When you report a political corruption crime, know that each government staffer you talk to has their own agenda.

At least one, or more, of the public officials you report the matter to will try to stonewall or harm your efforts in order to protect their crony associates. To avoid cover-ups, never report a crime incident to only one source, always cc: as many related entities as possible. If a person listed is no longer with that organization, go to the press contact at that organizations website and request a new contact.

You have a large number of people who will support you. The only people who try to shut-down whistle-blowers are those who are engaged in crimes. In a typical report, there are usually many third party BCC or CC's like this:

Marcel Reid, Pacifica Whistleblower Liaison
Michael McCray, ACORN 8
Zena Crenshaw-Logal, Executive Director, National Judicial Conduct & Disability Law Project
Tom Devine, Legal Director, Government Accountability Project (GAP)
Lawrence Lucas, President, USDA Coalition  of Minority Employees
Tanya Ward Jordan, Founder, Coalition for Change (C4C)
Jason Zuckerman, Partner Zuckerman Law Firm; Former Senior Counsel, for the U.S. Office of Special Counsel
Dan Meyer, Executive Director of Intelligence Community Whistleblowing and Source Protection; Office of the Intelligence Community Inspector General.
Gloria Minott, Public Affairs Director WPFW 
William Bergman, 9/11 Whistleblower, Truth in Accounting
Zena Crenshaw-Logal, Executive Director, National Judicial Conduct & Disability Law Project
Danielle Brian, Executive Director, Project on Government Oversight (POGO)
Michael McCray, FEW/LEW
Tanya Ward Jordan, Founder, Coalition for Change (C4C)
Andrew Kreig, Executive Director, Justice Integrity Project
David Grogen, U.S. Marshal Service, Justice Department
Arthuretta Holms Martin, Coalition for Change
Paulette Taylor, Civil Rights Chair, Coalition for Change
Arlene Englehardt, Former Pacifica Executive Director 
Glenn Greenwald, Journalist
Marcel Reid, Pacifica Whistleblower Liaison
Sharyl Attkisson - Former CBS Investigative Reporter
Andy Lee Roth, Director, Project Censored
Micky Huff, Director, Project Censored
Kristina Borjesson, Freelance Journalist (ABC, CBS, NBC)
Matt Tabbii, Investigative Reporter
Cathy Ball, Legislative Representative, National Treasury Employees Union
Shahid Buttar, Executive Director, Bill of Rights Defense Committee
Keith Wrightson, Worker Safety and Health Advocate, Public Citizen 
Marcel Reid, ACORN 8
Zena Crenshaw-Logal, Exploring the Vitality of Stare Decisis in America
Editors- ProPublica Journal
Michael McCray, General Counsel, FEW/LEF
Krista Boyd, Counsel, House Oversight and Government Reform Committee
Charity Wilson, Legislative Representative, American Federation of Government Employees
Robert MacLean, U.S. Air Marshal Whistleblower
Tristan Leavitt, Investigative Counsel, Senate Judiciary Committee
Larry Criscione, NRC Whistleblower
Amanda Hitt, Director, Food Integrity Campaign
Pete Sepp, Executive Vice President, National Taxpayers Union
Zena Crenshaw-Logal, Executive Director, National Judicial Conduct & Disability Law Project
Tony Norman, Vice Chair, Pacifica Foundation 
Stephen Kohn, National Whistleblower Center
Zena Crenshaw-Logal, National Judicial Conduct and Disability Law Project 
Andy Shallal, Mayoral Candidate (Community Activism)
Joseph Nacchio- CEO Quest Media Former  (Corporate Responsibility)
Brad Birkenfeld - UBS Whistleblower (Frank Wills Award)
Jason Zuckerman, Partner Zuckerman Law Firm; Former Senior Counsel, for the U.S. Office of Special Counsel.
Jordan Thomas, Chairman of Whistleblower Practice, Labaton Sucharow
Eric Ben-Artzi, Deutsche Bank financial whistleblower
Lisa Donner, Executive Director, Americans for Financial Reform
Robert MacLean, landmark whistleblowing case on the WPEA 
Shirine Moazed, Chief, Investigation and Prosecution Division, U.S. Office of Special Counsel (OSC)
Mick Anderson, OSC Public Servant Award Winner
Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA)
Senator John Boozman (R-AR)
The Honorable Blake Farenthold (R-TX)
The Honorable Jackie Speier (D-CA)
Special Counsel Carolyn Lerner (OSC)
Patricia St. Clair, Assistant Director; Training and Outreach Division, EEOC, Office of Federal Sector
Dr. David Tharp, Veterans Administration Whistleblower
Daniel Brennin, Project on Government Oversight
Lydia Dennett, Investigator on behalf of Danielle Brian, Executive Director, Project on Government Oversight (POGO)
Paulette Taylor, Civil Rights Chair, Coalition for Change
David Grogan, U.S. Marshal Service, Justice Department
Zena Crenshaw-Logal, Executive Director, National Judicial Conduct & Disability Law Project
Organizations to carbon-copy Contact:
The U.S. Senate Ethics Committee

Edward Snowden

Julian Assange

