We filed formal written reports of these crimes with the following parties, most of them acknowledged receipt of our reports and demands for compensation and reparation in writing. Many of these parties (but not all) were ordered not to respond to us because their supervisors were implicated in these crimes. To date, we still have not received any action, settlement offer, confirmation of law enforcement prosecution of the subjects or relief.

Dianne Feinstein - U.S. Senator

Nancy Pelosi - U.S. Senator (time-stamped and receipt acknowledged by his office in writing. Met with Melanie at her office)

Jared Huffman - U.S. Senator  (time-stamped and receipt acknowledged by his office in writing)

Ken Alex - Jerry Brown’s Justice Department Lead (in-person and in writing)

Barack Obama - Per his White House email (time-stamped and receipt acknowledged by his office in writing)

Eric Holder - U.S. Attorney General (time-stamped and receipt acknowledged by his office in writing)

James Comey- FBI Director (time-stamped and receipt acknowledged by his office in writing)

Department of Energy Inspector General's office  (time-stamped and receipt acknowledged by his office in writing)

Steven Chu - Secretary of Energy (time-stamped and receipt acknowledged by his office in writing)

Robert Gibbs - White House Press Secretary (time-stamped and receipt acknowledged by his office in writing by multiple staff)

David Axelrod - White House Staff Lead (time-stamped and receipt acknowledged by his office in writing)

Kamala Harris - California Attorney General (time-stamped and receipt acknowledged by his office in writing)

Senator Barbara Boxer

California Secretary of State’s Office

California Crime Victims Board – vcgcb.ca.gov

Rahm Emanual - Chief Of Staff, White House (In-person meeting with his staff in Washington, DC)

David Johnson - West Coast Office FBI Director (In person to his office)

Patricia Rich - Agent , San Francisco FBI (In person via telephonic interview)

Duty Officer - San Francisco FBI Office (In-person, 13th Flr, 450 Golden Gate Ave)

United States Department of Justice – Obama Administration

FBI – Obama Administration and Trump Administration

SEC – Obama Administration and Trump Administration

CFTC – Obama Administration and Trump Administration

Secret Service – Obama Administration and Trump Administration

U.S. Federal Courts - Via multiple case records submitted and filed on public record at www.pacer.gov

Robert Simon - Investigative Reporter, CBS News 60 Minutes

Carol Leonnig - Investigative Reporter - Washington Post

Inspector General - Social Security Administration (in-person and in writing)

Legal offices - The White House (time-stamped and receipt acknowledged by his office in writing)

rburnson@bloomberg.net (Receipt Confirmed)

dglovin@bloomberg.net (Receipt Confirmed)

antitrust@ftc.gov (Receipt Confirmed)

Catherine McMullen - Office Of The Special Counsel <cmcmullen@osc.gov> (Multiple communications)

Tracy Biggs - Office Of The Special Counsel <TBiggs@osc.gov> (Multiple communications)

Leslie Gogen - Office Of The Special Counsel <lgogan@osc.gov> (Multiple communications)

The FEC (Multiple communications)

Jackie Speier - Congresswoman (In-person meeting and communications with her staff. Written response from her that things are being investigated)

...and many other official parties and "official channels" who have done nothing but prevaricate cover-ups and stone-walling because prosecution of these crimes will cut-off their pieces of the taxpayer pig trough they feed at!