What Is An 'Extinction-Level Interdiction Program' For Corrupt Companies And People?

By The Leesberg Foundation

It only works on corrupt companies that bribe, break the law, abuse employees, rape, tax evade, lie, cheat, steal, run character assassinations, operate anti-trust violating monopolies, spy and are generally dirty pigs.

That is why it works so well on Google, Gawker, Gizmodo, Jalopnik, Univision, Facebook, Tesla, Goldman Sachs and other creepy corps who bribe, break the law, abuse employees, rape, tax evade, lie, cheat, steal, run character assassinations, operate anti-trust violating monopolies, spy and are generally dirty pigs.

'Extinction-level' means that the goal is to put them-out-of-business.

'Interdiction' means that the effort involves interrupting their corruption, crimes, bribes, payola and sex trafficking.

It is a 'Program' because it is a constant, unwavering, long-term effort that the entire public population is continually expanding and adding to the effort of.

The efforts are long and take many years but they always work.

If your company does not bribe, break the law, abuse employees, rape, tax evade, lie, cheat, steal, run character assassinations, operate anti-trust violating monopolies, spy and they are not generally dirty pigs then they have nothing to worry about.

If the truth can't hurt a Facebook, Google or Tesla then they should have no concern about the truth being exposed.

Alas, though, those companies are targeted for extinction and any smart investor should remove their investment funds from those companies. The way that they are taken down includes exposing every time each investor engages in a bribe, breaks the law, abuses employees, rapes, tax evades, lies, cheats, steals, runs character assassinations, operates anti-trust violating monopolies, spies and is generally a dirty pig.

Bill Cosby thought he could not be taken down. He was!

Enron thought they could not be taken down. They were!

Dick Nixon thought he could not be taken down. He was!

Hillary Clinton thought she could not be taken down! She was!

Theranos thought it could not be taken down! It was!

The list is endless. The fact is clear: If you cheat rather than compete you will be destroyed.

It is now easier than ever to kill a corrupt entity!

We have hard-fact FBI and CIA-class evidence that Google, Gawker, Gizmodo, Jalopnik, Univision, Facebook, Tesla, Goldman Sachs and others are breaking the law and exist based on a criminal operation. That is why they are going down! We witnessed them do the crimes. Their ex-employees and federal investigators saw it too. That is why they are helping with the take-downs. Millions of web users who hate corruption are helping too, using crowd sourced forensics.

The deaths of these crooked behemoths will be long, slow and hard..but the crash they make when they finally fall will resound throughout history!