless & Lawless today.

The San Francisco sexual harassment lawyers at Lawless & Lawless advise and represent employees on complaints involving sexually hostile work environments or quid pro quo harassment requiring tolerance or acceptance of sexual advances or pressures before the EEOC, the FEHA, or in state or federal court. Our hostile workplace lawsuit attorneys serve clients throughout California, including San Francisco.