Yet another suspicious death linked to yet another critic of the Clinton’s, just months after a respected doctor and researcher got into a public spat with Hillary Clinton after revealing Google’s scheme to help her get elected to the White House.

A car crash claimed the life of the wife of the doctor, researcher and respected Hillary Clinton critic who testified to Congress that Google’s search algorithms were slanted to help Hillary Clinton beat Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election.

Hillary Clinton attacked Dr. Robert Epstein for his research during the summer. And on Saturday, Epstein Tweeted about the untimely death of his wife.

“My beautiful wife Misti, a published poet, succumbed last night to injuries sustained in a car accident,” Epstein tweeted. “I was supposed to die in your arms some day, but a slippery road has ruined everything. You were not just my love, you were my greatest adventure.”

My beautiful wife Misti, a published poet, succumbed last night to injuries sustained in a car accident. I was supposed to die in your arms some day, but a slippery road has ruined everything. You were not just my love, you were my greatest adventure. https://t.co/re3BCddZEM pic.twitter.com/kofjSGi2j2

— Dr. Robert Epstein (@DrREpstein) December 28, 2019

#Hillary has long depended on #Google for both money & votes. Her largest donor in 2016 was Alphabet/Google. Her Chief Technology Officer during the campaign was Stephanie Hannon, a former Google exec. And then there’s #EricSchmidt, longtime head of Google – the guy in the pic: pic.twitter.com/dSV8wOPwAH

— Dr. Robert Epstein (@DrREpstein) August 20, 2019

#Hillary: I know you’re in #Google‘s pocket, but for the sake of our #democracy, I urge you listen to my recent Congressional testimony (https://t.co/cMYQ5pnjki) & to scan the 58 essays & conference papers I list at the end of my written testimony: https://t.co/AN3RtdYp65 pic.twitter.com/Tz2vfCJGof

— Dr. Robert Epstein (@DrREpstein) August 20, 2019

A leaked email showed that in 2014 #Google‘s #EricSchmidt offered to run #Hillary‘s tech campaign (see pic). In 2015, Schmidt in fact funded The Groundwork, a highly secretive tech company, the sole purpose of which was to put Clinton into office. https://t.co/rXMNH9bLYV pic.twitter.com/MRjGpCJcvr

— Dr. Robert Epstein (@DrREpstein) August 20, 2019

This story is developing.