These major politicians are getting paid tens of millions of dollars in covert stock market bribes to exploit YOUR knee-jerk reaction to the words: "borders", "immigrants", "climate", "outsiders", "church" and anything else that will set you off emotionally in order to trick you into helping to put money in their bank accounts.

Why do your politicians have tens of millions of dollars of mysterious cash show up in their family bank accounts each year when they are only supposed to get paid $147K per year.

Databases now trace every account they, and their family own. The proof of bribery is in the FBI, SEC, FTC and OUR reports showing the stock market-based bribes from Google, Tesla, Facebook, etc. Things went from bad to worse when Silicon Valley insiders James Breyer and Gilman Louie roped the CIA into supporting
In-Q-Tel (How the C.I.A. morphed into BIG BROTHER).  They got the CIA to dump cash and technology into the Palo Alto Sandhill Road good ole boys club of Stanford frat boy sociopaths. This illicit version of the CIA used the access to manipulate the White House, the federal government and California government process ever since. When the good ole boys realized they could use spy-tech to rig elections and stock market valuations they were off-to-the-races and nobody ever questioned it because when you say: "CIA", everybody used to look the other way. Not so much these days, though. Rogue spy operations and fake political "charities" (Like New America Foundation) are the so-called "Deep State". Greylock, Kleiner, Draper, etc.; don't get to do that anymore!

Do your own forensics and don't be suckered by hired actor Senators. They, and their families, own the companies that profit from these MANUFACTURED ISSUES! Vote them out and bankrupt the companies they own the dirty stocks in!

In one example of the depths to which these criminals stoop: After enduring Fusion GPS and Black Cube-type "hit-job" attacks (as described in Ronan Farrow's book: "CATCH AND KILL") and anti-trust violating measures by the tech oligarchs (As shown in the feature film: "THE CURRENT WAR" and the 60 Minutes segments called: "CONGRESS TRADING ON INSIDER INFORMATION" and "THE CLEANTECH CRASH"), the victims said "enough is enough..."

With an idea suggested to the victims by the members of Congress, the victims, essentially; helped the United States government "sue itself"! With encouragement from Congressional staff, they undertook a multi-million dollar, decade-long, epic series of public-interest, anti-corruption lawsuits. The effort was financed by public-interest grants and supported by White House lawyers, Congress and community organizations as an anti-corruption project.

First, with a unique new kind of pioneering federal lawsuit, victims established, in federal court, — FOR THE FIRST TIME IN LEGAL HISTORY — that political cronyism is a valid basis for a claim of arbitrary-and-capricious agency action under the Administrative Procedure Act. See: Federal Case One, (D.D.C. 2015). The victims created new federal law around this.

Second, they prevailed in the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit on their appeal of the district court’s ruling that an agency may escape judicial review of its action by requesting a voluntary remand but refusing to reconsider its initial denial of an application. See: Case Federal Two, (D.C. Cir. 2017). The Washington DC Circuit agreed with the victims that an agency may only seek a remand if it promises to reconsider its initial decision. It is because of that victory that the government, under court order is now re-doing the victims applications and GAO, FBI, IG's and Congressional oversight offices are watching to assure effective ethics and transparency.

Third, these cases placed, on permanent public record, one of the most detailed documentation sets, ever assembled, about how modern political West Coast "Dark Money" conduits operate. The legal team hired ex-FBI, CIA and SEC experts to track down covert bank accounts, revolving door bribes, insider stock trades and other payola between the victim's competitors and public officials. This documentation now prevents the use of those kinds of criminal efforts, in the future, by exposing the oligarchs tactics to the public.

Fourth, the victim's team engaged in the interdiction and termination of corrupt agency executives, contractors and their financiers. This included some of the most well-known names in Washington, DC, at the time. Many of them were, and are still being, investigated and surveilled by the FBI, GAO, SEC and Congress. In the course of this case, victims campaigned for the new law called THE AMERICAN JOBS ACT which created the first SEC approval of legal "Crowd-Funding", which allowed start-ups to get funding without going through the Palo Alto "Vulture Capitalists". Eric Holder was the top attorney on the federal side. He was terminated mid-case. Secretary of Energy Steven Chu was sued personally in this case and quit. Rogue CIA outfit: In-Q-Tel, (financiers and technology suppliers to Facebook and Google), were sued and a federal audit of their status was filed for with Congress and they were forced to close their Silicon Valley office. The FBI is still investigating them.

Fifth, and most important, the effort put every corrupt political scheme on notice that they WILL be found out and interdicted!

So what is the status of this legal venture?: The victims group WON on every single aspect of their public-interest litigation goals EXCEPT they STILL have yet to be recompensed for their damages! They continue to fight for their damages compensation from State and Federal ahencies.


This is about a group of U.S. Senators, Silicon Valley Oligarchs and crooked lobbyists who commit crimes in order to manipulate over a trillion State and federal tax dollars into their, and their friends, pockets. They trade bribes in the form of: Billions of dollars of Google, Twitter, Facebook, Tesla, Netflix and Sony Pictures stock and stock warrants which is never reported to the FEC; Billions of dollars of Google, Twitter, Facebook, Tesla, Netflix and Sony Pictures search engine rigging and shadow-banning which is never reported to the FEC; Free rent; Rare-Earth mining rights; Male and female prostitutes; Cars; Dinners; Party Financing; Sports Event Tickets; Political campaign printing and mailing services "Donations"; Secret PAC Financing; Jobs in Corporations in Silicon Valley; "Consulting" contracts from McKinsey as fronted pay-off gigs; Overpriced "Speaking Engagements" which are really just pay-offs conduited for donors; Gallery art; Private jet rides and the use of Government fuel depots (ie: Google handed out NASA jet fuel to staff); Recreational drugs; Real Estate; Fake mortgages; The use of Cayman, Boca Des Tores, Swiss and related money-laundering accounts; The use of HSBC, Wells Fargo, Goldman Sachs and Deustche Bank money laundering accounts and covert stock accounts; Free spam and bulk mailing services owned by Silicon Valley corporations; Use of high tech law firms such as Perkins Coie, Wilson Sonsini, MoFo, Covington & Burling, etc. to conduit bribes to officials; and other means now documented by us, The FBI, the FTC, The SEC, The FEC and journalists.

They use digital media monopoly tricks to try to shut out any other viewpoints. They push issues that they believe will get more tax money allocated to "issue solutions" that they, and their friends, happen to already own the business monopolies for. They are felons yet they control some of the offices of the agencies who are supposed to arrest them. Silicon Valley bought K Street lobby firms and U.S. Senators, gave them more Dark Money than history has ever seen and then had giant tech-law firms bribe, hit-job and blockade any attempts to arrest them.

You can verify the facts yourself in the federal court records of this, and related cases, and in the hundreds of thousands of confirmed-evidence documents at hundreds of thousands of online "dead man switch" self-replicating transparency repositories, around the globe, on the web.




The following information is from main-stream news outlets corroborated by teams of thousands of researchers, FBI reports and published court records:

meet the deep state







(Updated Daily On A Crowd-Sourced Basis)

You may have heard about the sex scandals, tax evasion charges, stock market rigging, anti-trust violating rackets, election news shadow-banning, political bribes and vast numbers of other crimes that Jeffrey Epstein, Elon Musk, Larry Page, John Podesta, Reid Hoffman, Vinod Khosla, David Plouffe, Steve Jurvetson, Ed Buck, Tim Draper, George Soros, Jared Cohen, Steve Spinner, David Drummond, Eric Schmidt, Steve Westly, John Doerr and their associates engaged in. "Imagine 300 Harvey Weinstein's and Jeffrey Epstein's! That is The Silicon Valley Mob!"

Most of the Silicon Valley tech oligarchs and Palo Alto Sandhill Road insiders are: paying bribes to senators and other politicians; sex trafficking; extorting interns; cheating on personal and company taxes, cheating on wives and girlfriends; addicted to drugs and alcohol; beholden to a homo-erotic bromance frat house rape-culture; violating anti-trust laws, black-listing those they do not like "the look of"; racists; misogynists; hiring character assassins and defamation bloggers to attack others; manipulating elections; abusing the private data of the public; sociopaths and a narcissists; sabotaging and spying on his competitors and, generally, elitist criminals.

We have seen, for decades, a loose culture that has enabled white-collar criminals to inflict great damage on the American people and get away with it. Yes, there are exceptions. Going back two decades, the massive accounting scandal at Enron resulted in felony convictions of Kenneth Lay and Jeff Skilling. Lay died before he could be sentenced, but Skilling spent 12 years behind bars. Bernie Ebbers is still in prison for his role in the collapse of telecom giant WorldCom. And, in 2009, Bernie Madoff got a 150-year sentence for the massive Ponzi scheme he’d orchestrated over many years.

But that’s just four people. You know how many people (in this country) went to jail over the near-collapse of the U.S. economy between 2007-09? One. Former Credit Suisse trader Kareem Serageldin got 30 months for artificially inflating the price of subprime mortgages, a financial product at the very heart of the Wall Street collapse.

A judge called Serageldin’s conduct “a small piece of an overall evil climate within the bank and with many other banks.” And yet no one from any other bank or mortgage company that melted down — including Lehman Brothers, Washington Mutual, AIG, IndyMac and Countrywide, to name but a few — ever went to prison for that “evil.” No one. In 2012, the Treasury Department estimated the total lost household wealth at $19.2 trillion.

Prosecution of white-collar crime has been falling for years. Susan Long of Syracuse University, who tracks this, says the drop began during the presidency of Barack Obama (officials are criticized as having believed that executives at big banks were simply “too big to jail”) and has continued on Trump’s watch. “This year, federal prosecutors are on track to bring the fewest number of white-collar criminal cases this year in at least 33 years,” the Syracuse professor, an inductee of the National Freedom of Information Act Hall of Fame, tells me, citing government records.

Perhaps this means financial executives are better behaved? Human nature and greed being what they are makes this unlikely: “I think there’s tons more offenses out there than are being prosecuted,” Long says, adding that there are “more crimes out there than there are prosecutors to look into them.” California Senators and Sacramento stooges run rampant in white-collar crime efforts!

You may have seen photo's like this where they "pretend" to be murdering Chicago gangsters and refer to themselves as a "Mafia":


In their own emails, texts and recordings they refer to collusion, conspiracy and organized crime activities which they plan, among each other, using their K Street lobby offices, Goldman Sachs bundlers and crooked high tech mega law firms to carry out the dirty work, bribes, sex cult/trafficking and black-lists. They are more than collegiate frat house rape-culture residue. They are mobsters in khaki pants. They are sick, sociopath, criminals! They were not just pretending, they were, and are, doing the crimes! These mobsters owned, controlled, staffed, insider-traded, reviewed and directed the U.S. Department of Energy, The California AG, Controller and Governor's office, The EPA, DOJ and other government agencies

If you created a business model and launched it into the market first BUT you don’t go to the Silicon Valley cartel’s frat boy parties, sex trafficking dealers, drug dealers, frat houses, bribery lobbyists, corrupt politicians or men’s clubs, you get black-listed, ostracized, hit-jobbed, attacked, crony blockaded, spied on and IP copied.

The FBI, SEC, FEC, FTC and DOJ should indict them but these sociopath, sex-trafficking, frat boys pay epic bribes to top agency officials in order to avoid prosecution!

These self-aggrandizing, arrogant, elitist, narcissist, TED-addicted, douche-bags are the bane of the world! They must be totally exposed, doxed and indicted!

These are some of the people that conspire; via law firms, lobbyists and Black Cube/Fusion GPS-type operatives, to violate Democracy for their own egotistical perversions. They are enabled by the bubble-like echo-chamber which they create around themselves and their massive wind-fall profits produced by their collusion.

They rationalize their actions by a self-delusional belief in a "greater good" that their investment bankers whisper in their ears. These people have vast multi-million dollar personal PR and hype machine advertising services which have been hired, by each, to promote their image as "tech Jesus's". While each presents a smiley TED-Hype public face, they are funding and directing political attackers, defamation services, Gawker/Gizmodo/Fusion GPS attacks on competitors, character assassinations and other black-tech crimes. Behind the scenes, their deeds are dark and covert

Why won't federal law enforcement arrest them? Because they own people like James Comey, Eric Holder and the top bosses IN THE GOVERNMENT!


Revealed: Corrupt US senators Feinstein, Reid, Pelosi, Harris invest in their friends tech firms that they are supposed to regulate and sabotage their constituent competitors using taxpayer resources!

- FEINSTEIN, REID, PELOSI, HARRIS sabotaged their constituents: ZAP Motors, Aptera, XP, Limnia, Groupon, BizRate and others in order to protect their stock in YouTube, Alphabet, Tesla, Solyndra and other crony insiders! STATE and FEDERAL AGENCY bosses, who also owned the stock in these companies, helped them do it. Federal bosses Steven Chu, Michelle Lee, Steven Rattner were massive stock manipulators and insider trading operators!

- Greedy bitch politicians even hired Fusion GPS, Black Cube and Gawker/Gizmodo Media to run character assassination attacks on their business competitors!


- When Feinstein tells Perkins Coie or Covington to "Kill Them"...How far will those crooked contractors go?

Analysis of financial disclosure data shows 51 senators and their spouses have as much as $96m invested in corporate stocks

As they set national policy on important issues such as climate change, tech monopolies, medical debt and income inequality, US senators have glaring conflicts of interest, an investigation by news website Sludge and the Guardian can reveal. An analysis of personal financial disclosure data as of 16 August has found that 51 senators and their spouses have as much as $96m personally invested in corporate stocks in five key sectors: communications/electronics; defense; energy and natural resources; finance, insurance and real estate; and health.

The majority of these stocks come from public companies, and some are private.

Overall, the senators are invested in 338 companies – including tech firms such as Apple and Microsoft, oil and gas giants including ExxonMobil and Antero Midstream, telecom companies including Verizon, and major defense contractors such as Boeing – in the five sectors as categorized by Sludge.Congressional financial disclosures present investments in dollar ranges, not exact amounts, so all data in this report comes in ranges, some very wide. The median stock investment range in the five sectors for the 51 senators is between $100,000 and $365,000, while the average range of the investments is between $551,000 and nearly $1,874,000.

Not only are the senators far wealthier than most of their constituents, but they’re in a prime position to increase their wealth via policymaking.

It’s not illegal for members of Congress to have personal financial stakes in the industries on which they legislate. But such investments raise questions about lawmakers’ motivations. If a representative on the House financial services committee owns hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of stock in Bank of America, how might this investment affect their questioning of Bank of America’s CEO in a hearing? Could it influence how they legislate and vote on banking issues?

While some members of Congress do try to limit possible conflicts of interest others claim their personal finances could never influence their conduct as elected representatives of the people, or fail to acknowledge concerns about their finances.

Senator Joe Manchin, the ranking member on the Senate energy and natural resources committee, owns between $1m and $5m worth of non-public stock in his family coal business, Enersystems, making him the only Democratic senator who is directly profiting from the environmentally devastating coal business.

Despite pressure from the left, the Senate minority leader, Chuck Schumer, made Manchin the ranking member of the committee, and Manchin did not divest his coal holdings.

Some senators want to do away with these perceived conflicts of interest. Senator Elizabeth Warren introduced anti-corruption legislation in August 2018 that included a ban on members of Congress, senior congressional staff, cabinet secretaries, White House staff, federal judges and other officials from owning individual stocks, bonds, commodities, futures and other types of securities while in office.

The senators Sherrod Brown and Jeff Merkley introduced the Ban Conflicted Trading Act in December to prevent members of Congress and senior staff from trading individual corporate stocks.

Financial firms lead the way

Senators own between $28.1m and $95.6m worth of stock in the five sectors examined by Sludge and the Guardian. They have the most money invested in the finance, insurance and real estate sector due in part to the Republican senator John Hoeven’s investment in Westbrand, Inc, a private holding company that owns multiple banks, worth between roughly $5m and $25m.

Altogether, 37 senators and their spouses own between $12.8m and $48.2m worth of stock in the finance, insurance and real estate sector. They have the most money invested in the commercial banking industry, between $8.3m and $32.9m.

Senator Richard Shelby, a Republican member of the Senate banking, housing and urban affairs committee, owns between $1m and $5m worth of stock in private real estate insurance firm Tuscaloosa Title Company. Shelby sits on the housing, transportation and community development subcommittee, which has jurisdiction over the US Department of Housing and Urban Development, affordable housing, foreclosure mitigation and other housing matters, and the securities, insurance and investment subcommittee, which oversees the insurance industry.

The same phenomenon of senators owning stock in industries they oversee exists in many other Senate committees.

Senators have between $8.3m and $22m invested in the communications and electronics sector, including up to $4.2m in internet companies and as much as $4.1m in computer software businesses. Senator Shelley Moore Capito, a member of the commerce, science, and transportation committee’s subcommittee on communications, technology, innovation and the internet and the subcommittee on manufacturing, trade and consumer protection, owns between $53,000 and $194,000 worth of Microsoft stock, as much as $99,000 of Intel stock and up to $30,000 each in AT&T and Verizon stock.

Senator Jacky Rosen, who is also on both subcommittees, owns between $310,000 and $1m worth of communications and electronics stock. Her largest potential investments are as much as $265,000 in Amazon, up to $115,000 in AT&T and $100,000 in software company Adobe.

Energy and natural resources companies come up frequently in the senators’ investments; members own between $3.5m and $13.9m in stocks in this sector. As the world hurtles towards a potential climate catastrophe by 2030, senators own as much as $6.1m worth of stock in oil and gas companies. In addition, members have between $1.1m and $2.8m invested in electric and natural gas utilities stocks.

Tech stocks are most popular

While the financial sector has drawn the most investment dollars from senators, stocks in the internet and computer software and hardware industries are the most popular.

Fifteen senators own stock in Apple and in Microsoft; eleven are invested in Amazon and in Intel, and 10 own stock in Google’s parent company, Alphabet.

Republicans tend to be more eager to invest in corporate stocks; of the 25 most popular public stocks, Democrats invested outnumber Republicans in only three companies: General Electric, MetLife, and Pfizer. (General Electric is classified in the energy and natural resources sector for this report, due to its energy subsidiary, GE Power, which operates an oilfield services division.)

Overall, Republican senators own more in stock investments – between $18.8m and $63.7m – than Democrats, whose stock ownership is worth roughly half of that range, between $9.3m and $31.6m.

Aside from the Wireless Telecom Group, in which Senator Rick Scott of Florida has as much as $3m invested, the top public stocks by investment amount are Apple (between $798,000 and $2.2m), Microsoft ($588,000 to $2.2m), and Alphabet ($577,000 to $1.8m). Ownership in Amazon, which is vying for a $10bn defense contract, is not far behind at between $423,000 and $1.3m.

Wells Fargo, the financial giant that has paid numerous fines for its frequently fraudulent practices, is the bank that has attracted the most investment dollars from senators: as much as $1.5m. Also among the top stocks are telecom companies Crown Castle International ($385,000 to $1.2m), Verizon ($407,000 to $1m), and AT&T ($250,000 to $925,000).

Breaking down the Senators’ wealth

Because of Hoeven’s big investment in Westbrand Bank Holding Company, he has by far the most money in corporate stocks from the five sectors analyzed by Sludge and the Guardian.

In terms of total stock ownership in the five sectors, Senator Dianne Feinstein, who along with husband Richard Blum, an investment banker, is second, with up to $7m invested in the five sectors. Blum’s purchase of as much as $250,000 worth of Facebook stock three months before his wife questioned the Facebook CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, came under scrutiny after Sludge reported the trade. He has since sold off the stock, but the couple still owns up to $3.3m worth of communications and electronics sector stock, which is heavily represented their state of California, including between $150,001 and $650,000 invested in Alphabet.

Feinstein is followed by Senator David Perdue, who owns as much as $6.4m invested. In addition to his considerable financial sector stock, the former Dollar General CEO has stock holdings worth as much as $2.8m in the energy and natural resources sector and up to $2m in the communications and electronics sector.


This article was produced in partnership with Sludge, an investigative news website focused on money in politics. Sludge is funded by donations from its readers and supporters.

The Silicon Valley Illuminati Use Gawker Media, Gizmodo Media and Jalopnik To Character Assassinate Business Enemies And Political Adversaries In The Most Evil Manners Possible

Journalism has taken quite a beating since the turn of the century. This is true on the business side of the equation and regarding its reputation as a non-biased source of information. The adversarial relationship between the president and the Fourth Estate has not dissipated since Donald J. Trump was sworn in on Jan. 20, 2017. And a good argument could be made that it’s gotten even more ugly in the public square. This war of words has turned into an all-out frontal assault on those the legacy press perceives as its enemy: the political right. So, it’s worth checking in on the state of the battle. Who’s winning? Who’s losing? And perhaps more significantly: How effectively is the war being waged?

The Bloody Inkwell

It’s not difficult to determine who is being targeted. The legacy press has set its sights on the right, but within that category the Illuminati are gunning for three types of adversaries: well-known conservative individuals, large and small organizations, and public citizens. As for the how, the big-city scribes have chosen the sniper attack as their primary operational-tactical strategy. That is, establish a cover position, lie in wait, and pick off the enemy one by one.

Historically, the chief business of newspapers and television networks has been the peddling of information. Now that the media elites are locked in a battle for their very existence, their raison d’être has morphed into political advocacy. Trafficking in defamation, innuendo, half-truths, and more, the Fourth Estate has been working overtime to slay those it perceives to be the lurking conservative beasts. This poison-pen approach has resulted in nothing less than a toxic political atmosphere where all bets are off. And frankly, it’s getting bloody out there.

Here are but a few illustrations:

Number 1. The Well-known Individual: The recent New York Times allegations against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh are a prime example. Guns ablaze, the Old Grey Lady published an article regarding an allegation of sexual misconduct that is not new. It’s been reported the FBI may have known about it, but with a victim who was not prepared to go on the record, nothing came of it. And why should it? The “victim” says she doesn’t even remember the “sexual advance” by Kavanaugh involving his male anatomy. A fact omitted, incredibly, by The Times.

But that didn’t stop the NYT from igniting a media frenzy with innuendo and scurrilous defamatory accusations. “This is just one more nail in the coffin of The Grey Lady’s credibility,” wrote Liberty Nation’s chief political correspondent Graham Noble. “It also exposes this new assault on Kavanaugh for what it is: a politically motivated smear, the ultimate aim of which is to prevent the Supreme Court issuing opinions influenced by conservative or originalist thought – particularly on the subject of abortion.”

Kavanaugh is merely one of many well-known individuals who have been targeted by the Fourth Estate. Advocacy journalism was responsible for Stephen Moore stepping down from a nomination to the Federal Reserve Board. Moore went on Liberty Nation Radio and said his wife and family couldn’t take the barrage of negative stories about him day after day for things he posted on social media in jest.

Then there’s former Secretary of Labor Alexander Acosta, who was chased off after the media transferred responsibility for the Jeffrey Epstein affair to him. And although it went unsaid, one must figure that a big part of former Press Secretary Sarah Sanders’ resignation — following media hounding of her family in public places — was prompted by incessant political attacks from a vicious and rancorous media. And there are oh so many more.

Number 2. Small Groups: Is there anyone out there who remembers the IRS scandal under the venomous talons of Lois Lerner? The scheme targeted the 501(c)3 tax-exempt status of small groups. As reported previously by Liberty Nation, “These fledgling organizations were essentially put through a bureaucratic wringer that included ‘long delays in getting approvals, and some faced the same kinds of intrusive questions about donors, personal beliefs and even their activities at their unrelated jobs.’” Initially ignored by the media elites, this scandal succeeded in shutting down hundreds of conservative voices – including LN’s parent organization – until the revolting practice bubbled to the surface in a class-action suit filed – and ultimately won – by the persecuted. What was the legacy media’s role in all this? It was two-pronged: disregard and deny.

Not giving this scandal the requisite ink such an atrocity deserved wasn’t enough. Next came the effort to deny the existence of the targeting altogether. Newsweek, for instance, republished an article titled “Remember the IRS Scandal? It Was Fake News All Along.” While the big publishers and networks weren’t behind this misconduct by Lerner and her henchmen, they certainly didn’t bring their power and influence to bear in helping correct it. In the words of the brilliant legal mind of Alan Shore from Boston Legal, “All it takes for evil to succeed is for good people to say, ‘It’s a business.’” Circulation, ratings, numbers are the name of the game.

Number 3. We, the People: A popular meme shows President Trump pointing his finger like Uncle Sam and saying, “In reality, they’re not after me. They’re after you. I’m just in the way.” Perhaps the reason for its popularity is that there is some truth to it.

All those deplorable hillbillies out there in fly-over country are fair game for the big-city news outlets. Some may remember an article published by a member of the well-dressed elite media.  Vogue printed an article attacking white women who voted for Trump. “As sure as black women have proven themselves to be the often-underappreciated backbone of the Democratic party, white women voters are establishing themselves as maddeningly, confusingly … unsisterly.” Without a doubt, those white female Trump voters took a nasty public beating for quite a while.

Much like in the IRS scandal, the advocacy media used tactics attacking those with whom they politically disagreed and then denied the existence of the underlying story altogether. In October 2018, Time magazine published an article titled “Donald Trump Didn’t Really Win 52% of White Women in 2016.”


A Venomous Revolution

An information revolution is without a doubt underway, and those in the press who were the sovereign lords for so long see their influence slipping away like sand through an hourglass. In their desperation, they use every unscrupulous means possible to take down their conservative adversaries. Left in the wake of this conflict are conservative individuals, organizations, and average citizens, the casualties left to lie in a pool of disparagement, insinuation, implication, allegation, and innuendo.

How much longer will this last?  That, dear readers, may depend upon whether the American people buy what the legacy media sell. Perhaps the American elite press is putting all its money on the words of one of its most illustrious scribes. It was H.L. Mencken who said, “Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public.”  Or just maybe the final act in this war room will be the words of Anonymous: “Sometimes, it’s best to sit back, let someone underestimate your intelligence, and watch them hang themselves.”

At one time these men owned the U.S. White House, their associates and employees staffed it and history has proven that 100% of federal policies at the time benefited their stock holdings and harmed their competitors, almost exclusively. It was Tammany Hall on an epic scale. Gary D. Conley, Seth Rich, Rajeev Motwani, Tom Perkins, and hundreds of others knew their secrets and turned up dead.

Dozens of rich and influential tech men surrounded Jeffrey Epstein. They knew that what they were doing was wrong. That's why they were so secretive about it.

Driving the news: In the aftermath of a blockbuster report from The New Yorker's Ronan Farrow — which details that MIT Media Lab's director Joi Ito flew to Epstein's private island twice and accepted more than $8 million of donations from him — Ito resigned on Saturday from MIT Media Lab, left his board seat with the New York Times Company, and resigned from the MacArthur Foundation. This is only the beginning of the fall of EVERY one of these collusion-based crooks that manipulated our government and public decency.

Epstein's enablers flew on his jets and visited his island and did multi-million-dollar deals with him even after he was convicted and jailed on a charge of soliciting underage girls for prostitution. Now they are starting to be held to account for their complicity.

None of these men are giving straight answers to questions about their involvement with Epstein. Black and Gates, in particular, are not explaining why they gave millions of dollars to the Media Lab in secret, with Epstein claiming full credit for those donations.

The bottom line: Epstein abused children, ruining dozens or even hundreds of lives while consorting merrily with his plutocratic friends. Those friends might have looked the other way at the time, but now — finally — they're beginning to be held accountable. They will be ground into the dirt for their crimes against children and the public, in general!





Here, below, are hundreds of thousands of pages of proof and hundreds of hours of video showing the indisputable facts. So far, almost every politician that has said that these crimes "did not happen" has turned out to be participatory in the crimes and reaping profits from the corruption in the crimes. The politicians and their campaign financiers are mercenary pigs who use spying, privacy abuse, stock market rigging and information manipulation to abuse the public that they care nothing about. You, the voters, are just meat for their digital data factories. They must be exposed, charged and bankrupted by revealing all of the covert tricks of their crooked law firms, lobbyists and hit-job media assassins.

The Silicon Valley oligarch's have based their power on their sick fantasy that they can spy on the public, manipulate elections and freely engage in sexual perversions without consequences. They are wrong!

Federal Judge: Facebook’s View on Privacy Is ‘So Wrong’ As Facebook Shown To Be Giving Voter Data To Political Party Bosses, Just Like Google Does!

These facts have been proven in court, Congressional hearings, FBI, EU and FTC reports.

Google now the target of over 50 massive new U.S. antitrust and corruption probes initiated by our whistle-blower group

- Google lies to the public and to federal regulators about what it is actually doing

- Google uses a corporate cell-structure in-house system, just like a terrorist group, to keep Google executives insulated from disclosure, lawsuits, sex charges, tax evasion discoveries, real estate scams and other illicit deeds

- Google paints a crunchy granola facade image of "helping the world" when, in actuality, all it does is abuse the public and destroy competitors using spy-craft anti-trust methodologies

- Google does not just control Google properties, it controls the entire internet and Google decides what is seen on the whole web, and what is hidden, based on it's executives peccadilloes

by Reuters

Our team is directly providing evidence to the FBI, FTC, SEC and more than 30 U.S. state attorneys general who are readying an investigation into Alphabet Inc's Google for potential antitrust violations, a source knowledgeable about the probe said.

Our campaign to expose the Silicon Valley Cartel's crimes, particularly those of Google, are showing fruition. We have been delivering hundreds of thousands of pages of evidence proving that Google bribes politicians, shadow-bans the news, rigs elections, runs sex trafficking executive rings, tax evades, spies on the public, attacks competitors and other crimes.

Texas leads the group of 30-plus attorneys general, which plans to announce the probe on Sept. 9, the source said.

Google said that it was cooperating with the state officials.

"We continue to work constructively with regulators, including attorneys general, in answering questions about our business and the dynamic technology sector," Google representative Jose Castaneda said.

The probe is focused on the intersection of privacy and antitrust, according to the source, who did not elaborate.

Ken Paxton, the Texas attorney general, filed comments along with 42 other state officials in June that urged the Federal Trade Commission to focus on privacy and data collection in investigating potential violations of antitrust law.

In the comment, the state officials argued that the big tech firms have so much user data that it is hard for newcomers to compete.

Another Texas official, Assistant Attorney General Jeff Mateer, alleged in an FTC hearing in June that Google and other big tech companies were misleading in representing themselves as neutral, citing Google's balking at carrying an ad about "what it means to be an American, the Texas attorney general's office said in a statement in June. Google eventually relented on the ad, the statement said.

The tech giants, among the richest and most powerful companies in the world, are facing increasing antitrust scrutiny from Congress, federal agencies and now state attorneys general.

The Justice Department said in July that it was opening a broad investigation of major digital technology firms, focusing on whether they engage in anti-competitive practices. The investigation is believed to be aimed at Google, Inc and Facebook Inc, and potentially Apple Inc .

Separately, the Federal Trade Commission, which also enforces antitrust law, is also probing Amazon and Facebook to determine if they abused their massive market power in retail and social media, respectively.

The Washington Post was the first to report the development on Tuesday.

(Reporting by Diane Bartz in Washington and Ayanti Bera in Bengaluru; Additional reporting by David Shepardson in Washington; Editing by Shailesh Kuber and Lisa Shumaker)

Corporate fake news networks and collusion-based law enforcement insiders stonewall our case. We are the public and we will NEVER give up, though. We demand that the U.S. Government provide our justice and our damages payments!

We discovered that most politicians, particularly those in California, are hired 'actors' covertly working for corporations and billionaire sociopaths. They have few skills aside from feigning interest and glad-handing. Their campaign managers are primarily criminal-type people whose job it is to rig the hidden political payola and take the fall. They will lie and embezzle as much cash as possible, via government agency "slush-funds", as covertly as possible. The motto of the campaign manager is to "lie and win and pay for the crime after you get control of the office". They hide their crimes with plausible deniability and financial records manipulation. Politicians get paid an average of $150K per year in salary and $50M+ in bribes.

Jeffrey Epstein was a member of a cult of sociopath frat-boy business men addicted to political power and sexual deviancy.

In one example; Solyndra was a crony political payola operation led by Brian Harrison, a veteran of Intel Corporation. He took the reins on July 27, 2010, when founder Chris Gronet was replaced as CEO.[13] Major investors included the "Tech Mafia" of  George Kaiser Family Foundation, U.S. Venture Partners, CMEA Ventures, Redpoint Ventures, Virgin Green Fund, Madrone Capital Partners, RockPort Capital Partners, Argonaut Private Equity, Masdar and Artis Capital Management.[14]

These people, and these kinds of operations, typify the extremist, sociopath, sex-addicted cult of the high tech political power mongers who live by bribery and crony payola. They are ALL connected. Why was Elon Musk involved with all of these people? Why were these men so driven to manipulate elections and public news media? The premise of their cult reveals the truth about who, and what, they are!

Solyndra received a $535 million U.S. Department of Energy loan guarantee, the first recipient of a loan guarantee under President Barack Obama's economic stimulus program, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. However, Solyndra officials used inaccurate which White House staff knew of, to help mislead the public in its application.[16] The overall loan program took a $528 million loss from Solyndra.[17][18] Additionally, Solyndra received a $25.1 million tax break from California's Alternative Energy and Advanced Transportation Financing Authority.[19] Solyndra was not a unique case for the U.S. Department of Energy because Tesla also got a cash give-away from insider friends.[20] 

Following the bankruptcy, the government was expected to recoup $27 million under the Solyndra restructuring plan, or up to 100% of loaned funds from a $1.5 billion lawsuit filed against Chinese solar-panel makers for alleged price fixing.[2] The outcomes of the lawsuits were that, in November 2015, Yingli Green Energy Holding Co Ltd. settled a claim filed by Solyndra for $7.5 million, and in April 2016 Trina Solar Ltd. settled a claim filed by Solyndra for $45 million. In June 2016 a Stipulation Of Dismissal was filed jointly between Solyndra and Suntech Power Holdings Co Ltd. and later signed by Hon. Saundra B. Armstrong on November 30, 2017 .[21]

On November 3, 2010, Solyndra said it would lay off employees and not renew contracts for workers .[22]

Solyndra facility in Fremont with a "For Sale" sign in September 2012. Seagate purchased the facility in 2013.

On August 31, 2011, Solyndra announced it was filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection, laying off 1,100 employees, and shutting down all operations and manufacturing.[26]

In September 2011 the company ceased all business activity, filed for bankruptcy under Chapter 11, Title 11 of the United States Bankruptcy Code, and laid off all employees.[2][3][27] The company was also sued by employees who were abruptly laid off.[28] Solyndra was raided by the FBI investigating the company.[29] Federal agents visited the homes of Brian Harrison, the company's CEO, and Chris Gronet, the company's founder, to examine computer files and documents.[30] Also, in September 2011, the US Department of the Treasury launched an investigation.[31] Bloomberg reported in 2011 that Solyndra's $733 million plant had whistling robots and spa showers, along with many other signs of extravagant spending.[32]

Also in 2011, a US Department of the Treasury official confirmed that the criminal probe of Solyndra was focused on whether the company and its officers misrepresented the firm's finances to the government in seeking the loan or engaged in accounting fraud.[33] Emails showed that the Obama administration had concerns about the legality of the Department of Energy's loan restructuring plan and warned OMB director Jeffrey D. Zients that the plan should be cleared with the Department of Justice first, which the Department of Energy had not done. The emails also revealed that, as early as August 2009, an aide to then-White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel had asked a Department of Energy official if he could discuss any concerns among the investment community about Solyndra but that the official dismissed the idea that Solyndra had financial problems.[34] The bankruptcy court approved the hiring of the chief restructuring officer Todd Neilson.[35] Rocket Renewables ( incorporated in Delaware[36] with Gronet as the President and CEO.[37] On May 20, 2013, Rocket Renewables filed for a corporation license in California.[38]

In 2012 a very small fraction of the glass tubes, which Solyndra had produced, became part of an art installation at the University of California Botanical Garden.[39] Also in 2012, the US Department of Justice objected to the bankruptcy plan amid allegations that "the plan's primary purpose is tax avoidance through the preservation of hundreds of millions of dollars of net operating losses (NOL) after reorganization".[40][41] Also, the successor company is named 360 Degree Solar Holdings, Inc., which would have control over "approximately US$350 million in tax attributes", such as NOL carryovers.[40] The case In re Solyndra LLC et al., No. 11-12799 (Bankr. D. Del.), discused tax avoidance. [27] "Solyndra's owners, Argonaut Ventures I LLC and Madrone Partners LP" will "realize the tax benefits of between $875 million and $975 million of net operating losses, while more senior creditors, including the Department of Energy, which provided a $535 million loan guarantee to Solyndra, will receive nearly nothing."[27]

In 2011 and 2012, during Obama's re-election campaign, the political advocacy group Americans for Prosperity spent $8.4 million in swing states on television advertisements denouncing the loan guarantee.[2] 

Tesla and Solyndra were neighbors, and had the same politicians (mostly Feinstein) who promoted the funding of each, blockaded their investors and owned stock in them and their suppliers and share the same investor stock pools.

In 2013, Elevated Design LLC filed as a domestic in California. Gronet became an officer of Elevated Design LLC. This filing was canceled sometime later.[44] The Contra Costa Times reported that Gronet was unlikely to face criminal charges in connection with Solyndra.[45] In August 2015, the Inspector General of the U.S. Energy Department put most of the blame for the incident on Solyndra.[46][47] On March 21, 2016, Gronet incorporated a company named 4th-Phase, Inc., doing business as 4th-Phase Washington, Inc., in Delaware.[48] Gronet also became an advisor to Global Water Innovations, Inc., which was founded in May 2016.[49]

Silicon Valley's JPMorgan and Goldman Sachs Rare Earth Metals Trading Desk is A Criminal Enterprise for Silicon Valley Oligarchs


Who would have thought that JPMorgan's precious metals trading desk is the functional equivalent of the mafia, and that its one-time leader, Blythe Masters, was the mafia's don? 

Well, almost everyone who didn't mind being designated a conspiracy theorist for years. And now comes vindication, because this has just been confirmed by the DOJ, which accused the PM trading desks at JPMorgan of being deeply involved in what prosecutors described as a "massive, multiyear scheme to manipulate the market for precious metals futures contracts and defraud market participants."

In an indictment unsealed on Monday morning, the DoJ charged Michael Nowak, a JPMorgan veteran and former head of its precious metals trading desk and Gregg Smith, another trader on JPM's metals desk, in the probe. (Blythe Masters was somehow omitted).

“Based on the fact that it was conduct that was widespread on the desk, it was engaged in in thousands of episodes over an eight-year period -- that it is precisely the kind of conduct that the RICO statute is meant to punish,” Assistant Attorney General Brian Benczkowski told reporters.

Here's where it gets extra interesting: according to Bloomberg, the unusually aggressive language language embraced by prosecutors reminds legal experts of indictments utilizing the RICO Act - a law allowing prosecutors to take down 'criminal enterprises' like the mafia by charging all members of the organization for any crimes committed by an individual on behalf of the organization.

Prosecutors charged the head of JP Morgan’s global metals trading operation and two other traders with "conspiracy to conduct the affairs of an enterprise involved in interstate or foreign commerce through a pattern of racketeering activity" - language that is typically used to describe a RICO charge.

This hints at the possibility of a deeper prosecution for JP Morgan. Already, 12 people have been charged in the precious metals market-rigging conspiracy.

"We’re going to follow the facts wherever they lead, whether it’s across desks here or at any other bank or upwards into the financial institution,” Benczkowski said.

It's unclear what the DoJ is planning, but they're clearly keeping their options open.

Circling back to the indictment, both Smith and Nowak were put on leave over the summer as the DoJ's investigation neared its conclusion.

A third trader named in the indictment, Christopher Jordan, traded precious metals at JPM until he left in December 2009. He later traded precious metals at two other banks, Credit Suisse and First New York.

In a press release accompanying the indictment, Assistant Attorney General accused all three men of scheming to manipulate the precious metals market while potentially harming their bank's clients.

"The defendants and others allegedly engaged in a massive, multiyear scheme to manipulate the market for precious metals futures contracts and defraud market participants," said Assistant Attorney General Brian A. Benczkowski. "These charges should leave no doubt that the Department is committed to prosecuting those who undermine the investing public’s trust in the integrity of our commodities markets."

William Sweeney, the Assistant Director in Charge of the FBI's New York Field Office, added that this manipulation likely impacted "correlated markets and the clients of the bank they represented." 

"Smith, Nowak, Jordan, and their co-conspirators allegedly engaged in a complex scheme to trade precious metals in a way that negatively affected the natural balance of supply-and-demand," said FBI Assistant Director in Charge William F. Sweeney Jr. of the FBI’s New York Field Office. "Not only did their alleged behavior affect the markets for precious metals, but also correlated markets and the clients of the bank they represented. For as long as we continue to see this type of illegal activity in the marketplace, we’ll remain dedicated to investigating and bringing to justice those who perpetrate these crimes."

According to Bloomberg, three other banks - Deutsche Bank, HSBC and UBS - agreed to pay $50 million (in total) to settle civil claims by the CFTC. Two former JPM employees who pleaded guilty and contributed evidence against their former colleagues that was used in the indictment.

"While at JPMorgan I was instructed by supervisors and more senior traders to trade in a certain fashion, namely to place orders that I intended to cancel before execution," said one former trader John Edmonds during an October 2018 hearing after pleading guilty to commodities fraud and conspiracy, BBG reports.

The behavior dates back more than 10 years to 2009, according to chat logs that were shown in the indictment. The conversations exposed in the chat logs show just how blatant the manipulation was, and how little the traders did to conceal it.

One of the traders who participated in the chat shown above was Christian Trunz, who traded precious metals at Bearn Stearns before joining JP Morgan after the crisis. He told a federal judge last month that this type of behavior was openly encouraged on JPM's trading desks for roughly a decade, and that other traders taught him how to do it. He pleaded guilty to federal fraud charges on Aug. 20, BBG reports.

Another trader said during a plea hearing that he was instructed to bid up the price of futures contracts by placing, then cancelling, bid orders (the literal definition of spoofing) that he never intended to fill.

"I was instructed that if a client wished to sell futures I should simultaneously place both bids and offers with the intent of canceling the bids prior to execution," Edmonds said during his plea hearing.

Edmonds said the purpose was to falsely transmit liquidity and price information in order to deceive other market participants about the supply and demand so they would trade against the orders that JPMorgan wanted to execute.

"We created market activity which artificially drove the sale price up and induced other market participants to purchase at an inflated price," he said. Edmonds entered into a cooperation agreement with the CFTC in July.

Since the crisis, regulators around the world have cracked down on manipulation in rates, forex and government bond markets, so it's not exactly a surprise that this type of behavior was also happening in precious metals. But the brazenness with which traders engaged in such manipulation suggests that they didn't know what they were doing was illegal or wrong, which, in at least some cases, is probably true.

The aggressiveness of this manipulation probe is notable given that the government has lost the last two manipulation cases in court. The DoJ is trying to show that it is “undeterred and are becoming more, not less, aggressive” in cracking down on market manipulation."

Read the full indictment below:

u.s. v. Smith - Indictment by Zerohedge on Scribd

Solyndra was a payola front to relay taxpayer cash back to Obama's campaign financiers in tribute for those financier's cash and in-kind services funding of the Obama political campaign! Tesla, Abound, Fisker and hundreds more were the same crooked deals!



We do not stand-by in the presence of evil!

"Every single person or company that has attacked us has ended up facing the "Hard D's", ie: Doxed, Destroyed, Dead, Denounced, Detained, and/or Destitute. If the FBI hasn't arrested, indicted or surveilled them, the FTC, SEC, EU, FEC, or other agencies, have dropped the hammer on them after our private investigators filed massive, detailed, reports and federal charges against them..."

- Carl Roberts

Join The Alliance


We were working with CEO Gary D. Conley at H2GO on a fuel storage cassette solid state hydrogen product that could change the global energy realm. Then suddenly Gary gets a bullet in the head behind Beale Air Force Base in Northern California and all 42+ of the video cameras from the freeway to that location, including the Air Force videos, suddenly are "not available". Some of his family and friends think it is darn suspicious. AG Kamala Harris refused to investigate it because it involved some of her financiers. Now, just as somebody starts blowing up the Middle East oil fields, H2GO announces this in partnership with Conley's competitor. The timing is perfect if you want to control the post-2020 global energy system and you are an evil Silicon Valley Oligarch. Who did this?:-

American Gary D. Conley, created H2Go in the USA but his efforts were terminated by a gunshot behind Beale Air Force Base in Northern California;  Now the technology has risen into the stratosphere!

H2GO Power has revealed it has completed the world’s first successful test flight of a 3D-printed hydrogen-powered drone with Ballard Power Systems, Inc.

Courtesy H2GO Power

The Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) pilot took place in Boston in late August as part of a partnership with Ballard Unmanned Systems Inc. – the UAV arm of Ballard Power Systems.

Headquartered in the UK, H2GO Power is developing and delivering solid-state hydrogen energy storage for zero-emission, reliable and safe power supply. The company’s drone application solution can increase the flight time of a drone’s battery by up to 90 minutes, compared with less than 25 minutes for typical Lithium-ion battery systems.

The advanced design allows for up to 15% of total drone weight reduction and volume control - achieved by the 3D printed lightweight metal - as well as creating internal structures that optimise heat management into and out of the power system. This enables UAVs to travel three to five times further and carry heavier payloads.

The pilot is a testament to the company’s unique, solid-state hydrogen storage technology which allows for clean, reliable and scalable energy storage for UAVs/ Drones as well as a wide range of commercial, industrial and residential applications including Plug & Play Storage Units, eVTOLs and commercial aircraft.

With extensive scope in its commercial application in the developing and developed world, H2GO Power’s energy solution can be used for the faster delivery of medicines, quicker deployment of critical equipment, residential delivery, agriculture and environment monitoring. Solid-state hydrogen storage innovation that operates at such low pressures (1% of the pressures demonstrated in similar applications) significantly removes safety concerns of compressed hydrogen use.

Commenting on the pilot flight, Dr Enass Abo-Hamed, founder and CEO of H2GO Power said: “This is a hugely exciting development for our unique technology and brings us a step closer to delivering clean and sustainable energy delivery. The successful pilot flight demonstrates an innovative solution for the future of drones and its multiple commercial applications. 

“With safety at the forefront of our decision-making process, our power system enables lightweight, scalable, clean energy storage that creates significant cost savings and is up to five times more efficient than existing alternatives.

“We’re excited that our solid-state hydrogen solution will unlock commercial opportunities through its efficiency and safety.”

Phil Robinson, Vice President and General Manager of Ballard Unmanned Systems, added: “We’re excited to work with the H2GO Power team to demonstrate its innovative technology in real-world flight. It is through partnerships like this that we will achieve our vision of delivering fuel cell power for a sustainable planet.”

Also see:

Why did Gary D. Conley, Seth Rich, Rajeev Motwani, 3 Tesla engineers, and many others, have to die to cover up the oligarchs energy and media control schemes?


Energy Sec Rick Perry expected to
resign over our letter... Developing...

Rick Perry
Secretary of Energy

United States Department of Energy

1000 Independence Ave., SW

Washington, DC 20585

July 29, 2019

Dear Rick:

What is the status of our case?

Here are the key reasons we think that The U.S. Department Of Energy ("DOE") is criminally corrupt and did violate our rights based on our actual experience with The Department, Congressional reports and law enforcement investigations:

- DOE solicited our involvement and asked us to invest our time, money, resources, technology and years of our brand value in their project, BUT, DOE bosses had already covertly hard-wired, insider-rigged, and locked-off the funds and directed them to our competitors (who DOE bosses owned stock in and later got jobs from). We were defrauded by DOE and federal executives. We are owed damages recovery.

- DOE executives said that they did not get direct orders from the White House or private White House financiers about who to fund and who to sabotage, but that turned out to be a lie, as proven by expert testimony.

- Every insider that DOE funded either failed as a brand or was proven to have been involved in corruption and payola, in historical retrospect.

- We were the ONLY applicant that refused to pay bribes, as proven by federal reports! We were asked to participate in these illicit schemes and we refused to engage in pay-to-play. In fact, we campaigned for, and created, laws to prevent this from happening again.

- The single largest set of failures of government funded projects, IN AMERICAN HISTORY, were the insiders that we told DOE not to fund because we knew they were staged to fail in order to produce: 1.) Windfall tax write-offs, 2.) Stock market pump-and-dump valuation skims 3.) Campaign money laundering 4.) Goldman Sachs services "fee" skims, 5.) Tech building real estate scams, 6.) Insider trading by U.S. Senators and their families... and other crimes. IN FACT, EVERY SINGLE one of the other companies was later found out to have profited in each of these illicit ways. History, corporate document leaks and FBI-class forensics prove this as inarguable fact!

- If none of these illicit things are crimes then we missed out on $22+ billion dollars of profits. If we had been allowed to operate our business without sabotage from DOE then we would have made, at least, $200+ million in legitimate profits. So we were defrauded out of, at least $200M and up to $22B. The numbers are proven by comps from other companies who got to sell what we made in the same time period because DOE acted as a gate-keeper and industry saboteur. Those comps will stand up in court.

- After DOE bosses realized we had our shit more together than the competitors and were first-in-line with submissions, DOE bosses illegally eliminated the "first come, first served" rule which the Section 136 rules say they can't do.

- Freedom of Information (FOIA) filings, that we generated, produced evidence emails, federal reports and government surveillance videos that proved every one of our assertions. Additionally, our friends worked at DOE and gave us whistle-blower tips.

- The U.S. Government offered the funding to EVERY American yet the only people who got the funding were 47 men who lived 20 minutes from each other and who partied at each other's homes and who IRONICALLY had financed the political campaigns of the top government executives. When you map out the final beneficiaries on a database like XKEYSCORE, Palantir, or related financial crimes computerized AI analysis; it is quite clear that the entire DOE funding program was created by, and only benefited, a handful of men who were all connected previous to the application announcement.

- Our group hand-delivered the largest set of customer letters of support (from Americans) to the U.S. Congress and the Department of Energy HQ. We delivered more letters of support, from customers who wanted to buy our products, than EVERY OTHER APPLICANT COMBINED. Yet we were stone-walled because our products were more in demand than the products that DOE funded and that DOE executives owned stock market stock in.

- Kleiner, Greylock and other competitors stuck moles in our operation but we used them against the people that sent them and filed FBI, GAO, SEC, DOJ, FTC and other charges against them.

- Federal investigators, our private investigators and the news media, have yet to find a single person that DOE had "reviewing applications" who was not getting paid bribes or stock holdings by our competitors.

- Our products beat EVERY other Applicant and Awardee on: 1.) Price, 2.) Value, 3.) Manufacturing cost, 4.) Debt ratio, 5.) MPG, 6.) No foreign outsourced jobs, 7.) No bribes paid... and hundreds of other metrics. Yet we were stone-walled because our products were more in demand than the products that DOE funded and that DOE executives owned stock market stock in.

- DOE bosses demanded unfair cash payments from us, then some DOE bosses waived those fees, then other DOE bosses LIED about confirming the funds, when we got the funds from outside investors, DOE bosses refused to take the money until after the deadline had passed in a classic stone-wall procedure in order to try to cut us out of the program. This was one of many violations of anti-trust laws.

- DOE stone-walled our follow-up reviews for nearly a decade in order to punish us for reporting them for crimes and for helping law enforcement investigate them.

- DOE staff "Lois Lerner'd" our paperwork and manipulated the context and semantics of our application documents and refused to take our calls to clarify issues. One of their negative staff DOE comments was that our electric vehicle product was "not using enough gasoline". Another DOE staff comment was that our product was not expensive enough. DOE staff outright lied about submission data that our team, (hundreds of the top engineers from Detroit who had been laid off in The Crash), had carefully calculated. DOE did not want to know the truth. DOE couldn't handle the truth. DOE only wanted to manipulate data interpretations to protect their buddies and sabotage the competitors of the companies they held stock, assets and future job promises from.

- If you think these charges sound harsh or are just "sour grapes", read the testimony of the hundreds of other applicants that DOE scumbags did the same thing too. DOE staff only exist to protect their corrupt stock holdings in Tesla, Solyndra and Google and to operate as the dogs-on-a-leash for K Street lobbyists paid for by Tesla, Solyndra and Google!

- DOE officials had direct profits, "job" payola promises, stock holdings and relations with Google/YouTube/Netflix/Facebook/Tesla/Solyndra. They had the Deep State Silicon Valley media cartel only promote their friend's companies and hide all press releases about competitors to their special interests. They produced hit-job movies and articles which Google/YouTube/Facebook (known in the news media as
"The Deep State") locked into the top results of their search engines globally, against DOE staff competitors. An impossible feat unless Google/YouTube/Facebook executives did so manually. A comparative search for "Tesla Motors" from 2005 to 2019 and all Tesla competitors, across all search engines, per data archives, proves this to be true and is jury trial ready for confirmation. While the public, in 2009, may not have believed such massive web information manipulation was possible, in 2019 the EU and U.S. Congressional hearings have proved that such anti-trust violations were going on and have been accelerated by Google/YouTube/Facebook executives. These anti-competitive efforts were implemented by White House staff, Secretary of Energy Steven Chu, his staff and later DOE staff after we had him fired!

- Every DOE official refused to EVER call our founders or engineers to ever discuss any of the submission details yet those same officials were on the phone daily with our competitors and had regular meetings with those competitors at DOE offices in order to hand-walk their friends into the set-aside cash.

- DOE executives established a covert scheme with every major institutional investor and every major member of The National Venture Capital Association in such a manner so that no American company could get funded, once they applied to DOE, without the say-so from DOE bosses. The NVCA is a collusion-based organization designed to rig markets and DOE staff illegally participated and directed those collusion's using state resources.

- The FBI raided Solyndra based on some of our tips. The following investigations led right back to The White House.

- Every executive and VC in charge of Google, Facebook, Twitter and Tesla was involved in RICO-violating organized crime efforts which have been proven to have manipulated DOE taxpayer funds straight back to their own pockets. In fact, forensics has tracked the money flow to EVERY SINGLE one of them. Since Google is now 1.) more powerful than the U.S. Government, 2.) under investigation in every nation in the world, 3.) the primary provider of White House staff in 2009+, 4.) the primary beneficiary of government benefits in 2009+, 5.) the largest tax evader on Earth, 6.) the biggest user of sex trafficking services, 7.) A covert, unregistered, unregulated, political PAC organization; and other listed raises suspicions!

- There are a few hundred other hard-fact reasons we believe That The U.S. Department Of Energy Was Run By A Pack Of Lying, Self-Dealing, Insider-Trading, Crony Political Mobsters. We can go over those facts in a public Congressional hearing, Grand Jury Hearing or Civil Jury Trial at any time, but we have already seen thousands of third parties prove these facts to be true, in addition to ourselves. It is time for compensation. The proof is on the table! DOE officials are sniveling criminal scum bags it seems, according to all of the Congressional and law enforcement evidence!

We, and most of the independent press, have submitted all of the facts and evidence for these charges to the FBI, OSC, GAO, FTC, DOJ, FEC, SEC, Congress and any other law enforcement agency we could find. If they don't want to take any action against the bad guys because it would embarrass public figures in ways beyond even the Jeffrey Epstein class of scandals then they have made a statement by ignoring that which even the average voter can plainly see.

We won't give up until our damages are paid for!

How will you be paying us for the damages DOE caused?

Thank you.


The Automobile Alliance

BCC: Independent media reporters, White House, Congressional Chief's of Staff, Voters

...hundreds of such letters have been sent, by hundreds of companies and individuals, to federal agency bosses like Rick Perry, but none of those who complained have gotten an answer. The Dept of Energy has a proven process of simply shoving all complaints in the back of a file cabinet, for decades, and hoping that the victims will either just die, or go away, in the mean-time. Even though the Dept of Energy has tens of millions of dollars and thousands of staff, paid for by the taxpayers, to simply answer such complaints (more than enough resources to answer a hundred times more requests) they intentionally refuse to reply because they believe the die/delay idea will keep the current executives out of the press window until the next elections. We are here to tell them that they are wrong!

Barack Obama, the real king of the criminal crony payola quid pro quo

By Cheryl K. Chumley -


Democrats, socialists and others with animosity toward this White House say they’ve found the smoking gun in Donald Trump’s released telephone transcript with Ukraine’s president — the supposed quid pro quo nugget of gold — and that it won’t be long now before impeach, impeach, impeach moves from message to reality.

Clearly, they haven’t. But it’s funny how after eight years of Barack Obama quid pro quo-ing here, there and everywhere, it’s only now Democrats care. 

It’s only with Trump that Democrats seem to have gleaned a sense of conscientiously objecting to what they perceive as abusing one’s high office to obtain political or personal favors.

Where were they with Obama?

Green Biz, in March of 2011, ran this: “Barack Obama, Clean Tech and the Political Quid Pro Quo.”

The piece goes on to recount how the Center for Public Integrity published “a long, in-depth look at how some of the Obama campaign’s most prolific fundraisers have gotten loans, grants and special access to [his] administration,” to include a “deep look at how [Steve] Westly, former California state controller and venture capitalist … landed intimate access to the Obama administration.”

The Westly Group funded, among other companies, Tesla Motors. And all the while he was visiting the White House, serving as a member of the Obama administration’s advisory board on energy policy, and so forth and so on, he was raking in half a billion dollars in loans, grants and stimulus bucks for his green companies. That was money from the Obama Energy Department to Westly, the guy who wined and dined with Obama et al with eyebrow-raising frequency. Corruption? Quid pro quo?

As Green Biz put it, such intertwining of politics and business is “about the most commonplace form of political quid pro quo that exists.”

No biggie; nothing to see here; move on? Maybe. “Political sausage-making,” as Green Biz writes, is barely a blip these days.

But then there’s this.

“Barack Obama’s Ambassador Legacy: Plum Postings for Big Donors,” Public Integrity wrote, in a January, 2017, headline.

Legacy, indeed. Obama, according to Public Integrity, gave cushy ambassador posts to 31 campaign faithfuls who pulled in at least $50,000 for his reelection. He also doled out second-term ambassador slots to 39 who gave generously to his campaign, either in the form or money or political capital — or both.

The Washington Post made a whole map out of Obama’s campaign-cash-cows-for-ambassador-posts coincidences. Why not? Have some fun with it.

“This very telling map shows which U.S. ambassadors were campaign bundlers,” The Post wrote back in February 2014.

Quid pro quo?

Another headline above a September 2017 YouTube video asks the same question, different arena: “President Obama and Wall Street Quid Pro Quo?”

And then there was this, from the Wall Street Journal in August of 2016: “President Barack Obama on Thursday defended his decision to authorize a $400 million cash payment to Iran that coincided with the country’s release of American prisoners in January.”

There’s that whole quid pro quo label sneaking up again — or maybe it’s better known as That Time Obama Paid Ransom to Terrorists.

“[The] Obama administration insists there was no quid pro quo,” The Wall Street Journal wrote in a separate piece in August, 2016.

Guess it was just coincidence those Americans were released at the same time the White House was directing secret loads of cash onto an airplane bound for Tehran. Onto an unmarked cargo plane.

Quid pro quo?

Good question. Good questions, all. Just don’t ask the Democrats. They’re too busy sifting through the five-page transcript of Trump’s telephone call for something, anything — oh, God, please, please, anything! — they can sell as quid pro quo to take down Trump and go forward with their only election hope for 2020: impeach.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at or on Twitter @ckchumley.








Citizen sleuths and independent journalists are now working on the following process against these corrupt players:










We directly confronted U.S. Senators Reid, Pelosi, Feinstein and Harris with the facts stating that they were receiving the following forms of bribes. They denied it but FBI, SEC, FEC and Journalist records prove otherwise:


What kinds of people are these pervert perpetrators?:

- The perpetrators operate a massive and abusive national sex cult. The perverts in the SandHill Road Venture Capital offices, located between Highway 280 down to to Santa Cruz Avenue on Sand Hill Road in Menlo Park, California, are the main perpetrators of this global cartel. Their executives at Google, Facebook, Netflix, Linkedin, Twitter, and their related holdings, comprise the rest. The Harvey Weinstein and Ed Buck sex scandals are well known. These men's sex cult actions have been widely covered in the news individually in the Joe Lonsdale rape case, The Kleiner Perkins Ellen Pao sex abuse lawsuit, The Eric Schmidt sex penthouse stories, The Jeffrey Epstein case, The Google Forrest Hayes hooker murder case, The Andy Rubin sex slave case, The Sergy Brin 3-way sex romp scandal, The British Hydrant investigation, The Elon Musk Steve Jurvetson billionaire sex parties scandals,The NXIVM sexual slave cases, The Michael Goguen anal sex slave trial, The Tom Perkins Hooker Parties and thousands of other cases and federal divorce court filings. This group of people have proven themselves, over and over, to be sociopath control freaks not fit for participation in public commerce, public policy or media control. The Four Seasons Hotel and Rosewood Hotels in Silicon Valley are estimated to engage in over $30,000.00 of high-end escort sex trafficking per day, a portion of it managed by Eastern Bloc Mafia operators. At least 10 Ukrainian escorts fly in and out of SFO and SJO airports every week for these Cartel members. Google boss David Drummond engaged in horrible philandering sexual violations of his wife yet Google covers up every story about it on the web. You here about the female victims of this sex cult but you rarely hear about the young male victims. One of their vast numbers of prostitutes is quoted as saying that the girls and boys are paid "not just for sex but for the oligarch's endless need to feel that they can control anyone for any reason...". Multiple attorney general's controlled by their cartel, ie: Eric Schneiderman and Eliot Spitzer , are involved this these sex rings. These are the main influencers of a national political party and they are all involved in horrific sex perversions and abuses!

- An inordinate number of the members are closeted homosexuals who seek to use their media monopolies and massive lobbyist ownership's to promote child sex and child sex change consideration. Hence the massive, sudden, promotion of those issues in all of their media since they took power in 2008 and pretty much ran the Obama White House. The press has widely reported on underage boy sex clubs and the payment to parents for the blood of young boys by these oligarchs. A large number of tech VC's and senior executives are covert gay activists who hire women to act as their "beards". Their elitist Yale and Stanford fraternity house upbringings promoted "bromances", "rape culture" and a don't-worry-daddy-will-fix-it mentality. Highly gay law firms, (like Covington, Perkins and Sonsini), actively lobby to place gay politicians in office from their Bay Area offices.

- The AngelGate Conspiracy ( ); The Job Collusion Case ( ) and hundreds of other cases, prove that the perpetrators regularly meet, conspire, collude and racketeer, in full view of law enforcement, without ever getting arrested by the FBI because they bribe public officials in order to avoid prosecution. The perpetrators operate in extreme violation of federal RICO laws yet no DOJ or SEC RICO case has been filed against them by federal officials because, according to Senator Nunes: "Some FBI executives are compromised...."

- The perpetrators have used their exclusive monopolized cash flow of taxpayer financed grants, contracts and internet infrastructure to purchase the majority of the political lobby firms and technology law firms in America. This gives them an illegal, illicit and unfair ability to control: 1.) which laws are made or stalled, 2.) who gets government funded or blocked, 3.) Who gets kick-back tax breaks, tax credits and tax waivers and who does not,  4.) Who gets state-sponsored reprisal targeting or benefits blockades,  5.) Who gets revolving door payola jobs at their companies, 6.) Who gets PAC money bribes, 7.) and many other effects that are legally defined as "racketeering". The CEO of Overstock has come forward with facts about this.

- The perpetrators conspire, coordinate and manually manipulate their digital media mass broadcasts in order to collude in a manner that injects coordinated subliminal messages, that no regular voting citizen can detect, into their media in order to manipulate co-aligned political and ideological messages that will promote their ideological beliefs and promote public and policy actions which will provide profits to their stock market holdings which they co-own. Many of those stock market holders, (ie: in Tesla, Google, Abound, Solyndra, rare earth metals, Disney, etc) were coordinated between all of the perpetrators by their partners at JP Morgan, Bear Stearns, Goldman Sachs in such a manner as to collude to rig markets via insider trading ownership's that U.S. Senators, and their families, shared.

- The perpetrators have used their subliminal media control technologies to manipulate every national election since 2008.

- The perpetrators use a contrived Scientology-like hiring and HR management system which seeks out the most vulnerable, naive, easily influenced, and damaged people to fill their employee coffers with, in order to do their bidding. Their employees are nothing less than tools, sheep and fodder for their media manipulations, sexual abuses and ego-mania.

- These people are absolutely evil, sick and sociopath-like individuals who operate with impunity because they are never arrested. They thumb their noses at the law and anyone who does not agree with them. They create fake political issues to milk the emotions of the public in order to gain power by rigging elections, voter rolls and fake news.

Congressional reports, NSA, SEC, FBI and private investigation evidence proves this as fact.

The victims were attacked because 1.) they helped law enforcement investigate the attackers, and 2.) They competed with the attacker's products. The Silicon Valley Cartel attackers chose to "cheat rather than compete". Jury and FBI-compliant evidence proves this as fact.

The attackers spent over $30M+, part of that using taxpayer resources, attacking the victims as proven in the financial transaction records from hired attackers: Google, Gawker, Gizmodo, Jalopnik, Think Progress, Media Matters, Facebook shadow-banning, troll farms, Media Matters, Black Cube, Fusion GPS, et al. (All of whom are now being forced out of business by federal and public investigatons). Jury and FBI-compliant evidence proves the assertions.

The U.S. Department of Energy, SSA, HUD, IRS, EPA, and other agencies, are used as political slush funds to pay back (In Plain Sight) campaign finance millionaires while blockading the Silicon Valley oligarch's competitors from reaching the market or receiving funding. Jury and FBI-compliant evidence proves this as fact. The White House has total and covert control over those agencies and can order any federal agency to screw over any voter if that citizen "mouths off". The Lois Lerner case, and thousands of similar cases, proves that!

The only entities who participated in the global character assassination and propaganda-media defamation reprisal attacks were those entities owned and controlled by the attackers. Jury and FBI-compliant evidence proves this as fact. Follow-the-money and the proof is quite clear.

Through corrupt rare-earth mineral high tech company mining scams and control of federal contracts and grants, attackers had planned to acquire at least one trillion dollars in unjust gains and illegal profiteering. Jury and FBI-compliant evidence proves this as fact.

This amount of money they sought, and the "Mafia-like" structure they adopted, caused the suspects to engage in the most extreme crimes, including murder and "Deep State" coup attempts. Jury and FBI-compliant evidence proves this as fact.

A significant number of person's who were in conflict with the attackers have died in suspicious manners. Jury and FBI-compliant evidence proves this as fact.

The suspects have hired the largest numbers of lobbyists and corporate manipulation lawyers in U.S. history in order to manipulate political decisions. Jury and FBI-compliant evidence proves this as fact.

The suspects have spent more money on political bribes than any group of men has spent in the last century. Jury and FBI-compliant evidence proves this as fact.

The suspects placed top federal law enforcement and agency bosses (ie: Michelle Lee, Steven Chu, Kamala Harris, James Comey, et al) from their own Cartel, into top government positions, with orders to run cover and protection schemes for them. Jury and FBI-compliant evidence proves this as fact.

California State officials including the Governor, Controller, The Senators, Secretary of State and regional officials participated in these crimes and pocketed the initial profits from these crimes in covert investment banking. Jury and FBI-compliant evidence proves this as fact.

Tesla Motors, Google, Netflix, Facebook, Linkedin, Amazon and other tech Cartel members operate with a common goal of psychological mass ideology manipulation and monopolistic profiteering based on government sponsored anti-trust violations and server control exclusivity. Jury and FBI-compliant evidence proves this as fact.

VANITY FAIR: “He’s Full of Shit”: How Elon Musk Fooled Investors, Bilked Taxpayers, and Gambled Tesla to Save SolarCity

The controversy over SolarCity, which has dovetailed with questions about Musk’s mountain of debt and profit shortfalls, offers a window into the mindset of America’s most outlandish CEO. Tesla Solar panels so defective they set the Walmart's on fire

It was a Saturday night last March in Buffalo, and Dennis Scott was sitting at home. A stocky veteran with salt-and-pepper hair and a close-cropped beard, Scott had been laid off from Tesla’s factory in Buffalo two months earlier as part of a global reduction in the company’s workforce. Since then, he had taken to sending Elon Musk emails and point-blank tweets, describing the pain the layoffs were causing.

Ten days after Scott was let go, Musk had tweeted a goofy picture of himself posing with what looked like a machine gun. Scott retweeted the image and called Musk a clown. “If I were CEO and someone told me my company wasn’t working right,” he explains, “I wouldn’t be clowning around. I’ve got people counting on me for their livelihood.”

Now, around 10 p.m., his phone rang. The call was from an unmarked number. Scott answered.

“It’s the clown,” the person at the other end informed him.

Scott, unfazed, figured that Musk must have gotten his number from the company. For the next 20 minutes, he recalls, he and his former employer had a civil conversation. “When are you going to fix your company?” Scott asked.

Musk was pleasant but offered no specifics about the Buffalo plant. Scott continued to ask frank questions. “You took $750 million from New York,” he told Musk, referring to the taxpayer money that the state handed Tesla as part of its Buffalo Billion program to revitalize upstate New York. “You gave us hope that you were going to do something.”

Musk’s responses left Scott unimpressed. “Musk is a nice guy when you talk to him,” he says. “But I think he’s full of shit. He’ll tell you whatever you want to hear.”

In public, Musk doesn’t talk much about Tesla’s factory in Buffalo—a place he once, in better times, dubbed Gigafactory 2. Gigafactory 1, of course, is Tesla’s much-hyped futuristic electric car plant outside Reno. Gigafactory 2, which is shrouded in silence and secrets, was a controversial side venture: a high-stakes move to dominate America’s growing market for solar energy. Tesla bought the factory’s main tenant, SolarCity, for almost $5 billion in 2016. The plan, in true Muskian hyperbole, was to turn the plant in Buffalo into what was billed as the largest manufacturing facility of its kind in the Western Hemisphere. SolarCity would build 10,000 solar panels per day and install them on homes and businesses across the country. In the process, it would create 5,000 jobs in an area that very much needed them. “This is one of the poorest cities in the country,” Scott says. “You get a big company here, and it’s a big deal.”

From the outside, the sheer scale of the Buffalo plant sparkles with promise. At 1.2 million square feet, it stands at the point where the Buffalo River bends through the city. The building is gleaming white, as if to signify its freshness amid a landscape of abandoned grain elevators and sprawling, desolate steel mills. The area around the factory is hardscrabble working class; until SolarCity was built, people only drove through it when the fierce wind off Lake Erie shut down the highway that residents take from the southern suburbs to downtown. Now three flags fly in front of the factory: those of the United States, New York State, and Tesla.

But three years after Tesla bought SolarCity, there are serious doubts as to whether the plant will ever fulfill its promises. The website CleanTechnica, which is mostly supportive of Musk, calls SolarCity “a disaster waiting to happen.” A potentially costly lawsuit alleges that Tesla acquired SolarCity at the expense of its own shareholders. And former employees want to know what happened to the massive subsidy Tesla received. “New York State taxpayers deserved more from a $750 million investment,” a laid-off employee named Dale Witherell wrote to Senator Kirsten Gillibrand. “Tesla has done a tremendous job providing smoke and mirrors and empty promises to the area.”

There are growing questions about SolarCity’s product, too. Last week, Walmart sued Tesla for breach of contract due to “years of gross negligence,” claiming that solar panels installed at seven of its stores went up in flames, causing millions of dollars in damage. The lawsuit, citing Tesla’s “utter incompetence,” seeks to have the company remove rooftop panels it installed at more than 240 Walmart stores.

The controversy over SolarCity, which has dovetailed with questions about Musk’s mountain of debt and profit shortfalls, offers a window into the mind-set of America’s most outlandish and unpredictable CEO. Musk’s believers argue that the details of his ventures don’t matter: It’s the grand vision that counts. “The guy has a will to make stuff happen that is extraordinary,” says someone who worked closely with Musk. “He willed Tesla to happen. And in willing a reality into existence, he might not stick to the facts.” But in the case of SolarCity, Musk’s penchant for making promises he can’t deliver on turned out to matter a great deal—and could even pose a threat to his entire empire.

When Witherell got his job at the SolarCity plant last year, he was thrilled. He’d moved back to Buffalo, where his parents live, after a stint in Texas and a tough divorce. He has a disabled daughter, but even so, the job wasn’t so much about the paycheck. “At some point push is going to come to shove in our world, and fossil fuel use is going to catch up with us,” he says. “I believed in the product.”

The plant, in fact, was a centerpiece of Governor Andrew Cuomo’s grand plan to revitalize upstate New York. Buffalo’s landscape offers a daily reminder of its past glory and present despair. The grain elevators that Le Corbusier once called the “magnificent first fruits of the new age”—and which supplied the nation for half a century, before they were rendered irrelevant by the St. Lawrence Seaway—still loom over the horizon, too costly to demolish. The blackened shell of the warehouse at the old Bethlehem Steel complex, destroyed by fire a few years ago, punctuates the river like an angry exclamation point. Once one of the nation’s largest cities, Buffalo’s empty streets feel oddly discordant. “Here, if you have to sit through a traffic light even once, you have an aneurysm,” says Dave Robinson, an editor at the Buffalo News.

Now, under Cuomo’s plan, Buffalo’s massive steel plants would be replaced with the sun itself. In September 2014, the governor toured the SolarCity site. The smiles were big and the words were grand. The success of the plant, Cuomo proclaimed, was “of critical importance to the United States’ economic competitiveness and energy independence.”

SolarCity was founded by two of Musk’s cousins, Lyndon and Peter Rive, who grew up with him in South Africa. Musk, who put in $10 million, was the largest shareholder and chairman of the board. The initial idea, the Rives explained, was not to be a manufacturer but rather to control the entire consumer experience of going solar, from sale to installation, thereby driving down costs. For a time, SolarCity was a hot stock, growing almost tenfold from its public offering in 2012 to its peak in early 2014.

As is common with Musk’s ventures, SolarCity professed to be focused on changing the world. “Everything was very motivational,” says a former executive. Some workers, taking the ethos to heart, sported SolarCity tattoos.

Tesla promised to create 1,460 jobs at its solar factory in Buffalo. It currently employs only 329.

But the initial success of the company’s stock masked some difficult realities. SolarCity’s business model was to front the costs of installing solar panels and allow homeowners to pay over time, which created a constant need for cash. That required raising money from outside investors, often big banks, who were then entitled to the first chunk of the payments homeowners made—leaving SolarCity in a never-ending scramble to raise more debt. The real engineering that took place at SolarCity, in short, was financial, not environmental.

On the consumer side, SolarCity was plagued by complaints about misleading sales tactics and shoddy installations. As the problems mounted, some workers began to feel manipulated by the company’s talk about being a force for good in the world. “I turned a blind eye to a lot of the silliness because of the idealism,” says one former senior employee. “I don’t know when the Rubicon was crossed, but there were micro-crossings every day.”

By 2014, several insiders say, the board was also growing concerned. The company imported most of its solar panels from China, and it looked like demand would soon outpace supply. Because Musk had a reputation as a manufacturing genius, the board decided that SolarCity needed to start making its own panels—a huge shift in its business model. “Installing and selling solar has almost nothing to do with manufacturing,” says a former solar-industry executive. “It’s like a car dealer saying it’s going to make cars.”

In June 2014, SolarCity bought Silevo, a solar-panel manufacturer that had struck a deal with New York to build a factory in Buffalo. On a conference call, Musk boasted that the deal would enable SolarCity to install tens of gigawatts of panels every year—far beyond the company’s peak annual run rate of about one gigawatt. He spoke as if the technology were already proven. On its website, SolarCity predicted it would “achieve a breakthrough” in solar-power pricing thanks to “massive economies of scale.”

“It was shoot first and aim later,” says the former senior employee. “There was a lot of machismo going on: bigger, better, badder, faster.”

By the time Cuomo visited the site three months later, Silevo’s smallish deal had metastasized. The state promised to spend $350 million to build a factory and another $400 million on equipment specified by SolarCity. The company would get a 10-year lease on the facility—for just $1 a year. In return, it promised to employ at least 1,460 people in “high-tech” jobs at the factory, hire another 2,000 to support the sale and installation of solar panels in New York, and help attract an additional 1,440 “support jobs” in the state. Once it achieved full production, the company pledged, it would spend some $5 billion in New York over the following decade.

“It was sold as a perfect marriage,” says the former senior employee. “The area around the factory is terrible, and I remember thinking: Wow, we are going to save the town where steel was made.” Cuomo too was hooked. “He was enchanted with the idea of Elon Musk in Buffalo,” says a longtime lobbyist in Albany. “I think he actually thought Musk was the next Dalai Lama.”

Even then, to those who looked closely, the cracks at SolarCity were becoming apparent. In 2014, key executives had started to leave. The Rives began to sell stock. SolarCity’s debt was soaring, and the yield on its bonds hit double digits, a sign that the market thought the company was in trouble. Goldman Sachs, one of Musk’s major bankers, called SolarCity the “worst positioned” company for capitalizing on future growth in the solar sector. One of the few things shoring up the company’s stock, according to a former investor, were the constant rumors that Musk was somehow going to bail it out.

In reality, the situation was even uglier than outsiders knew. As SolarCity struggled to raise money from institutional investors, it began offering individuals a chance to buy what it called Solar Bonds. (“Now you can get paid while driving the solar revolution,” the marketing material said.) But there were few takers—so other parts of the Musk empire took up the slack. According to the shareholder lawsuit, SpaceX acquired $255 million of the bonds. Musk himself bought $75 million of them, and the Rives acquired another $38 million. To raise the cash, Musk borrowed against both Tesla and SolarCity stock, increasing his personal credit lines from $85 million to $475 million. He also used his own reputation to shore up the stock: In February 2016, when SolarCity stock plunged to its lowest level in three years, Musk bought $10 million in shares. A week later, when the news became public, the stock soared by almost 25 percent.

At the same time, according to the shareholder lawsuit against Tesla, the company faced “significant liquidity concerns”—meaning it was running out of money. An accounting inquiry from the SEC noted that SolarCity was burning through cash—$659 million in the first quarter of 2016 alone. That February, at a Tesla board meeting, Musk proposed a solution: Tesla, he said, should acquire SolarCity.

The board balked. But Musk kept pushing. Two weeks later, he proposed the acquisition again. Once again, the board said no.

It was a hopelessly conflicted situation. Musk owned more than 20 percent of both SolarCity and Tesla. His brother, Kimbal, served on both boards, as did several investors, including Antonio Gracias, a close friend of Musk’s. As a judge in the shareholder lawsuit ruled, it is “reasonably conceivable” that Musk effectively controlled the Tesla board when he pushed it to acquire SolarCity. (Tesla, which has dismissed the allegations in the lawsuit as false, insists that “all appropriate parties” recused themselves during the acquisition.)

At the time, Musk was still a heroic figure to many. As former Tesla board member Nancy Pfund once said, “He’s always been a master of the universe in my mind.” Even Tesla skeptics admit that the Model S, which was launched in 2012, will go down in history as an absolute classic, followed by the equally celebrated Model X in 2015. In those days, Tesla’s stock was trading at well over $200 a share, giving it a market value of more than $30 billion, a stunning figure for a company that hadn’t proven it could make money.

But over the years, many skeptics have come to see Musk’s stunts—from smoking pot during an interview to calling a diver who helped rescue kids trapped in a Thailand cave a “pedo guy”—as more unhinged than iconoclastic. One close observer of Musk recalls how he promised, back in 2001, to give away half of his equity in PayPal—dividing it evenly between “the people that have worked hard to build the company” and “causes I believe make the world a better place.” But Musk never made good on the pledge, and the observer came to see the episode as “symbolic of Musk’s penchant for making grandiose statements that he either knows are not true at the time he makes them, or that he has no real intent of following through on.” Others see Musk’s promises as purposefully manipulative. “Musk has a habit of overstating Tesla’s operational capabilities and its prospects for profitability, especially when the company is preparing to raise capital, collect customer deposits, or secure regulatory benefits,” says Brian Horey of Aurelian Partners, an investment firm.

Now the brewing problems at SolarCity threatened to give skeptics real ammunition against Musk—unless those problems could be buried. In May 2016, the Tesla board finally agreed to acquire the company for almost $5 billion, including the assumption of nearly $3 billion in SolarCity debt. On a conference call on June 22, the day after the deal was publicly announced, Musk told analysts and investors that the company had “the best technology out there for high-efficiency, low-cost solar panels.” He didn’t say anything about the liquidity crisis at SolarCity. Nor did he mention something else that shareholders allege the Tesla board came to learn as it did its due diligence on SolarCity: The cost per watt of solar modules being produced in Buffalo was actually projected to be 20 cents above the rest of the industry.

On October 28, 2016, just before shareholders were set to vote on the acquisition of SolarCity, Musk strode onto a platform erected on the set of Desperate Housewives at Universal Studios’ back lot in Los Angeles. He talked about the existential threat presented by global warming and the desperate need for sustainable energy. Then he gestured to a group of houses that had been set up around him. They might look normal, he said, but they actually featured a revolutionary new product called the Solar Roof—shingles that would last longer and cost less than a regular roof, even before factoring in electricity. Tesla expected production to begin the following summer.

The next month, shareholders approved Tesla’s acquisition of SolarCity. “Vote tally shows ~85% of unaffiliated shareholders in favor of the Tesla/SolarCity merger!” Musk tweeted. The deal doubled Tesla’s debt load, but it was good for Musk, who converted his stake in SolarCity into more than $500 million in Tesla stock. By preventing SolarCity from collapsing, he also shored up his most valuable asset: investor faith in his own genius. If any piece of his empire had faltered—if Musk were shown to be fallible rather than superhuman—it would have cast doubt on the narrative that enables him to raise cheap capital for his money-losing enterprises.

“Thanks for believing,” Musk tweeted to his shareholders.

That October, as Musk was making his pitch about the Solar Roof, a former Fortune 500 executive was watching it online at a friend’s barbecue. The former executive, who had spent years researching solar technology, understood what it took to make the Solar Roof work—and he was confident that Musk hadn’t figured it out. “He spewed total BS,” says the executive, who asked not to be identified. “I was flabbergasted. I was convinced in the moment that the shingles were fake.”

Adopting the Twitter handle @TeslaCharts, the executive began drawing on his Ph.D. in science, and his background as a financial analyst, to share infographics that detailed Musk’s overreach. His follower count mushroomed, and he became a core member of a group of outspoken Tesla critics who go by the Twitter hashtag #TSLAQ—Tesla’s stock symbol followed by the Q that companies pick up when they are delisted due to bankruptcy.

Many of them, in fact, were first drawn to Tesla by SolarCity, with its pile of debt and mountain of losses. “If it weren’t for SolarCity, #TSLAQ wouldn’t exist,” says @TeslaCharts. He points out that Musk faced a catch-22 of sorts: If he hadn’t bailed out SolarCity, his whole debt-laden empire might have cracked. Yet without the bailout, Tesla would be far more healthy. “When the history of Tesla is written,” he says, “the acquisition of SolarCity will be seen as the moment where the narrative took a decisive turn.”

Others shared @TeslaCharts’ suspicions about Solar Roof. Robinson, who covers SolarCity for the Buffalo News, had flown to Los Angeles for Musk’s presentation. Afterward, he asked an engineer for the company if the tiles Musk had pointed to were real. “Oh no,” the engineer replied. “These are dummies. We just popped them up here to show you.” Robinson wasn’t outraged—it made sense that Musk would show a prototype—but he took note of the contrast between the rhetoric and the reality. “They made it sound like they had figured out how to get it to work,” he says.

And Tesla continued to make it sound that way. In early 2018, the company announced that production of the Solar Roof had begun in Buffalo. That fall, Tesla told Bloomberg News it was “gearing up for tremendous growth in 2019. We have a product, we have the customers, we are just ramping it up to a point where it is sustainable.”

But a few months later, in its quarterly letter, Tesla confessed that the product wasn’t actually ready yet. “We continue to iterate,” the company wrote. In a legal filing, Tesla acknowledged that the much-hyped technology it had acquired from Silevo wasn’t all that it was cracked up to be. And last May, an investigation by Reuters revealed that most of the solar cells being produced in Buffalo were being sold overseas, not used in the Solar Roof, because demand was so low.

Customers who tried to purchase a Solar Roof took to Twitter to share their horror stories: Kevin Pereau, a California homeowner, said he paid a deposit of $2,000 to have a Solar Roof installed more than two years ago—then never heard from the company again. He got his money back only after he started tweeting at Musk every single day.

Musk, meanwhile, is still making promises. Last March, he proclaimed that 2019 would be the “year of the Solar Roof.” In late July, he tweeted that Tesla is “hoping” to turn out 1,000 Solar Roofs a week by the end of the year. But even onetime believers have become doubters. The MIT Technology Review, which included the Solar Roof in its list of 10 “breakthrough technologies” in 2016, now calls it a “flop.” In a recent analyst note, JP Morgan warned that Solar Roof will be a “niche” product at best. Musk has “sustained a kind of Kabuki theater in which the Solar Roof ramp is always imminent, but never here,” wrote investor John Engle, a #TSLAQ member.

Another #TSLAQ member, a Yale-trained lawyer and investment manager named Lawrence Fossi, made a discovery while combing through SolarCity’s financial statements. Without fanfare—and with no input from constituents—state officials had quietly issued a series of 10 amendments that watered down the requirements SolarCity must meet in exchange for the $1 lease on the Buffalo factory. The 1,460 “high-tech” jobs at the factory became just plain old jobs, as did the 2,000 jobs to support solar sales and installation in New York. The agreement to employ 900 people at the factory within two years shrank to 500. And the timing for the additional jobs was extended to 10 years after the factory was completed—at which point the lease would also be expiring. (Tesla argues that the company is now responsible for all 5,000 jobs, instead of being able to fulfill them through suppliers.) The governor’s office declined to comment on who authorized the changes, and state officials have yet to provide any public explanation as to why they opted to let a big corporation like Tesla off the hook.

In fact, the Buffalo deal turned out to have been tainted by corruption from the very start. Just one day after Tesla finalized its acquisition of SolarCity, Preet Bharara, then the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, announced criminal charges against a handful of Cuomo staffers for rigging the construction bids for the Buffalo Billion program to favor the governor’s campaign donors. The man tapped by Cuomo to oversee the taxpayer subsidies, as well as a leading donor who received a $225 million contract to build out the Buffalo factory, were both convicted last year of conspiring to rig the bids

Lyndon and Peter Rive have both left SolarCity, and the company’s original business of installing solar roofs has all but evaporated. The company once controlled two-thirds of the residential market; now, according to the consulting firm Wood Mackenzie, its share is less than 7 percent. In the second quarter of this year, SolarCity installed only 29 megawatts of solar panels—far below the 10,000 megawatts in annual installations that Musk had promised. “Total implosion” is how one SolarCity insider describes it.

Across the street from the factory in Buffalo stands a small building that houses a coffee shop and an office space. Both were built to cater to the plant, says Robinson, the Buffalo News editor. The coffee shop is surviving, but the office space is vacant. What few jobs do exist at SolarCity barely compete with the local grocery store. “For $750 million, we’re getting jobs that pay $2 an hour more than Aldi’s,” says Robinson.

In a statement to Vanity Fair, Tesla argues that its jobs in Buffalo are competitive, especially when benefits and equity are factored in. It says it has expanded its operations at the factory to include “some of our most innovative and pioneering products.” And it accuses the magazine of presenting a “one-sided view with cherry-picked sourcing aimed at feeding into the fear, uncertainty, and doubt being circulated about Tesla every day by those looking to gain from Tesla’s losses.”

But the level of secrecy surrounding the SolarCity plant may offer an additional indication of how bad things are. Tesla refused to allow me to take a tour, and former employees say a rare media event at the factory last fall was highly scripted. “They spent more time and resources trying to fabricate what people saw than they do making anything,” says Witherell, who worked there at the time. “They told employees to pretend we were busy.” A story aired last February by News 4 Buffalo described the shop floor as “torpid,” with idle employees milling about. “They say they are in ‘ramp up’ mode,” says Scott, the former employee. “But this isn’t even start-up mode. What company spends two and a half years starting up something they were already supposed to be the best at?”

Last April, not long after he placed his late-night call to Scott, Elon Musk finally paid his first-ever visit to Buffalo. There was no press release, no triumphant post on social media, no meeting with reporters. Local authorities were in the midst of performing the genuine engineering feat of dismantling what’s known as the “ice boom”—hundreds of steel pontoons, spanning over a mile and a half, that keep the massive amounts of ice on Lake Erie from floating down the Niagara River and jamming up hydropower turbines. After the visit, Musk continued his upbeat assessment of production. “We are looking forward to scaling up significantly through the balance of this year and into next,” he said.

Musk’s other proclamations in recent months have been far grander. He has promised that by next year, Tesla will be producing self-driving cars—and deploying a fleet of 1 million robotaxis. He has claimed that Neuralink, his secretive start-up, has developed a “thread” that can be inserted into the human brain, merging our minds with artificial intelligence. And he is seeking approval to build an underground “hyperloop” that will whisk passengers between Washington, D.C., and Baltimore in 15 minutes.

When Tesla bought SolarCity, it said the deal would “add more than half a billion dollars in cash to Tesla’s balance sheet over the next three years.” But it appears to have had the opposite effect. “I think it’s a big source of the cash-flow deficit,” says one longtime analyst. “I think it is a big thorn inside of Tesla.” The company has paid back some of SolarCity’s debt, including the Solar Bonds owed to Musk and SpaceX. But this fall, another $556 million is coming due. In a characteristic tweet, Musk once vowed he would “personally” repay the SolarCity debt if need be.

There may be another cost. By next April, Tesla is required to start paying an annual fine of $41.2 million if it fails to employ 1,460 people at the Buffalo plant. Tesla says it currently has 636 employees statewide in New York, including 329 at the plant, and that it has invested almost $400 million in New York. Engle, the TSLAQ member, argues that Tesla cannot afford to admit that SolarCity has been a fiasco, because doing so would open the company to significant liability in the ongoing lawsuit over the acquisition.

Officials in New York, meanwhile, appear to be taking belated steps to document what is really happening in Buffalo. Last spring, the state announced that it was auditing all of its high-tech programs, with a focus on Tesla. Everyone in Albany, says the longtime lobbyist, has accepted that the Buffalo plant is a “disaster”—a poster child for why government giveaways to big companies don’t work.

But the official who took credit for the deal with Tesla—the man who championed the company as a Rust Belt savior—stands by his decision to place his trust in Elon Musk. Governor Cuomo, who paid his own visit to Buffalo last spring, declared that he’s perfectly pleased with the progress at SolarCity. “They’re ahead of schedule,” he said.

All the tech moguls who have been connected to Jeffrey Epstein, the elite wealth manager who died in jail while as a boss in the tech moguls sex-trafficking

Jeffrey Epstein, Bill Gates, Elon Musk
Bill Gates, Jeffrey Epstein, and Elon Musk.
Davidoff Studios/Getty, Stephen Brashear/Getty, Bobby Yip/Reuters, Business Insider

Jeffrey Epstein, the financier arrested in July on charges of sex trafficking of underage girls, died by apparent suicide in a Manhattan jail on August 10.

Throughout his life, he hobnobbed with world leaders and elite executives, including tech moguls.

Read more: Jeffrey Epstein was meeting with Silicon Valley reporters before his arrest, 'rambling' about all the people he knew in tech

The New York Times columnist James B. Stewart published an article on Monday about his August 2018 interview with Epstein. Stewart included Epstein's thoughts on Silicon Valley and its tech moguls.

"Mr. Epstein then meandered into a discussion of other prominent names in technology circles," Stewart wrote. "He said people in Silicon Valley had a reputation for being geeky workaholics, but that was far from the truth: They were hedonistic and regular users of recreational drugs. He said he'd witnessed prominent tech figures taking drugs and arranging for sex."

Here are some of the worst tech moguls who have been connected to Epstein.

Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla and SpaceX

Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla and SpaceX
Sex cult boss Ghislaine Maxwell and Elon Musk, who took one of his wives to Epstein
Kevin Mazur/VF14/Contributor/Getty Images

Stewart said he asked Epstein about a rumor that Musk had asked Epstein to compile a list of candidates to become Tesla's new chairman.


It is a proven, widely documented, fact that Elon Musk suffers from Narcissistic Personality Disorder, including Borderline and Antisocial traits. His condition manifests itself in a variety of ways, including an addiction to drugs, frequent cocaine use (often with prostitutes, manic self-promotion, as well as violent, abusive and threatening behavior.

It is a proven, widely documented, fact that Elon Musk's father had sex with his children, got Elon Musk's sister pregnant and used his mother as a trophy wife. Musk's involvement with Jeffrey Epstein's underage sex cult, combined with Musk's appearance and sex events, combined with his use of young women in facade marriage "arrangements" calls his moral sanity into question.

In other proven and widely documented facts, it is clear that Musk runs a criminal tech cartel design to deploy corruption, bribery and monopolistic behaviors as a way of life.

Musk stepped down from the position in September in the wake of his infamous "funding secured" tweet, which led to a lawsuit from the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Musk was also photographed with Ghislaine Maxwell, who's been accused of being Epstein's madam, at the 2014 Vanity Fair Oscars Party in West Hollywood.

Marvin Minsky, MIT's "father of artificial intelligence"

MIT called Minsky, who died in 2016, the "father of artificial intelligence." He was one of the founding members of MIT Media Lab, which has innovated a trove of technological advances over the past thirty years, from touch screens to robotic prosthetics to GPS.

In a recently unsealed deposition published by The Verge earlier this month, a woman testified that she had been forced to have sex with Minsky at Epstein's compound in the US Virgin Islands.

The Verge said that while Minsky was known to be a part of Epstein's circle, the accusation is the first to tie Minsky to Epstein's sex-trafficking network.


Many under-cover videos and Congressional investigations have exposed the true purpose behind Google and the Silicon Valley Cartel: "...To manipulate politics, stock market valuations and government funds to their own nefarious ends..." ; it is time to bankrupt these criminal oligarchs! The victims had global character assassination and political propaganda-media defamation reprisal attacks operated against them by White House staff including Robert Gibbs, John Podesta, David Axelrod, Rahm Emanual, David Plouffe, Steve Rattner, Susan Rice, Valarie Jarrett, et al.,  and their political financiers: Elon Musk, Larry Page, John Podesta, Reid Hoffman, Vinod Khosla, David Plouffe, Steve Jurvetson, Tim Draper, George Soros, Jared Cohen, Steve Spinner, David Drummond, Eric Schmidt, Steve Westly, John Doerr, etc.

Elon Musk is the tech scammer who took over Tesla Motors from the founders of Tesla: Marty and Marc. Larry Page is the founder of Google. Elon Musk and Larry Page have a homoerotic bromance relation and share stock, assets, election financing, tax evasions, black-lists and Tesla promotions. In true anti-trust law violation: Page has Google destroy all of Musk's competitors on the internet while he promotes Musk hype to the top of all searches. It is illegal and unethical to rig the stock market, elections and the competitive market like Musk and Page do. The FBI, SEC, FEC, FTC and DOJ should indict them but they pay epic bribes to top agency officials in order to avoid prosecution!

There are common threads that run through an organization repeatedly relied upon in the so-called whistleblower’s complaint about President Donald Trump and CrowdStrike, the outside firm utilized to conclude that Russia hacked the Democratic National Committee’s servers since the DNC would not allow the U.S. government to inspect the servers.

One of several themes is financing tied to Google, whose Google Capital led a $100 million funding drive that financed Crowdstrike. Google Capital, which now goes by the name of CapitalG, is an arm of Alphabet Inc., Google’s parent company. Eric Schmidt, the chairman of Alphabet, has been a staunch and active supporter of Hillary Clinton and is a longtime donor to the Democratic Party.

CrowdStrike was mentioned by Trump in his call with Ukranian President Volodymyr Zelensky. Perkins Coie, the law firm that represented the DNC and Hillary Clinton’s campaign, reportedly helped draft CrowdStrike to aid with the DNC’s allegedly hacked server.

On behalf of the DNC and Clinton’s campaign, Perkins Coie also paid the controversial Fusion GPS firm to produce the infamous, largely-discredited anti-Trump dossier compiled by former British spy Christopher Steele.

CrowdStrike is a California-based cybersecurity technology company co-founded by Dmitri Alperovitch.

Alperovitch is a nonresident senior fellow of the Cyber Statecraft Initiative at the Atlantic Council, which takes a hawkish approach toward Russia.  The Council in turn is financed by Google Inc.

In a perhaps unexpected development, another Atlantic Council funder is Burisma, the natural gas company at the center of allegations regarding Joe Biden and his son, Hunter Biden. Those allegations were the subject of Trump’s inquiry with Zelemsky related to Biden. The Biden allegations concern significant questions about Biden’s role in Ukraine policy under the Obama administration. This took place during a period when Hunter Biden received $50,000 a month from Burisma.

Besides Google and Burisma funding, the Council is also financed by billionaire activist George Soros’s Open Society Foundations as well as the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Inc. and the U.S. State Department.

Google, Soros’s Open Society Foundations, the Rockefeller Fund and an agency of the State Department each also finance a self-described investigative journalism organization repeatedly referenced as a source of information in the so-called whistleblower’s complaint alleging Trump was “using the power of his office to solicit interference from a foreign country” in the 2020 presidential race.

The charges in the July 22 report referenced in the whistleblower’s document and released by the Google and Soros-funded organization, the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP), seem to be the public precursors for a lot of the so-called whistleblower’s own claims, as Breitbart News documented.

One key section of the so-called whistleblower’s document claims that “multiple U.S. officials told me that Mr. Giuliani had reportedly privately reached out to a variety of other Zelensky advisers, including Chief of Staff Andriy Bohdan and Acting Chairman of the Security Service of Ukraine Ivan Bakanov.”

This was allegedly to follow up on Trump’s call with Zelensky in order to discuss the “cases” mentioned in that call, according to the so-called whistleblower’s narrative. The complainer was clearly referencing Trump’s request for Ukraine to investigate the Biden corruption allegations.

The so-called whistleblower’s document, however, only mentions the largely unknown OCCRP and does not reference BuzzFeed, which has faced scrutiny over its reporting on the Russia collusion claims.

Another listed OCCRP funder is the Omidyar Network, which is the nonprofit for liberal billionaire eBay founder Pierre Omidyar.

Together with Soros’s Open Society, Omidyar also funds the Poynter Institute for Media Studies, which hosts the International Fact-Checking Network that partnered with Facebook to help determine whether news stories are “disputed.”

Like OCCRP, the Poynter Institute’s so-called news fact-checking project is openly funded by not only Soros’ Open Society Foundations but also Google and the National Endowment for Democracy.

CrowdStrike, The DNC servers and Silicon Valley ordered "Hit-Jobs" on American Citizens by Google

CrowdStrike, meanwhile, was brought up by Trump in his phone call with Zelensky.

According to the transcript, Trump told Zelensky, “I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say CrowdStrike … I guess you have one of your wealthy people…The server, they say Ukraine has it.”

In his extensive report, Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller notes that his investigative team did not “obtain or examine” the servers of the DNC in determining whether those servers were hacked by Russia.

The DNC famously refused to allow the FBI to access its servers to verify the allegation that Russia carried out a hack during the 2016 presidential campaign. Instead, the DNC reached an arrangement with the FBI in which CrowdStrike conducted forensics on the server and shared details with the FBI.

"Google is a sick corrupt criminal business run by perverts and sociopaths..." SAY GOOGLE'S OWN STAFF!

- Google spies on competitors and steals their technology
- Google executives will lie to Congress, the FBI, The FTC and ANYONE to protect their scheme
- Google runs tens of millions of dollars of defamation attacks against competitors
- Google hides all media and news coverage for competitors of Larry Page's boyfriend: Elon Musk
- Google lies to the public about what they really do with the public's data
- Google promotes illegal immigration in order to get cheap labor and control votes
- Google runs VC funding back-lists against start-ups that are competitive
- Google bribes thousands of politicians
- Google is a criminal RICO-violating monopoly
- Google rigs the stock market with Flash-boy, Pump/Dump and Microblast SEC violating computer tricks
- Google pays bribes to politicians in Google and YouTube stock
- Google manipulates who gets to see what web-sites, globally, for competitor black-lists
- Google has a "no poaching" Silicon Valley jobs blacklist
- Google's Eric Schmidt was in the basement of Obama's campaign office the night of Obama's election rigging the web to manipulate voting procedures
- Google can DDOS and website by over-crawling the site. They claim they are just archiving their enemies site but the end result is a DDOS attack against political and business adversaries
- Google bosses sexually abuse women and young boys
- Google bosses run sex trafficking operations in the Epstein and NXVIUM cults
- Google bosses control the NVCA financing cartel over start-ups
- Google has placed the majority of the corporate staff in at least one White House
- Google controls national elections for anti-competitive purposes
- The company "Polyhop", in the HOUSE OF CARDS tv show, does all the crimes that Google actually does in reality
- Google's law firms, like Wilson Sonsini, are corrupt conduits for payola and political conduit-relays
- Google bribes some politicians with revolving door jobs
- Google is primarily responsible for destroying the Bay Area Housing opportunities
- Google runs DDoS attacks on competitors by massively crawling their sites
- Google boss Andy Rubin runs a sex slave farm according to his own family
- Google boss Eric Schmidt was a philandering sex-penthouse owner according to vast news articles
- Google executives hire so many hookers that one of them, Mr. Hayes, was killed by his hooker
- Google executives sexually abuse so many women that the women staff of Google walked out one day
- In the 2009 White House, you could not swing a cat without hitting a Google insider
- Google has paid covert bribes, PAC funds, real estate and search rigging payola to every CA Senator
- Google has paid bribes, through its lobby fronts, to halt FBI, SEC, FEC and FTC investigations of Google crimes
- Google was funded by the CIA, via In-Q-Tel, a so called "501 c3 charity" which was caught with tons of cocaine
- Google gets millions of dollars of taxpayer cash for spying on Americans inside the USA
- Google's map service was a spy system paid for by taxpayers money that Google now profits off of
- Nancy Pelosi and Dianne Feinstein have promised to "protect" Google because their families profit off Google stocks
- Payment receipts prove that Google and Gawker/Gizmodo exchanged cash and staff for Character Assassination attacks
- Google VC's and bosses have spent $30M+ rigging the U.S. Patent Office to protect Google and harm Google competitors
- Google bribed it's lawyer into position as head of the U.S. Patent office in order to have her protect Google
- To rig insider stock trades, Google hides negative Tesla stories and pumps positive Tesla stories on "push days"
- Google and Elon Musk Co-own, co-invest and co-market stocks covertly while running anti-trust schemes
- Google rarely likes, or hires, black employees per federal and news media investigations
- Google hired most of the Washington, DC K Street lobby firms and told them to "do what ever they could"
- The film: "Miss Sloane" depicts only 2% of the illicit lobbying tactics Google employs daily
- Demands for an FTC and FBI raid of Google, for criminal activity, securities law and election felonies have been filed
- Google's David Drummond had his Woodside, CA Quail Road house bugged revealing sex and financial misdeeds
and so much more...

Google, and it’s Cartel (Alphabet, Youtube, and hundreds of other shell-company facades) are a criminal organization engaged in felony-class crimes. Google’s bosses bribe politicians, regulators and law enforcement officials to hold off prosecution. At Google: Kent Walker, Andy Rubin, Larry Page, Eric Schmidt, Sergy Brin, Jared Cohen, Yasmin Green, David Drummond and Ian Fette are so enmeshed in sex scandals, election manipulation, and White House bribes that it is hard to comprehend how they can get any legitimate work done. Between all of the sex cult activity; hookers; rent boys; political bribes to Pelosi, Harris, Newson, and Feinstein; DDoS attacks they run; CIA and NSA stealth deals; privacy harvesting; Scientology-like employee indoctrination; cheap Asian labor; covert Axciom scams and other illicit things they get up to; one just has to wonder.

Some of the largest political bribes in American or European history were paid via billions of dollars of pre-IPO cleantech stock, insider trading, real estate, Google search engine rigging and shadow-banning, sex workers, revolving door jobs, nepotism, state-supported black-listing of competitors and under-the-table cash. Why are these Silicon Valley Oligarchs and their K-Street law firms and lobbyists immune from the law?

"Google is designed to be digital Scopolamine Devil's Breath for the masses. Under the influence, voters will do things they would not otherwise believe they could be made to do. The tactic hides itself in plain sight..."

- Senior CIA Operations Director

More Proof Of Google Manipulating Elections and News From 2007 Forward:

Google Manipulated All Obama Elections Using CIA-class Server and Perception Tricks


A new study by Professor Robert Epstein has revealed that Google manipulated both the 2016 and 2018 elections via search results to sway the perception of the average user, so much so that between 2.6 million and 10 million votes were given to Hillary Clinton due to their interference during the 2016 Presidential elections.

During the Senate hearing, Professor Epstein’s testimony was published on the Judiciary Senate website, revealing Google’s behavior manipulation and how this affected the recent elections taking place in America. In the study, Professor Epstein wrote…

“In 2016, biased search results generated by Google’s search algorithm likely impacted undecided voters in a way that gave at least 2.6 million votes to Hillary Clinton(whom I supported). I know this because I preserved more than 13,000 election-related searches conducted by a diverse group of Americans on Google, Bing, and Yahoo in the weeks leading up to the election, and Google search results –which dominate search in the U.S. and worldwide –were significantly biased in favor of Secretary Clinton in all 10 positions on the first page of search results in both blue states and red states.”

During the Senate hearing with Ted Cruz, Epstein also explained that the 2.6 million count was a minimum figure.

The video of Epstein’s testimony was posted on the Senator Ted Cruz YouTube channel, which you can check out below.


The relevant part of Epstein’s speech takes place at the tail end of the video, where he corrects Senator Cruz about how widespread the manipulation was during the 2016 elections by Google, stating…

“The 2.6 million [votes] is a rock bottom minimum. The range is between 2.6 and 10.4 million votes, depending on how aggressive they were in the techniques that I’ve been studying, such as the search engine manipulation effect, the search suggestion effect, the answer bot effect, and a number of others. They control these and no one can counteract them. These are not competitive. These are tools that they have at their disposal… exclusively.”

But it wasn’t just the 2016 elections that have been affected. According to Epstein’s research report, Google may have been manipulating national elections since 2015.

Epstein’s research further postulates that Google isn’t just manipulating elections but also in the business of social engineering to alter people’s behavior through autocomplete suggestions and similar technologies.

He also noted that Google may have manipulated up to 78 million votes across the nation during the 2018 mid-term elections, writing in the report…

“On Election Day in 2018, the “Go Vote” reminder Google displayed on its home page gave one political party between800,000 and 4.6 million more votes than it gave the other party. Those numbers might seem impossible, but I published my analysis in January 2019 ( (Epstein, 2019a), and it is quite conservative. Google’s data analysts presumably performed the same calculations I did before the company decided to post its prompt. In other words,Google’s“Go Vote” prompt was not a public service; it was a vote manipulation.

 “In the weeks leading up to the 2018 election, bias in Google’s search results may have shifted upwards of 78.2 million votes to the candidates of one political party(spread across hundreds of local and regional races). This number is based on data captured by my 2018 monitoring system, which preserved more than 47,000 election-related searches on Google, Bing, and Yahoo, along with the nearly 400,000 web pages to which the search results linked. Strong political bias toward one party was evident, once again,in Google searches(Epstein & Williams, 2019).”

Basically, Google is socially engineering the outcomes of our nation, and it’s happening right under everyone’s noses. They used the Russian fake news hoax to hide their own corruption, especially with the help of the mainstream media, who had also been working behind-the-scenes to put Clinton into office, as revealed by the leaked e-mails from Wikileaks.

A user going by the handle of TrueSympathy on KotakuInAction2 explained that this isn’t just a issue of election fraud but also a serious antitrust violation, writing…

“This is beyond an anti-trust case at this point. Billions of dollars of in-kind donations going towards the Democrats that were undeclared and hidden. The amount of money needed to turn a 50/50 vote into 90/10 would be absolutely absurd for a candidate to spend in terms of an entire nation. Google can do this and they get paid for it. Call your congressmen and voice your concern, because if they aren’t brought to heel before 2020 they will go all in to get someone in who’ll let them off the hook.”

In short, Google is not only censoring the search results and shadow-banning websites, they’re also attempting to rig elections.

There are millions of pages of evidence and eye-witness testimony proving these assertions but Google's lobbyists bribe Senators to keep the truth hidden! Barack Obama could not have become President without Google's epic election manipulations and public information manipulations.



Did you know that 85% of every dime you earn is affected by political bribery?

Political corruption is the use of powers by public officials, their network contacts, or the coordination of such corruption by Silicon Valley oligarchs, or VC's, for illegitimate private gain.

Forms of corruption vary, but include bribery, extortion, cronyism, nepotism, parochialism, patronage, influence peddling, graft, and embezzlement. Corruption may facilitate criminal enterprise such as drug trafficking, money laundering, and human trafficking, though it is not restricted to these activities. Misuse of government power for other purposes, such as repression of political opponents and general police brutality, is also considered political corruption. Masiulis case is a typical example of political corruption.

Over time, corruption has been defined differently. For example, in a simple context, while performing work for a government or as a representative, it is unethical to accept a gift. Any free gift could be construed as a scheme to lure the recipient towards some biases. In most cases, the gift is seen as an intention to seek certain favors such as work promotion, tipping in order to win a contract, job or exemption from certain tasks in the case of junior employee giving the gift to a senior employee who can be key in winning the favor.[1]

Some forms of corruption – now called "institutional corruption"[2] – are distinguished from bribery and other kinds of obvious personal gain. A similar problem of corruption arises in any institution that depends on financial support from people who have interests that may conflict with the primary purpose of the institution.

An illegal act by an officeholder constitutes political corruption only if the act is directly related to their official duties, is done under color of law or involves trading in influence. The activities that constitute illegal corruption differ depending on the country or jurisdiction. For instance, some political funding practices that are legal in one place may be illegal in another. In some cases, government officials have broad or ill-defined powers, which make it difficult to distinguish between legal and illegal actions. Worldwide, bribery alone is estimated to involve over 1 trillion US dollars annually.[3] A state of unrestrained political corruption is known as a kleptocracy, literally meaning "rule by thieves".

Investigations by the United States Congress have shown that The U.S. Department of Energy, SSA, HUD, IRS, EPA, and other agencies, are used as political slush funds to pay back (In Plain Sight) campaign finance millionaires.

Corrupt politicians steer payola to campaign financiers while blockading the Silicon Valley oligarch's competitors from reaching the market or receiving funding. Jury and FBI-compliant evidence proves this as fact. The White House has total and covert control over those agencies and can order any federal agency to screw over any voter if that citizen "mouths off". The Lois Lerner case, and thousands of similar cases, prove that!

In every case, the only entities who participated in the global character assassination and propaganda-media defamation reprisal attacks were those entities owned and controlled by the attackers. Jury and FBI-compliant evidence proves this as fact. Follow-the-money and the proof is quite clear.

The suspects have hired the largest numbers of lobbyists and corporate manipulation lawyers in U.S. history in order to manipulate political decisions. Jury and FBI-compliant evidence proves this as fact.

The suspects have spent more money on political bribes than any group of men has spent in the last century. Jury and FBI-compliant evidence proves this as fact.

The suspects placed top federal law enforcement and agency bosses from their own Cartel, into top government positions, with orders to run cover and protection schemes for them. Jury and FBI-compliant evidence proves this as fact.

California State officials including the Governor, Controller, The Senators, Secretary of State and regional officials participated in these crimes and pocketed the initial profits from these crimes in covert investment banking. Jury and FBI-compliant evidence proves this as fact.

Tesla Motors, Google, Netflix, Facebook, Linkedin, Amazon and other tech Cartel members operate with a common goal of psychological mass ideology manipulation and monopolistic profiteering based on government sponsored anti-trust violations and server control exclusivity. Jury and FBI-compliant evidence proves this as fact.

The Silicon Valley oligarchs campaign contributions to individual federal candidates are well-documented, with each contribution limited to $2,700 (of visible cash) per cycle to each candidate or their personal political action committee.





But political influence from outside groups, for example via Google's massive army of lobbyists and crooked law firms, is far more than just cold hard cash in the form of direct campaign contributions. A large portion of the people who run political election programs, ie: "Campaign Managers" are no more than mobsters who run various financial shake-down and transparency evasion efforts.

The Washington Post reports on many bribery matters, for example, that the Palo Alto Mafia of High Tech billionaires has donated less than $4 million publicly visible dollars to members of Congress in the last 18 years.... BUT.. In an era where some Senate races cost nearly $100 million, $4 million seems like very little.

Here are other ways the Palo Alto Mafia of High Tech billionaires bribe their way into policy and politics:

BRIBE: The Palo Alto Mafia of High Tech billionaires also give to party committees and the national party. A maxed-out donation to the national party quickly increases campaign spending to more than $100,000. Any organization – or person – can also give $33,400 to a party committee. Finally, state and local parties can each receive a $10,000, quickly allowing campaign finance totals to sour to nearly half-a-million dollars.

BRIBE: While the organization has to follow campaign limits, its members can make their own political donations, also following campaign finance limits noted above. But with millions of members, political clout builds quickly. The Palo Alto Mafia of High Tech billionaires have people like Steve Spinner and Steve Westly who use computerized manipulation systems to get members to over donate.

BRIBE: The Palo Alto Mafia of High Tech billionaires has a politically active membership on the social networks they own. With more than five million members, the Facebook and Google constantly communicates with its members about immigration and climate issues that affect the Palo Alto Mafia of High Tech billionaires stock market holdings and advising them how to vote. The organization is also constantly increasing its voter rolls by registering people to vote.

BRIBE: The Palo Alto Mafia of High Tech billionaires also activates its membership when elected officials are facing climate-related legislation, resulting in phone calls and emails and letters to Congress. In addition, lawmakers' votes are noted and advertised to their issue-oriented membership.

BRIBE: The Palo Alto Mafia of High Tech billionaires has its a massive number of their own super PAC's and 501c4 political organization which can run hundreds of their own political campaigns. The groups combined spent more than $40 million in the midterm elections on Senate and Congressional candidates, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. A lot of that money was spent on political advertising on television, radio and digital, and on direct mail.

BRIBE: The Palo Alto Mafia of High Tech billionaires tip off Senator's staff as to which stocks to have their Goldman Sachs brokers buy and which laws to manipulate that will pump those stocks that the families of Sen. Reid, Harris, Pelosi, Feinstein, etc. have already insider traded. Why do you think Nancy Pelosi and Dianne Feinstein have $100M in their bank accounts from only a $170K per year salary? (ie: If Tesla Motors went bankrupt would Nancy Pelosi and Dianne Feinstein, who own covert stock in Musk's companies, go bankrupt?)

BRIBE: Political attackers spend over $30M, part of that using taxpayer resources, attacking each victim that exposes them. This is proven in the financial transaction records from hired attackers: Google, Gawker, Deadspin, Gizmodo, Jalopnik, Think Progress, Media Matters, Facebook shadow-banning, troll farms, Media Matters, Black Cube, Fusion GPS, et al. (All of whom are now being forced out of business by federal and public investigations). Jury and FBI-compliant evidence proves the assertions. Hiring services, that wipe out a Senator's adversaries, is an overt form of bribery and Dark Money financing by Oligarchs.

BRIBE: There are hundreds of other such examples. We witnessed these crimes, frauds and political money laundering actions but the FEC, FBI, DOJ, FTC and others refuse to arrest the suspects because the suspects share business ventures with regulators and law enforcement executives!!!

Certain California State officials, Obama White House Staff and Federal Agency staff accepted bribes from Silicon Valley Oligarchs and Investment Bank Cartels. They were bribed with: Billions of dollars of Google, Twitter, Facebook, Tesla, Netflix and Sony Pictures stock and stock warrants which is never reported to the FEC; Billions of dollars of Google, Twitter, Facebook, Tesla, Netflix and Sony Pictures search engine rigging and shadow-banning which is never reported to the FEC; Free rent; Rare-Earth mining rights; Male and female prostitutes; Cars; Dinners; Party Financing; Sports Event Tickets; Political campaign printing and mailing services "Donations"; Secret PAC Financing; Jobs in Corporations in Silicon Valley For The Family Members of Those Who Take Bribes And Those Who Take Bribes; "Consulting" contracts from McKinsey as fronted pay-off gigs; Overpriced "Speaking Engagements" which are really just pay-offs conduited for donors; Gallery art; Private jet rides and the use of Government fuel depots (ie: Google handed out NASA jet fuel to staff); Recreational drugs; Real Estate; Fake mortgages; The use of Cayman, Boca Des Tores, Swiss and related money-laundering accounts; The use of HSBC, Wells Fargo, Goldman Sachs and Deustche Bank money laundering accounts and covert stock accounts; Free spam and bulk mailing services owned by Silicon Valley corporations; Use of high tech law firms such as Perkins Coie, Wilson Sonsini, MoFo, Covington & Burling, etc. to conduit bribes to officials; and other means now documented by us, The FBI, the FTC, The SEC, The FEC and journalists.

Senior White House staffer Steve Rattner was indicted for stock market securities fraud, Former President's campaign manager and Uber executive David Plouffe has been fined $90,000 for illegally bribing Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel (Obama's former Chief of Staff, on behalf of the ride-hailing company, the Chicago Tribune reports.

In another case, White House buddies Marty Nesbitt and Harreld Kirkpatrick III formed a private equity investment firm called Vistria created to interface to the 2012 election.

A curious pattern began to emerge. The White House administration would attack industries with government power, which led to substantially lower valuations for these companies. Nesbitt and Vistria, or others close to the White House, could then acquire those assets for pennies on the dollar. For example: The for-profit higher education schools like University of Phoenix, ITT Technical Institute, and DeVry University; In 2013, White House staff blamed the schools for taking advantage of students by saddling them with student debt, ruining their credit and making a profit on it. The White House ordered the Federal Trade Commission to go after them. In the case of the University of Phoenix, its parent Apollo Education Group was suspended after a Federal Trade Commission investigation in 2015. The following year, three companies, including Vistria, swooped in to buy what remained of Apollo at a price 90% below its share price before the investigation. As Vistria's education investment portfolio bulged, a number of White House Education Department officials, including Secretary of Education Arne Duncan, ended up taking high-level jobs with Vistria.

In another instance both the Vice President and Secretary of State were deeply involved in trade and security talks with China even as that country began its aggressive campaign to expand its military and physical presence in the South China Sea. Contrary to standard diplomatic practice, however, both played "good cop," not seriously confronting China on its misbehavior. These two officials were close friends from their years spent together in the Senate. Their families went into business together in 2009. They created a number of equity and real estate investment firms allied to Rosemont Capital, the alternative investment fund of the Heinz Family Office. Over the next seven years, as the Vice President and Secretary of State negotiated sensitive and high-stakes deals with foreign governments, Rosemont entities secured a series of exclusive deals with those same foreign governments. In December of 2013, for instance, when one of those politicians traveled to China for talks. He brought his family along. While there, the father soft-pedaled China's clear aggression, and played up the bilateral trade partnership. Ten days after the trip concluded, China's central bank, the Bank of China, set up a $1 billion investment joint venture called Bohai Harvest RST. For the record, the "RS" referred to Biden's son's firm, Rosemont Seneca.

That's questionable enough; But months later, in July 2014, the Secretary of State traveled to China, also for talks. He talked little of China's clear aggression, but did conspicuously note that "China and the United States represent the greatest economic alliance trading partnership in the history of humankind." He should know. In the ensuing months, Chinese government-linked firms took major stakes in several of the firms owned or controlled by their family, and provided them with massive funding totaling billions of dollars. Nor is this the only scandal involving these guys.

While we can provide hundreds of thousands of such examples, it is up to YOU, as a citizen, to call these public figures (who are your EMPLOYEES) to task when it occurs and remove them from office in special elections, mid-term.


This is a chart of the essence of the criminal cycle of corruption engaged by Silicon Valley oligarchs and the Senators and public officials they own:





We have absolute and indisputable intelligence agency, FBI-verifiable and forensic expert proof of all of these assertions. All of the bad guys manipulated fake news outlets are being bankrupted. All of their sex trafficking and sex slave rings are being exposed. All of their philandering and sexual extortion schemes with their interns are being exposed. All of the abuse charges in their divorce proceedings are being exposed. All of their bribes are being revealed. All of their back-room Angelgate-like collusion meetings are being revealed. They are all being sued in epic "no poaching tech job blacklisting" class action lawsuits. Every one of their employees is now able to win whistle-blower rewards for exposing them. Every law enforcement and regulatory agency in the world is receiving anti-trust, RICO and bribery complaints about them. THOUSANDS OF INTERDICTION PROGRAMS ARE UNDER WAY TO (100% LEGALLY) END THEM, THEIR CRIMES AND THEIR CORRUPTIONS.

This material includes the evidence sample-sets for the RICO Racketeering cases and investigations involving political corruption, Democracy abuse and one of the largest insider stock market scams in American history!

Silicon Valley oligarchs and corrupt U.S. Senators conspire, plot, finance and execute felony crimes that are using taxpayer money, covert investment bank accounts and stock market manipulation to steal your money and manipulate public policy. Now we have the proof and public court hearings should be held to show that evidence! If you are a voter: Demand the public release of the California and Nevada politicians tax records, stock market records and investment bank off-shore profit records - the data proves the crimes, the bribes and the corruption that we have charged!

These Certain California State officials, Obama White House Staff and Federal Agency staff have deployed every trick in the book to harm, damage, intimidate and pay-back those who reported them. They are engaging in REVENGE by abusing State, County and Federal Agencies to use Government resources to attack, benefit-block and damage members of the public in reprisal!

When you peel back the onion-skin of corruption around the covert stock market and investment bank holdings of Eric Schmidt, Dianne Feinstein, Nancy Pelosi, Elon Musk, etc.; you find that they are invested in something called "rare-earth mining". Rare earth mines are generally in third world nations and use child slave labor. These toxic corrupt operations are responsible for more murders, beatings, rapes and genocides (over control of these "blood minerals") than anything on Earth. These minerals are used in the electric cars, cell phones and solar panels that Silicon Valley has attempted to control. So, you see, it isn't about "saving the environment"; it is about greed, bribes and corruption on an epic scale.

These folders contain millions of pages of hard-evidence clippings from news media, public internet postings, investigation task force groups, E.U. groups, Congressional committees and forensic specialists. The material shown here represents only a small portion of the evidence in-hand and available for trial. The victims of these crimes have pledged to fight to-the-end to get the justice, damages compensation, whistle-blower rights and fairness that they deserve!

Additionally, a "dead-man switch" insurance policy protection data-set has been pre-distributed to journalists to protect the whistle-blowers in these matters.

A portion of this material is protected by attorney/client privilege. All videos on this system are news videos, previously publicly distributed, and compliant with U.S. First Amendment, Freedom-of-the-Press, SLAPP/Anti-SLAPP, Fair-Use Press Rights, Public Domain Law, GDPR and Human Rights U.N. laws. This is a legal rights WIKI. These sites do not track users or violate their rights. Please submit any court-ready data evidence you uncover, for a reward, that shows that Google or Facebook is censoring or hiding this data on the web, or selling data to corporate brands and political organizations.This material is usually updated hourly by public volunteers. Check back for updates. Public submissions by whistle-blowers, law enforcement and tipsters are always appreciated. The links, below, resolve to additional evidence repositories containing millions of pages of evidence designed to stand up in: 1.) Civil Jury Hearings, 2.) Grand Jury Hearings, and 3.) Live Broadcast Public Congressional Hearings.

Our global team is committed to the 100% legal, crowd-sourced, public take-down of each, and every: person, organization and company that chose to attack the public, cheat rather than compete, run character assassination and defamation reprisal operations, bribe politicians, embezzle taxpayer funds, run monopolies using taxpayer funded networks, run high-tech sex trafficking operations and use Democracy as their play-thing. The corrupt entities on THE LIST are each being hunted down, exposed and terminated using 100% legal methodologies.


DOCUMENTING POLITICAL BRIBES - How the Suspects were bribed. What do you do when your own elected officials are competing with you, and your businesses, and using government-owned, taxpayer-funded, resources to attack you so that they, and their monopoly-owning friends, can gain billions of dollars in anti-trust violating stock market profits?

COORDINATED SILICON MEDIA CENSORSHIP -  How the Suspects mass-manipulate news & information to hide the truth and operate "fake news" disinformation campaigns through Google, Facebook and other monopoly global information-control networks

EVERY PUBLIC OFFICIAL INVOLVED GOT PAYOLA -  Confirmations of the fact that the Senators & agency bosses who were supposed to protect the public were taking bribes in the crimes. They took stock market warrants, revolving door jobs at monopolistic Silicon Valley companies and insider trading tips as political bribes

FIGHTING CORRUPTION -   What you can do, from the comfort of your home, to fight this kind of political corruption. Over a billion dollars-a-year is spent, by the corrupt, to stop the FBI, GAO, FTC, FEC, OSC from enforcing the law against these criminal oligarchs... so YOU have to do it!

GOOGLE IS CORRUPT -  The overall corruption that Google executives and VC's audaciously engage in via a planned organizational strategy of tax evasion, media manipulation, anti-trust violations, shadow-banning, sex trafficking and worse. For decades, Google VC's and executives have conspired to monopolistic-ally manipulate politics, stock markets and information towards their personal ideological and profiteering extremes.

GOOGLE MANIPULATES ELECTIONS - The most extreme crime that Google operates is the manipulation of Democracy in order to please the extremist owners of the monopoly in the Alphabet Cartel. Using the largest bribery and lobbying network in history, The Alphabet Cartel operates criminally and with impunity.

KEY POINTS - Capsule summations of the main issues, illicit actions and criminal charges

SILICON VALLEYS SEX ABUSES -  The Silicon Valley oligarchs, and the politicians they control, reveal their true sick sociopath nature in the massive number of perverted sex scandals they are always involved in

SURVEILLANCE CAPITALISM -  The abuse of privacy, created by the Silicon Valley technology monopoly mafia, for the mass harvesting of humans as "digital information cows" and tools for political behavior manipulation

THE DARK MONEY LAUNDERING -   The way that the bribes are paid using covert asset layering techniques. How does a California Senator that is only supposed to be making $170K per year end up with $160+ Million in their bank account, all derived from profiteering on the backs of taxpayers?

THE DOE CLEANTECH PAYOLA SCAM -   The U.S. Department of Energy was converted to a Dark Money political slush-fund to pay back Obama Administration campaign financiers by distributing payola in plain sight. They thought they could never get caught if they pulled it off right in front of everybody, but their smoke-and-mirrors scheme blew up when the deciders, financiers, beneficiaries and government staff all turned out to be holding the same stock, job offers and insider trading moves.

-   Elon Musk operates Tesla Motors, SpaceX, Solar City, Neuralink,The Boring Company, etc. as government mooch stock market scams and dark money political campaign finance conduits in partnership with Goldman Sachs. The lies, financial crimes, arrogance, narcissism and manipulations of Musk are endless

-  When the Suspects get bent-out-of-joint, they use Gawker, Gizmodo, Fusion GPS, Black Cube, Jalopnik, CNN, Media Matters, etc. to "kill" those they don't like. Victims have suffered defamation blasts, character assassination, employment black-listing, investor black-listing, toxic poisoning, government benefits blockades and stonewalling, Google & Facebook shadow bans, and worse. Patrick George At Jalopnik attacks outsiders under contract with Elon Musk and DNC. Silicon Valley campaign finance oligarchs hire him to run hatchet jobs on innocent outsiders and then Gawker-Gizmodo-Jalopnik uses their financial partnership with the DNC's Google to push the character assassination articles to the top of Google web products and searches. Patrick George, Adrian Covert, John Hermann and Nick Cook are the sexually degenerate cabin boys that report to boy-loving sleaze-tabloid oligarch Nick Denton. They created the Fake News crisis in the media by flooding the internet with defamation posts and reprisal hatchet job articles designed to damage political enemies of the Socialists. They coordinate a large number of the character assassination efforts at Gawker, Gizmodo, Jalopnik, CNN, New York Times and other propaganda outlets. THE LITHIUM BATTERY SCAM - The Obama campaign financiers promised exclusive lithium, indium, cobalt & rare-earth metals mining deals to Silicon Valley oligarchs who rigged the internet for Obama. The batteries they exploit turned out to be deadly, toxic, war-causing, child-labor camp harvested, cancer-causing, working killing, self-exploding disasters

THE PALO ALTO MAFIA -   Also known as "The PayPal Mafia" or "The Deep State"; these sociopath frat boys, mostly homosexual, delight in bribes, sex abuse, monopolization, tribal boys clubs, elitism and tax evasion

THE POLITICAL DEATHS -  When the character assassinations don't work, the Suspects just have people killed

USING PUBLIC AGENCIES AS HIT-JOB OPERATORS -  HUD, SSA, SEC, DOE and your City and County offices are used by the Suspects, via their control of U.S. Senators, to harm those who speak out against the corrupt insiders who run this scheme

- Expect to have every great idea, start-up, invention or business venture stolen and copied by Google, Facebook, Kleiner Perkins, Draper Fisher, Greylock, etc. (The Palo Alto Mafia) and get blockaded from ever getting them into a jury trial to hold them accountable

Silicon Valley oligarchs, and the corrupt West Coast Senators they bribe, pretend to support 'green' issues, sex issues and immigrant issues in order to sucker the largest mass of the public into supporting schemes designed, exclusively, to put stock profits in their covert family stock market accounts. They spend over a billion dollars a month to rig government policy against you. The only way to stop them is to A.) vote them out, B.) expose them in the media using CIA/FBI-class financial forensics doxing and C.) bankrupt their assets and stock market holdings, D.) expose their corrupt lobby companies, "think tanks", Fusion GPS operatives and facade law firms. The true financiers of every politician are being publicly revealed! "Politicians" are your EMPLOYEES, never let them forget that fact!

Everyone has seen the news reports about Solyndra, Uranium One, The Tesla Stock Manipulations, and the trillions of dollars of related energy industry financial crimes (ie: The CBS News 60 Minutes reports: "The Cleantech Crash" & "Congress Trading On Insider Information"...). The victims of these crimes have never been compensated, never had their claims addressed, and are attacked DAILY for reporting the crimes and for assisting law enforcement agencies. The victims have joined together to get way or another!

What Is An 'Extinction-Level Interdiction Program' For Corrupt Companies And People?

By The Leesberg Foundation

It only works on corrupt companies that bribe, break the law, abuse employees, rape, tax evade, lie, cheat, steal, run character assassinations, operate anti-trust violating monopolies, spy and are generally dirty pigs.

That is why it works so well on Google, Gawker, Gizmodo, Jalopnik, Univision, Facebook, Tesla, Goldman Sachs and other creepy corps who bribe, break the law, abuse employees, rape, tax evade, lie, cheat, steal, run character assassinations, operate anti-trust violating monopolies, spy and are generally dirty pigs.

'Extinction-level' means that the goal is to put them-out-of-business.

'Interdiction' means that the effort involves interrupting their corruption, crimes, bribes, payola and sex trafficking.

It is a 'Program' because it is a constant, unwavering, long-term effort that the entire public population is continually expanding and adding to the effort of.

The efforts are long and take many years but they always work.

If your company does not bribe, break the law, abuse employees, rape, tax evade, lie, cheat, steal, run character assassinations, operate anti-trust violating monopolies, spy and they are not generally dirty pigs then they have nothing to worry about.

If the truth can't hurt a Facebook, Google or Tesla then they should have no concern about the truth being exposed.

Alas, though, those companies are targeted for extinction and any smart investor should remove their investment funds from those companies. The way that they are taken down includes exposing every time each investor engages in a bribe, breaks the law, abuses employees, rapes, tax evades, lies, cheats, steals, runs character assassinations, operates anti-trust violating monopolies, spies and is generally a dirty pig.

Bill Cosby thought he could not be taken down. He was!

Enron thought they could not be taken down. They were!

Dick Nixon thought he could not be taken down. He was!

Hillary Clinton thought she could not be taken down! She was!

Theranos thought it could not be taken down! It was!

The list is endless. The fact is clear: If you cheat rather than compete you will be destroyed.

It is now easier than ever to kill a corrupt entity!

We have hard-fact FBI and CIA-class evidence that Google, Gawker, Gizmodo, Jalopnik, Univision, Facebook, Tesla, Goldman Sachs and others are breaking the law and exist based on a criminal operation. That is why they are going down! We witnessed them do the crimes. Their ex-employees and federal investigators saw it too. That is why they are helping with the take-downs. Millions of web users who hate corruption are helping too, using crowd sourced forensics.

The deaths of these crooked behemoths will be long, slow and hard..but the crash they make when they finally fall will resound throughout history!

An Extinction-Level Interdiction Program known as an "ELIP" always guarantees that a corrupt attacking corporation will:

A. Lose a minimum of one billion dollars in stock market and brand valuation from exposure of the truth about them.

B. Suffer the firings or forced terminations of multiple senior staff.

C. Have draft FBI 302 forms authored and submitted to the relevant regional FBI offices where those companies are located.

D. Have private investigators prepare case files on the company, or individual, and submit those to every relevant law enforcement and regulatory agency on every continent.

E. Have every investor who has placed over $50,000.00 in the company investigated for tax fraud, expense fraud, drug abuse, spousal abuse, sexual extortion, off-shore accounts, political bribery, kick-backs, payola, under-the-table payments, real estate fraud, 501 c 3 and 501 c 4 charity fraud, self-dealing, revolving door political payola and other relevant issues.

How To Destroy ANY Corrupt Politician or Dirty Silicon Valley Campaign Financier, 100% Legally!

Organized crime is alive and well in public offices across the nation. This is how you utterly destroy any person who engages in it, using 100% legal tactics and the power of crowd-sourced law enforcement.

FBI and other government officials will even help you do it. The voters will help you do it. Your friends will help you do it. Total strangers will help you do it. The entire internet will help you do it.

You will use CIA-class databases, social media, public watch-dog technologies, FBI-quality monitoring systems and open-source collaborative forensics comparison data to hunt down every: hooker, real estate asset, male prostitute, mistress, secret email account, social media posting, family trust fund, shell corporation, family stock market transaction, off-shore account, covert investment brokerage, email, Uber and Lyft ride, hotel entry and exit, credit card transaction, Paypal account, search engine manipulation, venture capital connection, Stanford University admissions bribe, expense account abuse, taxpayer funds abuse, rape, sextortion, covert tech company stock they own under another name, every party they attended, every tag they appear in on social media, every Cayman Island account, every crooked CPA or law firm they have used, every lobbyist they ever paid....EVERYTHING.. and you will drop the data into a simple database and cross matrix everything even better than the spy agencies can do it..


Each person from each political office, lobby firm, law firm or company who engaged in the subversion of the government and the bribery of public officials WILL have EVERY personal email account, text message account, voice-mail hard drive, social media account, dating account or other PERSONAL communications account examined via investigators. Such examinations shall begin from the date of the opening of each account and run up to today. Law enforcement believes that such parties used personal data systems to subvert the laws of public disclosure and engage in criminal financial crimes and democracy subversion efforts.

You will be even more powerful than Ralph Nader, Julian Assange and Edward Snowden COMBINED!

You will ensure that the public servants, who are your EMPLOYEES!!!!, are held accountable and totally, completely devastated for their crimes against the public.



Whistleblowers: XP Vehicles was on Google’s blacklist of sites because Google owned Tesla stock

- Massive anti-Trust and RICO Racketeering law violations by Google and YouTube

By Peter Barry Chowka

Buried deep in the extensive trove of internal documents documenting Google’s onerous censorship policies is this gem: American Thinker was on the dominant tech giant’s list of “blacklisted” news websites.

The source of the leak is identified as “Google Insider Zachary Vorhies.” On August 14, Vorhies outed himself as the leaker in a video posted ay Project Veritas, which published the documents. Among the hundreds of documents is one identified as a news “blacklist” -- titled “Manual list of sites excluded from appearing as Google Now stories.” Sure enough, among the list of 400 or so sites (mostly from the conservative right but some on the left) -- under the subhead “sites with high user block rate” -- is (near the lower right corner in the photo below)

Photo courtesy Steve McCann

Vorhies had been providing Project Veritas with documents he downloaded as a Google engineer for more than a year. He decided to go public this week “after he says Google allegedly called the police to perform a ‘wellness check’ on him.” The story, including a 20-minute long video of Vorhies, is a compelling one and is documented in the August 14 release from Project Veritas.

According to Vorhies:

I gave the documents to Project Veritas, I had been collecting the documents for over a year. And the reason why I collected these documents was because I saw something dark and nefarious going on with the company and I realized that there were going to not only tamper with the elections, but use that tampering with the elections to essentially overthrow the United States.

Zachary Vorhies in the Project Veritas video

In addition to providing the documents to Project Veritas, Vorhies said he also sent them to the Department of Justice Antitrust Division.

According to the Project Veritas news release:

Among those documents [that Vorhies purloined] is a file called “news black list site for google now.” The document, according to Vorhies, is a “black list,” which restricts certain websites from appearing on news feeds for an Android Google product. The list includes conservative and progressive websites, such as and The document says that some sites are listed with or because of a “high user block rate.”

The complete set of documents, which can be downloaded from Project Veritas’s web site, and Vorhies’s testimony comprise an insider’s complement to the work of noted research psychologist Robert Epstein, Ph.D., who I had the privilege of interviewing for an hour on September 4, 2018 on The Hagmann Report in a conversation titled “Big Tech can shift 12 million votes in November [2018].” Epstein has emerged as a leading critic of Big Tech from a scientifically-grounded research viewpoint. In sworn testimony before the United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary Subcommittee hearing on “Google and Censorship through Search Engines” on July 16, 2019, Epstein testified that “In 2016, biased search results generated by Google’s search algorithm likely impacted undecided voters in a way that gave at least 2.6 million votes to Hillary Clinton (whom I supported).” Epstein went on to note that the potential for Google to influence millions of voters’ election results in 2020 is even greater.




Follow-the-money and the emails!

This is who financed and operated the attacks, illicit manipulations and anti-trust violations. These are the ones that everyone is working on exposing, indicting and TAKING DOWN:

- A.J. Delaurio– Defamation-for-sale blogger **

- Abound Solar - Criminally corrupt crony campaign finance front operation. (Terminated)

- Adam Dachis– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Adam Weinstein– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Adrian Covert– Defamation-for-sale blogger **

- Adrien Chen– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Al Mottur and Manuel Ortiz, Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck **

- Alan Henry– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Albert Burneko– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Alex Balk– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Alexander Pareene– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Alexandra Philippides– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Allison Spinner – Wife of Steve Spinner and lawyer at WSGR and Solyndra who helped Feinstein rig the Solyndra cash ((Under investigation. All assets being tracked and terminated.) **

- Allison Wentz– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Alphabet - Privacy abuse, spy-on-the-public, Fake News election rigger, Clinton/DNC scheme financier (Under Federal and EU investigation) **

- Andrew Collins– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Andrew Magary– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Andrew McCormack

- Andrew Orin– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Andy Barbour, Smith-Free Group **

- Andy Bechtolsheim – VC- **

- Aneesh Chopra

- Angelica Alzona– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Anna Merlan– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Ariana Cohen– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Arnold Schwarzenegger – Governor (Accused of political bribery and kickbacks; tax evasion, illicit deal organization with Russians and more…)

- Ashley Feinberg– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Austin Lau

- Ava Gyurina– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Barack Obama – Chicago politician **

- Barry Petchesky– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Bill Daley – White House strong-arm (Forced to resign)(he is now under investigation) **

- Bill Gurley

- Bill Lockyer – Calif State finance head (Under investigation and sex scandal conflicts, charged with corruption by media. Assets and ownerships under investigation) **

- Brendan I. Koerner– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Brendan O’Connor– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Brent Rose– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Brian Goncher – Deloitte VC intermediary in the stock market rigging (He is now under investigation)(accused of political bribery and kickbacks; tax evasion, and more…) **

- Brian Hickey– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Brobeck Law Firm

- Camila Cabrer– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Carl Gordon

- Chad Hurley

- Cheryl Sandberg – Facebook boss, reports to Larry Summers **

- Choire Sicha– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Chris Jennings, Jennings Policy Strategies **

- Chris Mohney– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Chuck Brain, Capitol Hill Strategies Inc. **

- Civis Analytics – Social manipulation group **

- Clover Hope– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Covington & Burling **

- Dan Tate Jr., Capitol Solutions

- Daniel Cohen – DOE Legal counsel who assisted in the Steven Chu scam (Sent packing/fired/forced to resign) **

- Daniel Morgan– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Dark Money Group relay

- David Axelrod – White House strategist who helped stage the quid-pro-quo (Sent packing/fired/forced to resign)(he is now under investigation)(accused of political bribery and kickbacks; tax evasion, and more…) **

- David Castagnetti **

- David Danielson

- David Drummond – Lawyer/Lobbyist– Google, bribes expert for DC and EU regions (Under investigation. Quail Road, Woodside, CA home bugged) **

- David Matthews– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- David Mott

- David Plouffe – White House money packager. Arranged deals between VC campaign Donors (Forced to Resign. Under investigation) **

- David Prend

- David Sacks

- David Sandalow **

- Debbie Wasserman Schultz **

- Denis McDonough – White House adviser **

- Diana Moskovitz– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Dianne Feinstein – California politician **

- Draper - Fisher – VC firm (Campaign funder who received massive windfalls from Russian mining & tech start-up rigging) **

- Eleanor Shechet– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Elizabeth Spiers– Defamation-for-sale blogger **

- Elizabeth Starkey– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Elon Musk – CEO – Tesla (He is now under investigation & in multiple lawsuits for fraud)(accused of political bribery and kickbacks; tax evasion, and more…) ( All of his personal assets, investments and portfolio holdings are under investigation ) **

- Emanuel Rouvelas, K&L Gates **

- Emily Gould– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Emily Herzig– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Emma Carmichael– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Eric Holder – Attorney General- DOJ (Forced to resign) (Charged with staff & VC Protections and blockade of FBI and Special Prosecutor deployments in order to run the cover-up) **

- Eric Paley

- Eric Schmidt – Owner- Google (He is now under investigation)(accused of political bribery and kickbacks; tax evasion, and more…) **

- Eric Strickland – Head of Auto Safety agency under DOT (Sent packing/fired/forced to resign)(he is now under investigation. Charged with cover-up of Tesla and GM auto dangers he had known about) **

- Erin Ryan– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Ethan Sommer– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Eyal Ebel– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Facebook - Privacy abuse, spy-on-the-public, Fake News election rigger, Clinton/DNC scheme financier ( Failing, rapidly decreasing users and increasing fake ad stats disclosures ) **

- Fisker - Criminally corrupt crony campaign finance front operation. (Terminated)

- Fred Graefe, Law Offices of Frederick H. Graefe **

- Fusion GPS – Defamation and journalist bribery service **

- Gabriel Burt

- Gabrielle Bluestone– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Gabrielle Darbyshire– Defamation-for-sale blogger and attack services director **

- Gawker Media – DNC/Clinton/Obama character assassination media tool (In Mid-Termination) **

- Georgina K. Faircloth– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Gerald Cassidy and Gregg Hartley, Cassidy & Associates **

- Gilman Louie – VC, founder on IN-Q-Tel **

- Gizmodo Media – DNC/Clinton/Obama character assassination media tool ( Failing, rapidly decreasing users and increasing fake ad stats disclosures ) **

- Goldman Sachs – Financial packager (Suspected of staging most of the TARP/DOE deals for personal gain & insider payouts) **

- Google, Inc. – Data harvesting company(Ran media attacks, stock market pump and dump PR hype and character assassinations)(accused of political bribery and kickbacks; tax evasion, and more…) (charged by EU, and most nations, with multiple abuses of the public. Has totally lost the trust of the public. Revenue loss increasing geometrically.) **

- Gregory Howard– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Greylock Capital – Silicon Valley Insider trading operator (Under investigation) **

- Hamilton Nolan– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Hannah Keyser– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Harry Reid – Senator- Solar factory guru, Congress lead (Accused of political bribery and kickbacks; tax evasion, and more…Forced out of Congress in shame) **

- Heather Deitrich– Defamation-for-sale blogger **

- Heather Podesta, Heather Podesta + Partners with her husband, Tony. **

- Hillary Clinton – Dynastic politician **

- Hudson Hongo– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Hugo Schwyzer– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Hunter Slaton– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Ian Fette– Defamation-for-sale blogger and Google, Gawker, Jalopnik, Gizmodo media assassin **

- In-Q-Tel, Inc. – CIA off-shoot associated with Eric Schmidt, Google, Elon Musk and the Cartel leaders. Ran “hit-jobs” on Silicon Valley VC adversaries and reporters (Sued, under investigation, exposed in multiple documentaries, under investigation for Cocaine trafficking. Removal of charity status demanded) **

- Ira Ehrenpreis – VC Campaign backer (He is now under investigation)(accused of political bribery and kickbacks; tax evasion, and more…) ( All of his personal assets, investments and portfolio holdings are under investigation) **

- Irin Carmon– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Ivanpah Solar - Criminally corrupt crony Google campaign finance front operation. (In failure mode)

- Jack Lew

- Jack Quinn, Quinn Gillespie & Associates

- Jacque Littlefield – VC, Dead

- Jalopnik – Online defamation facade political publication. Pretends to be about cars but is DNC hit job rag **

- James Bronkema – West Coast Money Man for David Rockefeller and Feinstein financier (Dead)

- James Brown Jr – HHS Programming lead in California (Arrested for corruption)

- James J. Cooke– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- James King– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Jared Cohen – Google boss and international political manipulator - **

- Jawed Karim

- Jay Carney – White House press lead (Forced to resign) **

- Jeff Berman and David Russell, Bryan Cave. Berman, the former delegate counter for President Obama’s 2008 campaign **

- Jeff Lieberman

- Jeff Peck, Peck, Madigan, Jones & Stewart. Once an aide to then-Sen. Joe Biden (D-Del.) on the Senate Judiciary Committee **

- Jeffrey Zients **

- Jennifer Ouellette– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Jeremy Stoppelman

- Jerry Brown – California politician **

- Jesse Oxfeld– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Jessica Cohen– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Jesus Diaz– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Jillian Schulz– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Jim Blanchard and Ilia Rodriguez, DLA Piper. Blanchard, a former Democratic governor of Michigan, and Rodriguez, an ex-lobbyist for the Center for American Progress **

- Jim Breyer – VC and CIA intermediary **

- Jim Goetz

- Jimmy Ryan, Elmendorf | Ryan

- Joanna Rothkopf– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Joe Lonsdale – VC, famous for rape and abuse scandal and domestic spying via Palantir **

- Joe Rhodes – White House shill **

- Joel Johnson, The Glover Park Group. The former aide to Sen. Tom Daschle (D-S.D.) **

- Johanna Shelton **

- John Cook– Defamation-for-sale blogger and director of media assassins group **

- John Doerr – Owner – Kleiner Perkins. “Godfather” – Silicon Valley Cartel (He is now under investigation)(accused of political bribery and kickbacks; tax evasion, and more…)( All of his personal assets, investments and portfolio holdings are under investigation ) **

- John Herrman– Defamation-for-sale blogger **

- John Lindfors

- John Podesta – White House adviser **

- John Raffaelli, Capitol Counsel. **

- Jonathan Silver – DOE VC (Sent packing/fired/forced to resign)(he is now under investigation. Shamed in media for epic failures) **

- Jordan Sargent– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Joseph Keenan Trotter– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Josh Ackil and Matt Tanielian, Franklin Square Group. With clients including Apple, Google and Intel, the two Democrats are among the elite lobbyists for Silicon Valley in Washington. **

- Josh Kopelman **

- Josh Stein– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Joshua Wright

- JP Gan

- Julia Allison– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Julianne E. Shepherd– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Julie Domenick, Multiple Strategies LLC. The Democratic lobbyist **

- Justin Hyde– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Kamala Harris– Crooked Senator directed by investment banker husband **

- Kate Dries– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Katharine Trendacosta– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Katherine Drummond– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Kathy Zoi **

- Keith Rabois - VC **

- Kelly Stout– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Ken Alex – Scheme adviser to Jerry Brown **

- Ken Duberstein and Marti Thomas, The Duberstein Group. Duberstein was floated as a candidate for Obama’s chief of staff before the president chose Bill Daley, while Thomas is a Democratic vet who worked in the Clinton Treasury Department. **

- Ken Howery – VC **

- Kenneth Kies, Federal Policy Group

- Kerrie Uthoff– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Kevin Draper– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Kleiner Perkins – Campaign funding VC who (Received massive windfalls from Russian mining & tech start-up rigging. Sued. Under investigation. All assets being tracked ) **

- Lacey Donohue– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Lachlan Seward – Energy Department gatekeeper **

- Larry O’Brien, OB-C Group. O’Brien is one of the most potent Democratic fixers in the country and has a personal connection to Fusion GPS and Google insider deals **

- Larry Page – Google Boss **

- Larry Summers – VC **

- Licy Do Canto, The DoCanto Group. The former aide to Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) and the late Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.)

- Lisa Kountoupes, Kountoupes Consulting. The former aide to Rep. John Dingell (D-Mich.) **

- Lloyd Craig Blankfein – VC and Sachs boss **

- Lucy Haller– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Luke Malone– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Luke Nosek

- Madeleine Davies– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Marc Andreessen - VC **

- Margaret Sullivan – VC, USAID Boss and Tom Steyer’s partner

- Mario Aguilar– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Mario Rosatti – VC **

- Mark Isakowitz, Fierce, Isakowitz and Blalock. Isakowitz and his lobby shop scored a coup this year when Apple and Facebook both signed up as clients in a two-week span **

- Mark Kadesh, Kadesh & Associates. Kadesh, once chief of staff to Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), has an A-list of California Silicon Valley ANTIFA-like clients **

- Mark Zuckerberg – Facebook Boss **

- Martin LaGod -VC **

- Marty Paone, Prime Policy Group. Paone spent decades on Capitol Hill working for Senate Democrats **

- Mary Meeker – VC **

- Matt Hardigree– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Matt Novak– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Matt Rogers – VC and pass-through conduit **

- Max Levchin - VC **

- Mckinsey Consulting – The firm you hire to rig white papers and insider hires in government positions for the Palo Alto Mafia **

- Megan Smith

- Melissa Schulman, The Bockorny Group. A former aide to Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) - **

- Michael Ballaban– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Michael Dobbs– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Michael Eisenberg

- Michael Moritz -VC

- Michael Spinelli– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Mikey Dickerson

- Mitch Feuer and Robert Griner, Rich Feuer Group. Goldman Sachs lobbyist **

- Morrison and Foerster **

- Nancy Pelosi – California politician **

- Nathan Parker

- Neal Ungerleider– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Neerag Agrawal

- Nicholas Aster– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Nicholas Guido Denton– Defamation-for-sale blogger and head of the Gawker, Gizmodo, Jalopnik sleaze tabloid empire **

- Nick Allard, Thomas Hale Boggs Jr., Micah Green, Jonathan Yarowsky and Edward Newberry, Patton Boggs **

- Omar Kardoudi– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Owen Thomas– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Patrick George– Defamation-for-sale blogger and Character Assassination expert **

- Patrick Laffoon– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Patrick Redford– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Perkins Coie – Campaign cash conduit law firm **

- Peter Fenton

- Peter Thiel – VC **

- Pierre Omidyar– Defamation-for-sale blogger **

- Rahm Emanuel – White House boss **

- Raj Gupta – VC, arrested

- Rakesh Saxeena – Canadian in-house arrest, arms dealer, western political packager (arrested)

- Ray Lane – VC **

- Reid Hoffman – VC and partner with Gary Kremen **

- Rich Gold, Kathryn Lehman and Gerry Sikorski, Holland & Knight **

- Rich Juzwiak– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Richard Blakely– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Richard Blum – VC and director/husband of Dianne Feinstein **

- Richard Rushfield– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Rick Kessler - Dow Lohnes Government Strategies **

- Robert Finger– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Robert Gibbs – White press office head **

- Robert Raben, The Raben Group. Raben, a former aide to Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) and Clinton Justice Department official **

- Robert Sorokanich– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Robert Van Heuvelen, VH Strategies **

- Roelof Botha

- Rory Waltzer– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Rosa Golijan– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Russel Simmons

- Ryan Brown– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Ryan Goldberg– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Sam Faulkner Biddle– Defamation-for-sale blogger, Runs a large part of the Anti-GOP blog programs **

- Sam Woolley– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Samar Kalaf– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Sander Lurie - SNR Denton **

- Sandi Stuart - Clark & Weinstock

- Sanjay Wagle – VC

- Sarah Ramey– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Scott Shleiffer

- Sergy Brin – Google boss **

- Shannon Marie Donnelly– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Shep McAllister– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Solyndra Solar Company – FBI raided corrupt Clean Tech company invested in by Feinstein’s (terminated)

- Sophie Kleeman– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- SpaceX – Elon Musk company that Obama gave part of NASA to in exchange for campaign conduits **

- Stephen Totilo– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Steve Chen

- Steve Jurvetson – VC embroiled in sex abuse charges and money laundering investigations **

- Steve McBee, McBee Strategic **

- Steve Perry and Andy Wright, Dutko Grayling

- Steve Rattner – White House car czar, indicted for fraud **

- Steve Spinner – Energy Department manipulation expert, Wife was Solyndra’s lawyer **

- Steve Westly – VC **

- Steven Chu – Secretary of Energy – The most corrupt in US history **

- Tamar Winberg– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Taryn Schweitzer– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Taylor McKnight– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Ted Schlein

- Tesla Motors – Car Company that conduits money to campaigns **

- The Groundwork– Social manipulation group

- Thomas Jolly, Jolly/Rissler. Jolly is founding chairman of the Washington Caucus **

- Thorin Klosowski– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Tim Draper – VC **

- Tim Marchman– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Timothy Burke– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Tobey Grumet Segal– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Todd Park – IT manipulator inside White House **

- Tom Ley– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Tom O’Donnell, Gephardt Government Affairs Group. O’Donnell and his former Capitol Hill boss, ex-House Democratic Leader Richard Gephardt (Mo.), **

- Tom Perkins – KPCB Palo Alto Mafia founder (dead)

- Tom Scocca– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Tom Sheridan, The Sheridan Group. **

- Tom Steyer – VC **

- Tomorrow Ventures – Social manipulation group **

- Tony Podesta, Podesta Group **

- U.S. Government – Complicit for allowing the others on this list to operate **

- Veronica de Souza– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- Victor Fazio, Joel Jankowsky, Scott Parven and Bill Paxon, Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld. Fazio, Jankowsky, Parven and Paxon - lobbyists - Akin Gump **

- Viktor Vekselberg – Russian business entity **

- Vinod Khosla -VC **

- Wes Siler– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- William Haisley– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- William Turton– Defamation-for-sale blogger

- The Wilson Sonsini Insider Partner Staff Club **

- Wilson, Sonsini, Goodrich and Rosatti **






The Advanced Technology Vehicles Manufacturing (ATVM) Loan Program is a $25 billion direct loan program funded by Congress in fall 2008 under the guise of "providing debt capital to the U.S. automotive industry for the purpose of funding projects that help vehicles manufactured in the U.S. meet higher mileage requirements and lessen U.S. dependence on foreign oil. " The PR department for the U.S. Department of Energy spends nearly a million dollars per year seeking to manipulate news and social media to try to pitch their message that the program was a "success". In fact, it has been, and remains today, one of the most criminally corrupt failures in American history.. It was only a "success" as one of the biggest political slush-funds ever created!


 A case study in pay-to-play cronyism

By Dan Epstein (White House Counsel)

News flash: Government subsidies and special-interest favors go hand in hand. 

The latest example comes from a federal green-energy loan program. Last month, the DC District Court ruled that Cause of Action, where I am executive director, can proceed with a lawsuit against the Department of Energy. We’re suing the federal government for the blatant political favoritism in its $25 billion “Advanced Technology Vehicle Manufacturing Loan Program.” 

In principle, this taxpayer-funded program was supposed to support the manufacture of energy-efficient cars. In practice, it rewarded a select few well-connected companies. 

Since the program was created in 2008, numerous businesses have applied for its taxpayer-backed financial support. Yet only a small number were approved. Among the lucky few were two electric car manufacturers: Teslaand Fisker

Both companies’ political connections run deep, especially Tesla’s. The company’s founder, Elon Musk, was a max donor for President Obama. One of its board members, Steven Westly, was appointed to a Department of Energy advisory board. And another Obama bundler, Tesla investor and adviser Steven Spinner, secured employment in the department’s Loan Program Office—the very office that gave the company a taxpayer-backed loan. 

Fisker also has friends in high places. The company, which has since gone bankruptwas backed by a San Francisco venture capital firm whose senior partners donated millions to the 2008 Obama campaign and other Democrat causes. One partnerJohn Doerr, parlayed his support into a seat on the President’s Council of Jobs and Competitiveness. 

Such connections can allow a company to exert political pressure to enrich itself. Unsurprisingly, Department of Energy emails show that such pressure was rampant in its loan programs. 

There’s no shortage of examples. The department’s leaders—including then-Secretary of Energy Steven Chu—repeatedly promised to deliver results to politicians like Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) and Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nev.). One emails reads, “DOE has made a political commitment” to approve a company’s loan. Another says the “pressure is on rea lheavy” from none other than Vice President Joe Biden. And still another shows an employee asking, “what’s another billion anyhow?” 

Unsurprisingly, the Obama administration gave Tesla and Fisker preferential treatment, and then some. 

The Department of Energy revised its review process in order finish the companies’ applications faster. The government gave them extraordinary access to its staff and facilities—even to the point of having government employees personally walk them through the loan application and approval process.The department ignored its own lending rules in order to approve the companies’ loans. And it renegotiated the terms of some loans after the companies could not keep their original commitments or were experiencing financial difficulties. Tellingly, Fisker has since gone out of business, despite receiving over a billion dollars in loans through this federal program. 

Now contrast this preferential treatment with what happened to XP Vehicles and Limnia, neither of which have the same political connections. (My organization is suing the Department of Energy on their behalf). The two companies partnered to manufacture an energy-efficient sport utility vehicle that would have competed with Tesla and Fisker’s cars. They applied for loans in 2008 and 2009 under the same loan program.

The department refused them both—and it used bogus reasons to do so.  

For starters, the department made claims that were laughably false. To take one example: It rejected XPV’s application because its vehicle was powered by hydrogen. It was an electric SUV. It also raised objections that it didn’t raise with other companies whose applications were approved. For instance: The bureaucracy criticized the proposed all-electric vehicle for not using a specific type of gasoline. Yet Tesla and Fisker received the loans despite producing similar all-electric cars. 

In light of these obvious problems and hypocrisy, both companies presented the Department of Energy with detailed rebuttals. Yet the government failed to respond. To this day, both XPV and Limnia are awaiting a satisfactory reply.

This casts the Department of Energy’s loan program in a new light. It was sold to the American public as a means of promoting energy-efficient vehicles. Instead, it was used to benefit a select few well-connected companies. It was a blatant crony handout, paid for by the U.S.taxpayer. 

Sadly, similar examples are widespread in Washington. That’s no surprise considering the feds spend roughly $100 billion a year in taxpayer-funded handouts to businesses. This breeds the sort of government-business collusion Americans think is rampant in Washington. In fact, over two-thirds of likely voters think the federal government helps businesses that hire the most lobbyists, shake the right hands, and pad the right pockets. They’re right. 

This points to a simple conclusion: Politicians and bureaucrats shouldn’t use the public’s money to pad private companies’ bottom lines. As the Department of Energy’s green-vehicle loan program shows, the capacity for corruption is immense—and inevitable.




Note: We have absolute and indisputable intelligence agency, FBI-verifiable and forensic expert proof of all of these assertions.

The program was used by the Obama Administration to provide crony payola kick-backs to financiers and friends of the Obama Administration and to attack the competitors of the Silicon Valley financiers of the Obama Administration.

As of 2019, the U.S. Department of Energy claims that they "overhauled" and "re-did" the ATVM program and it's sister program: the Loan Guarantee Program. In fact, that is false.

When you peel back the onion-skin of corruption around the covert stock market and investment bank holdings of Eric Schmidt, Dianne Feinstein, Nancy Pelosi, Elon Musk, etc.; you find that they are invested in something called "rare-earth mining". Rare earth mines are generally in third world nations and use child slave labor. These toxic corrupt operations are responsible for more murders, beatings, rapes and genocides (over control of these "blood minerals") than anything on Earth. These minerals are used in the electric cars, cell phones and solar panels that Silicon Valley has attempted to control. So, you see, it isn't about "saving the environment"; it is about greed, bribes and corruption on an epic scale.

The program continues today as a political slush-fund and it is as corrupt as ever. It has NOT been "cleaned-up"! It is STILL a cesspool of corruption! Obama hold-overs and corrupt insiders, with personal conflict-of-interest stock and revolving door career deals, still control the funds and steer the monies exclusively to their friends.

The program has not funded any company who is not a campaign-finance friend of the Obama Administration. The DOE program attacked, lied to, stalled, delayed, gate-keeper blocked and harmed any Applicants who competed with Tesla, Fisker and the Obama financiers. Through the Silicon Valley control of the facade group: "The National Venture Capital Association", DOE ensured that NO car company or solar company in America could get funded, by any private means, without Silicon Valley oligarch approval. The DOE is a corrupt organization operated by corrupt insiders for corrupt purposes!

DOE's two main manipulation tricks are: 1.) STONE-WALLING - Where DOE staff throw outsider Applicant's filings in a box and forget about them for many years in a Lois-Lerner'd review process that takes any commercial bank only 2 weeks to complete. DOE spends years doing hyperbolic nothings in order to delay campaign financiers competitors, and 2.) INTERPRETIVE LYING - Where DOE staff make up things that Applicant's never said and twist the Applicant's words into anything BUT what the Applicant's intended, in order to manipulate non-favored Applicant's into negative interpretations. DOE staff never even called outsider Applicant's for clarity discussions of any key data. They did not want to hear the truth, they couldn't handle the truth! They only wanted their crony's to win the funding!

Every applicant who applied, who was not a crony insider, hard-wired, Obama bagman was DEFRAUDED, LIED TO, STONE-WALLED and used as a smoke-screen to hide the true nature of the crony payola scheme operated by Secretary of Energy bosses Chu, Moniz and Perry. They are owed money to pay for their damages from tort-based interference in their businesses and other fraud-related DOE-operated causes-of-action.

Silicon Valley oligarchs hired "Lobbyists" (who are political operatives who offer bribes to politicians without ever using the word "bribe") to take-over the program. Silicon Valley insider McKinsey staffed the DOE department while working for the Silicon Valley oligarchs. In a typical corruption example: Steve Spinner worked at DOE handing out money to Solyndra which his wife Alison Spinner worked at as Solyndra's lawyer, while the DNC mailer referred to each of them as the "top West Coast fund-raisers for the DNC".


Originally Obama's "car Czar" Steven Rattner (indicted for stock market securities fraud), working from the West Wing of the White House, had offered a portion of the money to Detroit Auto Unions if the Detroit Unions ordered all of their members to vote for Obama in exchange for bail-outs. Obama insiders David Plouffe (indicted for payoffs to Rahm Emanual), David Axelrod, and Robert Gibbs extended the deal to the Silicon Valley oligarchs in exchange for global search engine manipulation favoring Obama

A "Silicon Valley Mafia" (AKA - "The PayPal Mafia") exists and is populated by the Bay Area technology oligarchs, their operatives and the West Coast Senators, all of whom profit illicitly off of a combined monopoly and stock market cartel that they control. FBI Director James Comey was fired for protecting his friends in this cartel.

Let us examine the charges against the Department of Energy supported by the factual evidence:

- DOE officials told Applicant's they had to pay tens of thousands of dollars in order to apply for the LGP monies but with-held responses until after the dead-line had passed in order to cut non-Obama financiers out of the running.

- Google provided the staffing for the agencies involved, the media manipulation for the politicians involved, and was the beneficiary for some of the funds in a 4-way conflict of interest in which Google staffed the largest contingent of Obama White House staff.

- Steven Chu handed massive amounts of DOE cash to Russian billionaires from Ener1, Severstal and other Russian connections even though they were foreign billionaires who had no need of U.S. taxpayer subsidies. If one wants to look at dirty Russian collusion, they need look no further than Steven Chu, the architect of the failed Iran Nuclear deal and corrupt Uranium One deal. Steven Chu and Rahm Emanual ordered DOE's Sandia Livermore Labs and Argonne Labs (who they were both connected to) to manipulate Applicant data in order to only favor camapign financiers companies.

- DOE abuses of process defrauded non-insider Applicants out of billions of dollars of their savings and investor monies yet DOE never offered those that it harmed and recompense.

- DOE officials owned stock market stock and revolving door job promises in the very companies that they were supposed to be conducting "due diligence" on.

- Tesla Motors and SpaceX were staged as campaign finance dark money conduits to transfer taxpayer cash from government treasuries to private parties and then into campaign funds without transparent public disclosure.

- The Obama Administration promised an exclusive on Afghanistan mining deals to Frank Guistra and the Silicon Valley oligarchs for lithium, indium, cobalt and rare-earth metals mining after USAID pitched ( )   manipulated reports from McKinsey Consulting saying that "Afghanistan was the Saudi Arabia of lithium and had trillions of dollars of lithium" to dig up. It turned out to be a lie to get oligarchs to support Obama's Afghan invasion. (  ) DOE helped sell this lie because the Russians had already scoured Afghanistan and found it to be fairly worthless as a mining potential. Elon Musk bought into this for his battery monopoly. This is why Steven Chu gave so much money to Russians at Ener1 and Severstal. DOE staff were fully aware of this. ( )

- Google, a Tesla investor and bromance buddy with Elon Musk, hired more lobbyists for DOE influencing than anybody had ever hired before in U.S. history. Google hides all negative news stories about Musk and Tesla and only shows fake news hype about Musk, Tesla and SpaceX because Larry Page and Elon Musk share an apartment and financial programs.

- The DOE ATVM and LGP programs are based on arbitrary metrics which are not even followed by DOE evaluation staff. There is a secret black-list in operation to keep companies who are competitors to Obama's financiers from ever getting funded. Even though many Applicant's beat every "winner" in Obama's DOE handouts, they were excluded, denied and discriminated against simply for competing with Obama's Silicon Valley oligarchs.

- Steven Chu, after getting thrown out of office, went to work for the very people he was supposed to have been conducting due diligence on. Chu is considered to be one of the most criminally corrupt public officials ever in charge of an agency aside from his peer, who also made corruption history: Eric Holder, who helped Comey cover-up the crimes.


- Goldman Sachs and Deloitte engineered INTENTIONAL bankruptcies so that their Silicon Valley oligarch clients could claim windfall tax write-offs which the U.S. Treasury said resulted in "unjust gains" for those oligarchs. In other words, the tech oligarch billionaires took U.S. taxpayer subsidies, which they did not need, and then bankrupted their own companies so that they could reap profits in tax write-offs. On top of this Goldman Sachs skimmed "fees" off-the-top for arranging these deals, at taxpayer expense, and then ALSO profited from the "bumps" to the stock market valuations in pump-and-dump crimes. TO BE CLEAR: MANY OF THESE BANKRUPTCIES WERE TAX SKIMS CREATED TO FAIL! After realizing this, Applicants and Congressional insiders forced ALL of the kick-back funded companies into bankruptcy as payback for the corruption and abuse of their resources. Said one Senator: "If they want bankruptcies, we will give them bankruptcies..."

- Lachlan Seward, one of the DOE money laundering insiders, threatened Applicant's that if they "made trouble" they "would never be funded by DOE as long as they lived".

- When Tesla Motors got their DOE money approved they had NO DESIGN AND WERE PLANNING TO BUILD A FACTORY. Both of which were against the so-called Section 136 Rules. Tesla used the DOE money to hire engineers to design the car from scratch as proven by the engineers that were hired. Tesla was running all over the country trying to stage a real estate scam with Dianne Feinstein's Husband's company CBRE. Tesla even got sued for these real estate scams. DOE stated that the "rules" said you already had to have a factory and a design, which the other applicants had. So, against the "rules" Tesla got the money and figured out the car LATER and did not use a pre-existing factory until they were later forced to follow the rules.

- For the same kind of commercial loans, Bank of America and Wells Fargo take 4 weeks to approve loans this large. DOE staff were either too stupid to review loans in less than 3 years or were intentionally stone-walling every applicant who was not an Obama crony.

- As shown by this letter:    ...and hundreds of Congressional reports, DOE staff proved themselves to be liars and scumbag political manipulators at every turn.

- The public has not seen the entire FBI and SEC investigation records on the FBI raid and investigation of Solyndra because the records point straight back to the White House Oval Office!

- A Congressional report on the ATVM and LG programs exposed layers and layers of crony payola.

- The only Judges who got to rule on the cases were "Obama Judges" appointed by or beholden to the Obama Administration.

- A CBS News 60 Minutes segment called: "The Cleantech Crash" revealed that many of the assets of the ATVM and LGP disasters had been funded by the taxpayers and then sold to China in deals that benefited Diane Feinstein's family and financiers. Later Dianne Feinstein was found to have Chinese spies and insiders on her staff. The Feinstein family owned the stock, staffing services, construction company and services companies at Tesla and Solyndra, which Feinstein got the federal cash for. Her staff then went to work at Tesla and Solyndra.

- Although felony-class crimes occurred, no DOE officials have ever been charged with crimes..although multiple FBI officials have been charged with covering up those crimes.

- Vice President Al Gore, John Doerr and Vinod Khosla have had all of their finances tracked and connected together through covert routes that reveal insider stock trading and government policy manipulation, in this case, for their own personal profiteering.

- Attorney General William Barr has been formally asked, by Applicants, to appoint a federal Special Counsel to investigate this matter.

- The Dark Money FEC campaign finance limits were exceeded by the Silicon Valley oligarchs by many magnitudes in this novel deployment of quid-pro-quo and search engine rigging services for political favors and funding.

- There has not been a single person involved in "green" DOE funding programs who cared anything about "green energy". The use of the term "green" was a psychological ploy to seek to pacify the public with a crunchy granola positive vibe while stealing taxpayer money in plain sight.

- The Obama White House produced a "white list" of friends companies who could get funded and a "black list" of their competitors who could never be funded because Silicon Valley financiers said so. These lists were created from input from John Doerr, Steve Westly and Doerr's business partner: Al Gore. Even though most Applicant's beat the metrics, features and national security issues of favored Obama Applicant's, no outsiders and no non-campaign financiers would ever be approved.

- The very first Applicant for the ATVM fund was XP Vehicles, which was solicited to apply by DOE and Barbara Boxer's office. The 1.) Section 136 law, 2.) DOE videos of meetings and 3.) DOE documents clearly state that Applicant's would be reviewed on a "first-come, first served" basis per the federal law. When XP, which was black-listed by the White House because it competed with Obama financiers Tesla and Fisker, moved far ahead in the Applicant list, DOE illegally changed the rules so that "first come - first served" was ignored and only favored insiders were reviewed. XP, Brammo, EcoMotors, Elio, etc. were all "bottom drawered".  Even though XP hand delivered, to DOE and Congress, more customer order proofs than ALL other Applicant's combined, DOE insiders, who held stock in competing companies, placed XP on a permanent black-list.

- As of December 28, 2008 DOE staff already decided who would "win" the money, and who would not, because the entire program had been hard-wired, via lobbyists and insiders, to only go to the "white list" applicants. Nobody who was not on the original "white list" could ever get DOE funding. It only takes one "insider" at DOE, from the Obama Administration (many are still there) to kill any application, no matter how much better that proposal is compared to every other applicant.

- U.S. Department of Energy and White House officials hired Nick Denton's sleaze-ball tabloid empire comprised of Jalopnik, Gawker Media and Gizmodo Media to run character assassination and defamation campaigns, in partnership with the DNC's Google, to attack any person who exposed the corruption scam at DOE.

- The GAO wrote multiple federal reports confirming that DOE was running one of the most poorly administrated non-transparent operations ever and that DOE staff were not even following the Section 136 law.

- White House and DOE staff hired Gawker, Gizmodo, Jalopnik defamation bloggers to attack those who exposed the plot. Patrick George At Jalopnik attacks outsiders under contract with Elon Musk and DNC. Silicon Valley campaign finance oligarchs hire him to run hatchet jobs on innocent outsiders and then Gawker-Gizmodo-Jalopnik uses their financial partnership with the DNC's Google to push the character assassination articles to the top of Google web products and searches. Patrick George, Adrian Covert, John Hermann and Nick Cook are the sexually degenerate cabin boys that report to boy-loving sleaze-tabloid oligarch Nick Denton. They created the Fake News crisis in the media by flooding the internet with defamation posts and reprisal hatchet job articles designed to damage political enemies of the Socialists. They coordinate a large number of the character assassination efforts at Gawker, Gizmodo, Jalopnik, CNN, New York Times and other propaganda outlets.

- DOE staff never even communicated with Applicant's, who were not Obama insiders; yet Tesla, Fisker and other Obama insiders got hundreds of phone calls, meetings and careful help to hand-hold them through the process to make certain that they got their payola while the outsiders only got blockades, Lois Lerner "missing hard drives" and stone-walls.

- The DEFRAUDED staff and employees of Bright, XP, Limnia, ZAP, Brammo, and the other Applicant's, have NEVER gotten a fair court hearing, Congressional or IG hearing that was not compromised by an Obama Judge or stock-owning insider. They are owed money for their damages from the deeply corrupt DOE programs!

- The Obama Administration officials who carefully manipulate the DOE and federal process for crony favorites include: Steven Chu, Kathy Zoi, Carol Battershal, Steve Westly, Steven Spinner, John Podesta, Jonathan Silver, Danial Cohen, et al; with cover-up support from James Comey, Eric Holder, Steve Rattner, et al...

- Over a thousand other criminal and ethics violation charges are charged against DOE and its associates yet no actual interdictions have taken place in California or federal government actions because the "Deep State" cover-ups are so extensive. The raw criminality of the U.S. Department of Energy in these matters is verified, proven and audacious...




'Treason!' - AG Barr Finds 'Government Power Was Used By Obama Administration To Spy On American Citizens And Run Dirty Tricks Reprisal Operations'

John Durham, the US Attorney from Connecticut, with leading - because Americans need to know whether the government "put a thumb on the scale" to try and undermine President Trump both during the campaign and during the first two years of his term, just like "we need to ensure that foreign actors don't influence the outcome of our elections."

Separately, he told WSJ that "government power was used to spy on American citizens...I can't imagine any world where we wouldn't take a look and make sure that was done properly."

Barr has doubled-down on using the term 'spying', which has angered Democrats, after first using it during Senate committee testimony from April 10, where he uttered the now-infamous phrase "I think spying did occur."

The AG has declined to elaborate on what prompted these concerns, though he has said he'd be interested to see the underlying intelligence that sparked the FBI decision, in the summer of 2016, to open a counterintelligence investigation. At this point, Durham's review isn't a criminal investigation, and Barr hasn't offered a timetable for when the investigation might be completed. Ultimately, the probe could lead to changing FBI protocols involving investigations into political campaigns.

Appearing to respond to Barr's interviews, President Trump declared that his campaign was "conclusively" spied on.

As far as we know, the FBI first started investigating the campaign after an Australian ambassador told his superiors that George Papadopoulos had appeared to know about Russian plans to release 'dirt' on Hillary Clinton. The FBI later sent an informant, Stefan Halper, and a woman who identified herself as a research assistant, to meet with Papadopoulos and push him to say whether Russia was helping the Trump campaign.


The Corrupt Mafia-like Silicon Valley 'Greentech' VC Influence Over Washington

Katie Fehrenbacher 


- How Silicon Valley Oligarchs Took Over The Obama Administration

There’ve been a couple articles in the past few weeks pointing to President Obama as the “clean tech investor in chief” and the presidential VC with bets on clean energy. The real trend is that venture capitalists focusing on greentech seem to have had an unprecedented influence on U.S. federal policy and allocations of the stimulus package.

When I attended the Department of Energy’s (DOE) first ARPA-E conference (Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy) earlier this year in Washington D.C., I was struck by how many venture capitalists were there. I shared a cab back to the airport with some familiar Silicon Valley faces, and was told if your firm didn’t have a dedicated person in Washington — in some circles they call them lobbyists — maneuvering grant and loan programs, you weren’t able to be competitive.

Just look at the figures from the stimulus package (which I am fully in support of): somewhere between $50 billion and $80 billion into clean power and energy efficiency initiatives (depending on how you slice it). The Obama administration has gone out of its way to seek the advice of green-leaning venture capitalists and entrepreneurs in the Valley on how to spend that colossal amount and what programs would be the most affective.

Kleiner Perkins managing partner John Doerr is on President Obama’s Economic Recovery Advisory Board, and was able to convince Vice President Al Gore to join Kleiner, in addition to former Secretary of State Colin Powell. Kleiner’s investments have had some successful government bids, most notably the $529 million loan to Kleiner portfolio company Fisker Automotive out of the DOE’s highly competitive Advanced Technology Vehicles Manufacturing, or ATVM, program. Fisker plans to use the loan to build its factory and launch its electric vehicle in 2011.

If you remember, another winner of the $25 billion ATVM program was Tesla Motors (s TLSA), which, as most of us know, was backed by venture capitalists from Draper Fisher Jurvetson, Technology Partners, and Vantage Point among others.

I attended Khosla Venture’s LP meeting earlier this year where the firm announced that former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair would be joining the firm as Senior Advisor. Several of my journalism peers were comparing the political influence Blair could wield to what Kleiner was doing with Gore.

The Obama administration appointed former venture capitalist Jonathan Silver as its loan chief to lead both the DOE’s loan guarantee and ATVM loan programs. About a third of the DOE’s loan guarantee commitments went to venture-backed startups, including thin film solar maker Solyndra and solar thermal company BrightSource.

I wondered earlier this year if the loan guarantee for Solyndra wasn’t a mistake, given the company has one of the highest manufacturing costs out of its competitors. The company withdrew its IPO plans, citing poor market conditions. The Government Accountability Office also found that the loan guarantee process treated some companies unfairly in their bids and risked “excluding some potential applicants unnecessarily.”

There’s nothing inherently wrong with venture-backed companies getting government support, and the energy sector needs even more federal funding to create innovation. I support Doerr and Bill Gates’ calls for boosting federal government investing to $16 billion per year into energy innovation. All I’m saying is that this level of influence should be watched.




Evidence that proves these assertions
can be viewed at







WHY DOES EVERY FAMOUS PERSON THAT GETS HIRED BY TESLA END UP QUITTING? Because Tesla tells these people a load of BS to get them to sign on. Then, when they see what is really going on at Tesla, they run for the hills. The crime, corruption fraud and cronyism at Tesla is self-evident once you are inside the Tesla cesspool. They find out, later, things like:

  • "His corrupt cobalt mines promote genocide in the Congo as seen in NETFLIX Black Earth Rising"
  • "His corrupt cobalt mines promote mass rape in the Congo as seen in NETFLIX Black Earth Rising"
  • "His corrupt cobalt mines promote child slave labor in the Congo as seen in NETFLIX Black Earth Rising"
  • "His is not faithful to his girlfriends"
  • Tesla and SolarCity Solar Panels catch on fire and set Walmart's and other buildings on fire!
  • He hung out with Pablo Escobar and is now getting sued by Pablo's brother for stealing stuff
  • His SpaceX staff built the online drug crime network called: Silk Road
  • He took his young "wife" to hang out with Sex Criminal Jeffrey Epstein
  • He hires Gizmodo, Gawker and Jalopnik to put hit-jobs on people
  • "The workers that build his batteries die or sicken from toxic poisoning"
  • 99% of every web comment, blog item or news story about Tesla or Elon Musk is bought and paid for by Elon Musk in order to hype up Elon Musk's self-image as a 'socialist tech god' "
  • "Tesla bribes U.S. Senators with cash and stock in order to get free taxpayer funds"
  • "His self driving cars always crash into people and structures and are hacked in seconds by anyone"
  • Obama ordered The Department of Energy to finance Tesla
  • "He is a narcissist"
  • Elon Musk and his friends bribed Secretary of Energy Steven Chu
  • Google and Tesla rig stock market transactions
  • Google and Tesla broke a large number of SEC, FEC, RICO and Anti-trust laws together
  • "His partner: Steve Jurvetson, has been charged with sex and corruption issues"
  • "He arranged government kick-backs with the White House"
  • "He is the world's biggest government mooch"
  • "He is a member of the Palo Alto Mafia"
  • "Larry Page is Musk's bromance buddy and he uses Google to cover-up Musk's scandals"
  • "His so-called 'foundation" is just a payola and tax evasion scam for his family"
  • "His batteries are the most dangerous use of lithium ion storage ever conceived"
  • "His partner: Panasonic has been charged with multiple corruption, dumping, price rigging and manipulation crimes around the globe"
  • "Almost all of the internet 'Tesla Fanboys' are Russian troll farms and hired bloggers that Musk pays vast amounts of money to in order to hype up a fake image for him. Musk is 100% bull-shit"
  • "His SpaceX is nothing more than a domestic spy satellite company"
  • "Musk's brain chip company tortures small animals in bad science experiments"
  • "His father screwed his daughter and got her pregnant"
  • "Dianne Feinstein and her family own Musk interests"
  • "You can't put out the fires when his batteries explode"
  • "The fumes from his thermal battery vapors give you cancer, lung and brain damage"
  • "His is not faithful to his girlfriends"
  • "The workers that build his batteries die or sicken from toxic poisoning"
  • "Tesla bribes U.S. Senators with cash and stock in order to get free taxpayer funds"
  • "He is addicted to drugs and booze"
  • "He has sociopath mental issues"
  • "He is a narcissist"
  • "Tesla has had more recalls for safety defects, per volume, than any other car maker. Musk refuses to allow the use of the word RECALL but the facts are the facts."
  • "It is so easy to hack any Tesla and crash it, break into it or give it bad braking orders that it is criminally negligent to allow Tesla's on the street. Even the Chinese have hacked Tesla's from the other side of the world!"
  • "His partner: Steve Jurvetson, has been charged with sex and corruption issues"
  • "He arranged government kick-backs with the White House"
  • "He is the world's biggest government mooch"
  • "He is a member of the Palo Alto Mafia"
  • "Google (who is a major Tesla investor) hides all negative Musk/Tesla news and hypes TSLA stock in order to profiteer with TSLA stock. This is a violation of federal SEC laws"
  • "More drivers have been caught driving drunk, in Tesla's, than any other car Per Capita produced"
  • "Larry Page is Musk's bromance buddy and he uses Google to cover-up Musk's scandals"
  • "His so-called 'foundation" is just a payola and tax evasion scam for his family"
  • "His batteries are the most dangerous use of lithium ion storage ever conceived"
  • "His partner: Panasonic has been charged with multiple corruption, dumping, price rigging and manipulation crimes around the globe"
  • "Almost all of the internet 'Tesla Fanboys' are Russian troll farms and hired bloggers that Musk pays vast amounts of money to in order to hype up a fake image for him"
  • "Musk's brain chip company tortures small animals in bad science experiments"
  • "His father screwed his daughter, Musk's little sister, and got her pregnant"
  • "Dianne Feinstein and her family own Musk interests"
  • "You can't put out the fires when his batteries explode"
  • "The fumes from his thermal battery vapors give you cancer, lung and brain damage"
  • "Elon Musk only takes over other people's ideas. He took over Tesla and ran it into the ground, he destroyed SolarCity with his brothers self-dealing scam, his brain cap company just cuts open the heads of helpless animals and all SpaceX does, now that Musk took it over, is launch satellites that spy on civilians and manipulate media..."
  • There are thousands of additional points about why Musk is a criminal and a scammer...
The Tesla CleanTech Crash:

Every single Dept of Energy executive, and related Senator, owns stock market assets in Tesla, Fisker, Solyndra, Ener1, etc. so they blockaded and sabotaged every applicant who competed with their holdings in a RICO-violating, felony organized crime, using taxpayer funds. Elon Musk, Steve Jurvetson, Tim Draper, Steve Spinner, Steve Westly, et al...organized the attacks and lobbying. Demand a Congressional Special Counsel investigation!

Any news outlet or news network that hides, or refuses to publish, these articles is revealing itself to be a Fake News Shill Propaganda Operation working as an information manipulation operation for the #PaloAltoMafia and Elon Musk's Deep State political corruption program! Contact each article author to debate any points in their article. Almost every article has a by-line.

Google, Elon Musk's political and financial partner (Google Leaked), is the world's largest mass public information manipulation and mass voter behavior modification service and will not allow this site to be equally visible on the internet in order to protect their stock market and political investments.

We have demanded FBI, SEC, FTC, FEC, NHTSB and Congressional investigations and those have now begun!

Together, we all got Elon Musk fired as CEO, now we need to have him arrested for RICO crimes, bribery, tax evasion, stock market manipulation, fraud, safety-lies, tort-based interference, anti-trust violations, illicit revolving door payola and more...!

 HONG KONG (Reuters) - A Tesla Inc electric car caught fire in a parking lot in a Hong Kong shopping mall, the Apple Daily newspaper said on Tuesday, but no one was injured in the blaze, whose cause was not immediately known.

The electric car burst into flames 30 minutes after being parked in the city’s San Po Kong district on Sunday, the newspaper said, with three explosions seen on CCTV footage.

The incident comes three weeks after Tesla said it had sent a team to investigate a video on Chinese social media that showed a parked Tesla Model S car exploding in the commercial hub of Shanghai.

Lithium ion batteries: Cause wars in the Congo, Afghanistan and Bolivia from the corrupt mining deals involved with mining lithium and cobalt; are insider trading-owned by ex-CIA boss Woolsey and DOE Boss Chu;  excrete chemicals that mutate fetuses when they burn; destroy your brain, lungs and nervous system when they burn; kill the factory workers who make them; cause Panasonic to be one of the most corrupt companies in the world; poison the Earth when disposed of; can't be extinguished by firemen; poison firemen when they burn; are based on criminally corrupt mining schemes like URANIUM ONE; Have over 61 toxic chemicals in them; come from an industry that spends billions on internet shills and trolls used to nay say all other forms of energy; are insider-trading owned by corrupt U.S. Senators who are running a SAFETY COVER-UP about their dangers.

NiCad Batteries and hundreds of other battery types do not have this many problems... but the ownership of the lithium mining business by Elon Musk, his Silicon Valley cartel and California Senator's families causes other solutions to be hidden, the dangers of lithium ion to be hidden and a monopoly to exist.

Apple products with lithium ion batteries have been exploding and setting people on fire; over time the chemical dendrites inside each battery grow worse and increase the chances of explosion as they age - LITHIUM ION BATTERIES BECOME MORE AND MORE LIKELY TO EXPLODE AS TIME GOES ON AND AS THEY AGE; "Bad Guys" have figured out how to make them explode remotely; have their dangers hidden by CNN and MSM because pretty much only the DNC people profit from them; are the heart of Elon Musk's stock market scam.

The Obama Administration promised Silicon Valley oligarchs the market monopoly on lithium ion batteries and the sabotage of fuel cells in exchange for campaign financing and search engine rigging; United States Senators that are supposed to protect us from these deadly products own the stock market assets of them so they protect them and stop the FDA, OSHA, DOT & NHTSA from outlawing them. WRITE YOUR ELECTED REPRESENTATIVE AND DEMAND THAT LITHIUM ION BATTERIES BE MADE ILLEGAL TO SELL! NiCAD and Hundreds of other battery chemistries DO NOT have all of these problems but Lithium Ion batteries get a monopoly because of politician insider trading ownerships. A recent fire on U.S. Highway 101 near Mountain View, CA, burned the driver alive and killed him. In Florida two kids died in a Tesla, burned alive, screaming in agony. A man died in agony in a Tesla crash in Malibu that set Malibu Canyon on fire. A young woman, at the start of life, and her boyfriend were burned alive in their crashed Tesla.

There are many more deaths and crashes than you have heard about. The deaths and the cover-ups are endless. Senators Dianne Feinstein, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Kamala Harris and their associates own the stock in Tesla Motors and/or it's suppliers and mining companies and they cover-up and halt investigations and laws designed to save the public. They, and their crony's, spend over $1B a year to shill and troll hype about lithium ion batteries and cover-up the dangers. Lithium ion EVs are more prone to battery fires. Experts say that their lithium-ion batteries can fuel hotter fires that release toxic fumes and are more difficult to put out. Lithium ion fires keep reigniting which explains why it takes so long and requires copious amounts of water or foam (it is an electric fire, after all) to smother the flames. Tesla employee Bernard Tse and his team warned Elon Musk about these dangers in 2008 and they got fired and/or warned to "say nothing" by Musk. Three top Tesla engineers died in a plane crash next to Tesla offices in San Carlos after two of them agreed to become whistle-blowers.

Elon Musk exists because he bribed DNC politicians and Senators Feinstein, Reid, Boxer, Harris, Clinton and Pelosi to give him free taxpayer cash and government resources from the Dept. of Energy and the Calif treasury. DOE has been covering-up organized crime activities at DOE in which DOE funds are being used as a slush-fund to pay off DNC campaign financiers and to pay for CIA/GPS Fusion-Class attacks on Silicon Valley business competitors of those DNC campaign financiers who DOE staff share stock market holdings with. Elon Musk is a criminal, a mobster, an asshole, a bald fake-hair wearing, plastic surgery-addicted, douchebag, woman-abusing, sex addicted, tax evader. Musk exploits poor people and child slaves in the Congo and Afghanistan to mine his lithium and Cobalt.

Musk spends billions per year to hire Russian trolls, fake blogger fan-boys and buy fake news self-aggrandizement articles about himself. Musk thinks he is the 'Jesus' of Silicon Valley. Fake News manipulator Google is run by Larry Page and Larry is Musk's investor and bromance butt buddy. Musk uses massive numbers of shell companies and trust funds to self-deal, evade the law and hide his bribes and stock market insider trading. A huge number of Tesla drivers have been killed; pedestrians and oncoming drivers have also been killed, and Musk covers it up. The DNC and the MSM refuse to allow any articles about Musk's crimes to be printed because they benefit from Musk's crimes. Musk has been professionally diagnosed as a 'psychotic narcissist.'A 'Silicon Valley Mafia; cartel of frat boy sociopath venture capitalists like Steve Jurvetson, Tim Draper, Eric Schmidt, et al; threaten those who do not support the cult of Tesla or their political candidates.

In EVERY blog that you read that mentions 'Musk', at least 1/3 of the comments have been placed their by Musk's paid shills. Musk holds the record for getting sued for fraud by his investors, wives, former partners, employees, suppliers and co-founders. Elon Musk has gone out of his way to hire hundreds of ex-CIA staff and assign them to "dirty tricks teams" to attack his competitors and elected officials who Musk hates. Musk never founded his companies. Musk's "Starlink" satellites are domestic spy and political manipulation tools - never get your internet from one. Musk stole Tesla in a hostile ownership take-over from Marty the true inventor of the Tesla. The same kind of EMF radiation proven to cause cancer from cell phones exists in massive amounts in a Tesla.

Musk can't fix a car or build a rocket and has almost no mechanical skills. If you pull a report of every VIN# of every Tesla ever built and cross reference that with insurance, repair and lawsuit records you will find that the "per volume" fire, crash, death and defect rate is THE WORST of any car maker in history! Musk is a lying con artist and partners with Goldman Sachs to rig the stock market. Sachs has a dedicated team of 18 men who rig stocks and valuation bumps for Musk. Over 1000 witnesses can prove every one of those claims in any live televised Congressional hearing! Senators Dianne Feinstein, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Kamala Harris and their associates own the stock in Tesla Motors and/or it's suppliers and mining companies. That is why they criminally help cover-up investigations of Tesla! All of this was reported, in writing, to James Comey, Patricia Rich and David Johnson at the FBI.

The DNC bosses own the stock in lithium, Solar and EV markets and use kickbacks from those markets (Especially via convoluted campaign finance laundering via Elon Musk) to finance the DNC. The DNC bosses use character assassination as their main political tool against any member of the public who speaks out against their felony stock market scams and PizzaGate-like scandals. The Harvey Weinstein reports by Ronan Farrow show that they have teams of hired goons that they pay to destroy people's lives. They use Black Cube, Mossad, In-Q-Tel, Stratfor, Gawker Media, Gizmodo Media, Media Matters, David Brock, Sid Blumenthal, NY Times, Google servers, Facebook servers, Podesta Group, Perkins Coie, Covington & Burling and a host of "assassins".

It should be a felony to hire character assassins in the USA. DEMAND A LAW and DEMAND the termination of these attack services. IE: Gawker and Gizmodo Media sets-up the attack stories and, in paid partnership with Google, Google kicks their attack links around the globe, in front of 8 Billion people, forever. Google locks the attack articles of its enemies on the front top search results of Google search results forever, on purpose! That is why Google is being terminated in the largest, most well resourced anti-corruption public service take-down in history!


The Massive Lies, Corruption And Fraud Of Elon Musk And Tesla Motors:

You may have run across Musk’s self promoting, narcissistic, multi-billion dollar, self-aggrandizing PR hype but here is the other side of the coin. We know these facts from personal interaction with Musk, his companies and his politicians. Everything in this letter can be proven in a jury trial, Congressional hearings or live TV debates. Musk will do anything to keep this information from getting out but… it is too late for him! While this may sound like a bad Hollywood movie script. It all really happened and there is now massive hard copy evidence to prove it.

Elon Musk exists because he bribed DNC politicians including Obama, Clinton and Senators Feinstein, Reid, Boxer, Harris, Spier and Pelosi to give him free taxpayer cash and government resources from the Department of Energy and the California political tax pool. This is proven when you follow-the-money and the insider trading, stock ownership and crony payola kick-backs.

The Energy Dept (DOE) has been covering-up organized crime activities at DOE in which DOE funds are being used as a slush-fund to pay off DNC campaign financiers and to pay for CIA/GPS Fusion-Class attacks on Silicon Valley business competitors. DNC campaign financiers and DOE staff share stock market holdings with each other under family trusts, shell corporations and layered Goldman Sachs accounts. The deal was: Obama funds Tesla, Musk conduits campaign funds to Obama, top Obama staff profit off of insider Musk stocks.

Elon Musk is a criminal, a mobster, an asshole, a balding fake-hair wearing, plastic surgery-addicted, bi-sexual douchebag, woman-abusing, sex addicted, tax evader. We can put this in writing because all of those identifications regarding Musk can be proven in court and are documented in existing lawsuits and news stories.

Musk exploits poor people and child slaves in the Congo and Afghanistan to mine his lithium and Cobalt. Look up this phrase on the top search engines: “child labor electric car batteries”.

Musk spends billions per year to hire Russian trolls, fake blogger fan-boys and buy fake news self-glory look-at-me articles about himself. Musk thinks he is the 'Jesus' of Silicon Valley and he will do anything to make the public think so. Musk is insecure because his father was abusive and his “trophy wife” Mother is overbearing so he developed sociopath-like mental issues. Musk has been professionally diagnosed as a 'psychotic narcissist. He public stated on an investor call that he uses drugs and alcohol to get through the night. We have the tapes.

Musk relies on Google and the DNC Main Stream News (MSN) to hide bad news about him. Fake News manipulator Google is run by Larry Page. Larry is Musk's investor and bromance ‘Butt buddy’. They share an apartment. Musk uses massive numbers of shell companies and trust funds to self-deal, evade the law and hide his bribes and stock market insider trading. His brother ran Solar City and is now under federal investigation for securities fraud.

A huge number of Tesla drivers have been killed; pedestrians and oncoming drivers have also been killed, and Musk covers it up.

The DNC and the MSM refuse to allow any articles about Musk's crimes to be printed because they benefit from Musk's crimes. VC’s Tim Draper and Steve Jurvetson are so fanatical about not being embarrassed from a Tesla bankruptcy that they will pump the TSLA stock and threaten anybody who might disclose the Musk misdeeds. Peter Thiel, a Musk ‘boyfriend” also protects Musk. Musk, and his cronies, use Palantir, Google and related software to scan the entire internet every few minutes for any occurrence of the words: “Musk”, “Tesla” or “Tesla Fire”. They send trolls and fake bloggers (Many of them Russian) to put pro-Musk comments on the comments section of any blogs or articles discussing those topics and try to flood out the truth about Musk. In EVERY blog that you read that mentions 'Musk', at least 1/3 of the comments have been placed their by Musk's paid shills. There are no “Tesla Fan Boys”. All of the fanatic Tesla comments on the internet are Musk’s, Thiel’s, Jurvetson’s and Draper’s fake fanboy trolls. Musk, himself, stays up late at night pretending to be a ‘Tesla Fan Boy’on blogs.

The 'Silicon Valley Mafia; cartel of frat boy sociopath venture capitalists like Steve Jurvetson, Tim Draper, Eric Schmidt, et al; threaten those who do not support the cult of Tesla or their political candidates. 

Musk holds the record for getting sued for fraud by his investors, wives, former partners, employees, suppliers and co-founders. Elon Musk has gone out of his way to hire hundreds of ex-CIA and In-Q-Tel staff and assign them to "dirty tricks teams" to attack his competitors and elected officials who Musk hates.

Musk never founded his companies. He took Tesla away from the founder: Marty, in a hostile take-over!

Musk's "Starlink" satellites are domestic spy and political manipulation tools - never get your internet from one. SpaceX is entirely a spy satellite operation.

The same kind of EMF radiation proven to cause cancer from cell phones exists in massive amounts in a Tesla.

Musk can't fix a car or build a rocket and has almost no mechanical skills.

If you pull a report of every VIN# of every Tesla ever built and cross reference that with insurance, repair and lawsuit records you will find that the "per volume" fire, crash, death and defect rate is THE WORST of any car maker in history!

Musk is a lying con artist and partners with Goldman Sachs to rig the stock market. Sachs has a dedicated team of 18 men who rig stocks and valuation bumps for Musk.

Over 1000 witnesses can prove every one of those claims in any live televised Congressional hearing! Senators Dianne Feinstein, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Kamala Harris and their associates own the stock in Tesla Motors and/or it's suppliers and mining companies. That is why they criminally help cover-up investigations of Tesla! All of this was reported, in writing, to James Comey, Patricia Rich and David Johnson at the FBI.

Why aren’t all of those parties in prison if it is so easy to prove the crime? Think back to recent history: the heads of the Department of Energy, the FBI, The DOJ and the U.S. Attorney General were kicked out of their jobs for corruption. THIS was the corruption they were doing. They all knew about this crime but they were covering it up.

Musk took over Tesla Motors in a hostile take-over in order to exploit lithium, cobalt and other mining corruption deals for his business partners. Let’s take a look at the ‘lithium’ in Musk’s horrifically miss-engineered lithium ion batteries:

His batteries cause wars in the Congo, Afghanistan and Bolivia from the corrupt mining deals involved with mining lithium and cobalt. Lithium ion batteries are insider trading-owned by ex-CIA boss Woolsey and DOE Boss Chu. Lithium ion batteries excrete chemicals that mutate fetuses when they burn; destroy your brain, lungs and nervous system when they burn; kill the factory workers who make them; cause Panasonic to be one of the most corrupt companies in the world; poison the Earth when disposed of; can't be extinguished by firemen; poison firemen when they burn; are based on criminally corrupt mining schemes like URANIUM ONE; Have over 61 toxic chemicals in them; come from an industry that spends billions on internet shills and trolls used to nay say all other forms of energy; and are insider-trading owned by corrupt U.S. Senators who are running a SAFETY COVER-UP about their dangers.

Apple products with lithium ion batteries have been exploding and setting people on fire. Over time the chemical dendrites, or deposits, inside each battery grow worse and increase the chances of explosion as they age - LITHIUM ION BATTERIES BECOME MORE AND MORE LIKELY TO EXPLODE AS TIME GOES ON AND AS THEY AGE. This is not a theory. This is a scientific fact. That is why you hear about more and more lithium batteries catching fire and blowing up. Additionally, scientists also speculate that the increasing presence of low energy nuclear background energy and wifi energy in the environment is making lithium ion batteries explode more often lately. This theory is upheld by the increasing number of FAA reports about commercial airline cabins suddenly “filling up with toxic smoke” as some lithium ion battery explodes in someones overhead luggage. As commercial jets go higher they lose the protection of the atmosphere and are subjected to more gamma (and other) radiation from overhead. This makes the already unstable lithium ion batteries on board blow up.

"Bad Guys" have figured out how to make them explode remotely in devices by making the device electrnics cause the batteries to overload. The dangers of lithium ion batteries are hidden by CNN and Main Stream News (MSN) because pretty much only the DNC people profit from them and the DNC folks control CNN and the MSN.

The Obama Administration promised Silicon Valley oligarchs the market monopoly on lithium ion batteries and the sabotage of fuel cells in exchange for campaign financing and search engine rigging; United States Senators that are supposed to protect us from these deadly products own the stock market assets of them so they protect them and stop the FDA, OSHA, DOT & NHTSA from outlawing them.

Tom Steyer is a notorious DNC financier. His partner, Margaret Sullivan ran, the federal USAID agency, USAID sent all of the DNC campaign financiers in Silicon Valley a federal ‘report’ from USAID that said there was “A TRILLION DOLLARS OF LITHIUM IN AFGHANISTAN” and promised to give those lithium mines, EXCLUSIVELY, to the Silicon Valley venture capitalists if they funded and web search manipulated the election for Obama to take over the White House. We have the documents proving this. In other words, a re-up of the Afghan War was caused by Elon Musk and it killed American soldiers so that Musk could buy more mansions and trophy wives.

Alkaline, NiCAD and hundreds of other battery chemistries DO NOT have all of these problems but Lithium Ion batteries get a monopoly because of politician insider trading ownerships.

Tesla Motors has caused far more deaths and injuries than the world generally knows about. A recent fire on U.S. Highway 101 near Mountain View, CA, burned the driver alive and killed him. In Florida two kids died in a Tesla, burned alive, screaming in agony. A man died in agony in a Tesla crash in Malibu that set Malibu Canyon on fire. A young woman, at the start of life, and her boyfriend were burned alive in their crashed Tesla. There are many more deaths and crashes than you have seen in the Main Stream News (MSN) The deaths and the cover-ups are endless.

Senators Dianne Feinstein, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Kamala Harris and their associates own the stock in Tesla Motors and/or it's suppliers and mining companies and they cover-up and halt investigations and laws designed to save the public. They, and their crony's, spend over $1B a year to shill and troll hype about lithium ion batteries and cover-up the dangers. Lithium ion EVs are more prone to battery fires. Experts say that their lithium-ion batteries can fuel hotter fires that release toxic fumes and are more difficult to put out. Lithium ion fires keep reigniting which explains why it takes so long and requires copious amounts of water or foam (it is an electric fire, after all) to smother the flames. Tesla employee Bernard Tse and his team warned Elon Musk about these dangers in 2008 and they got fired and/or warned to "say nothing" by Musk. Three top Tesla engineers died in a plane crash next to Tesla offices in San Carlos after two of them agreed to become whistle-blowers.

The DNC bosses, Congress people and federal executives own the stock in lithium, Solar and EV markets and use kickbacks from those markets (Especially via convoluted campaign finance laundering via Elon Musk) to finance the DNC.

The DNC bosses and Musk use character assassination as their main political tool against any member of the public who speaks out against their felony stock market scams and PizzaGate-like scandals. The Harvey Weinstein reports by Ronan Farrow show that they have teams of hired goons that they pay to destroy people's lives.

They use Black Cube, Mossad, In-Q-Tel, Stratfor, Gawker Media, Gizmodo Media, Media Matters, David Brock, Sid Blumenthal, NY Times, Google servers, Facebook servers, Podesta Group, Perkins Coie, Covington & Burling and a host of "media assassins".

Gawker and Gizmodo Media set-up the attack stories and, in paid partnership with Google, Google kicks their attack links around the globe, in front of 8 Billion people, forever. Google locks the attack articles of its enemies on the front top search results of Google search results forever, on purpose! Google and Musk are partners-in-crime. Larry Page steals technology for Google and Musk meets with Larry Page to advise him on which technologies to steal and how to bypass FEC laws. Musk has exceeded FEC campaign finance limits by billions of dollars via “in-kind” services.




ELON MUSK'S PAID-FOR FAKE NEWS MEDIA SHILLS. THEY COVER UP HIS CORRUPTION AND PUSH PUFF-STORIES ABOUT MUSK. NEVER TRUST THEM TO BE ANYTHING BUT BIASED PROPAGANDA OUTLETS. MANY OF THEM OWN TESLA STOCK: Electrek, Google, Facebook, CNN, Huffington Post, Dianne Feinstein's PR office, Nancy Pelosi, Steven Chu, MSNBC, PayPal, KPIX-TV, San Jose Mercury News, Any Hearst owned entity, The SF Chronicle, Motley Fool, Green Car Congress, The executive staff of the DNC, The NY Times,



corrupt tesla motors
Tesla's out-of-control sudden-acceleration surge defects
and exploding batteries are not as bad as Tesla's out-of-control corruption and bribery.





How and why did a Donald Trump stripper-date named "Stormy" or an Elon Musk sex party or a Kavanaugh drinking incident or the Moonves and Weinstein indiscretions suddenly hit the news at about the same time in news history?

In addition to actual murder, Politicians and Silicon Valley Oligarchs hire operatives to end people's lives in other creative ways.

It is all part of the modern trend in vendetta, revenge and political payback when a Senator or a tech oligarch issues a "kill order" on an opponent.

The client does not like to get their hands dirty so the actual social hit job is performed by companies such as:

IN-Q-Tel - (DNC); Gawker Media - (DNC); Jalopnik - (DNC); Gizmodo Media - (DNC); K2 Intelligence - (DNC); WikiStrat - (DNC); Podesta Group - (DNC); Fusion GPS - (DNC/GOP); Google - (DNC); YouTube - (DNC); Alphabet - (DNC); Facebook - (DNC); Twitter - (DNC); Think Progress - (DNC); Media Matters - (DNC); Black Cube - (DNC); Mossad - (DNC); Correct The Record - (DNC); Sand Line - (DNC/GOP); Blackwater - (DNC/GOP); Stratfor - (DNC/GOP); ShareBlue - (DNC); Wikileaks (DNC/GOP); Cambridge Analytica - (DNC/GOP); Sid Blumenthal- (DNC); David Brock - (DNC); PR Firm Sunshine Sachs (DNC); Covington and Burling - (DNC), Buzzfeed - (DNC) Perkins Coie - (DNC); Wilson Sonsini - (DNC)  and hundreds of others…These are the people and companies that except cash, revolving door jobs, political appointments, insider trading stock in Silicon Valley tech companies, prostitutes and real estate in exchange for destroying the lives of others.

These attackers deserve to be punished for the rest of their lives for taking away the lives of others in exchange for cash. Any company who is corrupt enough to hire any of these assassins should be forced out of business. These attack services are responsible for 90% of the "Fake News" problem in the world because they are the authors of most fake news. Congress must act to make these kinds of companies illegal!

These digital assassination services offer hit-jobs, character assassinations and economic reprisal programs to famous billionaires and corrupt politicians who are seeking revenge, retribution and vendetta executions.

In the case of reporters getting targeted for attacks, President Donald Trump has been accused by the liberal corporate media of whipping up a hateful frenzy against the press. But while CNN’s Jim Acosta grandstands against Trump, real journalists are still reeling from the draconian extrajudicial measures that Barack Obama and his administration used to target them for exposing truth.

This secretive targeting occurred while Obama speechwriter and hate-filled ANTIFA supporter Ben Rhodes was running “Operation Echo Chamber,” which reportedly continues, in which he fed information to willing corporate media scribes. “They literally know nothing,” Rhodes said of the twentysomething journalists he easily manipulated.

The Freedom of the Press Foundation’s Trevor Timm published documents showing how former attorney general Eric Holder changed the rules to more effectively intimidate and surveil members of the press.

Timm writes: “Today, we are revealing—for the first time—the Justice Department’s rules for targeting journalists with secret FISA court orders. The documents were obtained as part of a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit brought by Freedom of the Press Foundation and Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University.”

Trending: Brennan and Clapper Accused of Hacking John Roberts To Blackmail Him

Here is the memo published by the Foundation, which dropped the documents in their entirety:

Obama is also clearly linked to the plot to obtain fraudulent FISA warrants on President Trump’s team, as evidenced by Peter Strzok and Lisa Page’s texts confirming that Obama was overseeing their fly-by-night operation.

Larry Schweikart reported for Big League Politics:

For months pundits and researchers have been pondering the mystery of the FISA approval that led to the illegal and historically titanic scandals to ever hit the U.S. government. Some have argued that Assistant Attorney General Rod Rosenstein knew the FISA was bogus when he extended it. Others have wondered if Special Counsel Robert Mueller knew about the fraudulent basis of the FISA when he used it, in part, to indict Michael Flynn. Other still, that Mueller was fooled by the FBI.

This is what President Trump calls “SPYGATE”.

It may well be that the surveillance that was conducted began with UK intelligence services and then was fed back to the White House of Barack Obama. Here’s the kicker:

President Barack Obama did not need a FISA warrant to authorize spying/electronic surveillance on Trump because Obama all along had legal authorization to by-pass the normal court vetting process. According to 50 U.S. Code 1802, the “Electronic Surveillance Authorization” () “Foreign intelligence in relation to a US person (Trump or his associates) is information that’s necessary for the US to protect against attack, hostile acts, sabotage, . . . as well as other clandestine activities by a foreign power . . . OR . . . information relevant to national defense/security of the US, or the conduct of foreign affairs of the U.S.” Such an authorization by Obama required certification by Attorney General Loretta Lynch that must be logged with the FISC court. (“The [AG]+ shall immediately transmit under seal to the court [FISC] a copy of his certification.”)

In short, the DOJ has this. If we are correct, a copy of that certification is currently under seal at least with the DOJ and the FISC. This is what they are hiding.

However, the Act requires the AG to keep the Select Committee on Intelligence and the Senate Committee on Intelligence informed of these authorizations and unmaskings therein. See 1803 (a) (1) (C) If indeed this is what happened, did Lynch report—or only selectively report—to the committees in a way that excluded non-friendlies? Can you see why Adam Schiff, Mark Warner, and their ilk are terrified?

1) Obama authorized spying/electronic surveillance on Team Trump, by-passing normal judicial oversight.

2) To create “foreign intelligence,” John Brennan and others organized for UK intelligence to conduct surveillance on Trump and his associates, either from the UK or from UK assets within the U.S. This is another reason revealing this will unleash an excrement storm: the UK is about to be caught meddling bigly in an American election.

3) Lynch certified Obama’s authorization which is now held under seal by DOJ (and FISC).

From this authorization, all unmaking followed, as well as the FBI fraudulent counter intel investigation and perhaps the FISA warrant too. Obama knew this was all fake when he made the authorization; Lynch knew it was fake when she certified it; the entire inner circle, including the FBI, all knew. This takes the U.S. into uncharted territory, and could imperil any politician in the British government who supported this or had knowledge of it. Proving any of this would be difficult, as if confronted Lynch would almost certainly cover up and Obama would simply deny knowledge. Without a paper trail, a conviction might be a bridge too far. This is only one of thousands of "kill order" tactics introduced by the Obama Administration.

These are the playbook tactics that Senators and tech oligarchs most often use to destroy the lives of their political and business enemies:

    - Government agency bosses sometimes solicit the target victims with false promises of future loans, contracts or grants from their agency and cause the target victims to expend millions of dollars and years of their time for projects which those government bosses had covertly promised to their friends. They use the target victims as a “smokescreen” to cover their illegal government slush-funds for the victims competitors and personal enemies. By using this tactic, the attackers can drain the target victims funds and force them into an economic disaster in plain view of everyone without the government bosses fearing any reprisal for their scam.

    - Every,, Plenty Of Fish, Seeking Arrangements and all other IAC-owned, or similar, dating sites (IAC is managed by Hillary Clinton's daughter) have had their profiles, texts, and inter-member communications, since those companies were started, hacked or purchased. The attack service providers use Palantir and In-Q-Tel financed data analysis software to analyze every activity in those dating services in order to find honey-trap, blackmail, sextortion and social conflict exploitation opportunities. If you had a bad date with someone, that someone will be hunted down and convinced to help harm, #metoo or "rape charge" the intended target. All dates involve a search for sex, so the likelihood that a sexual disappointment experience will exist in each persons dating history is high. Searching every past dating email and text of a subject is quite easy with modern software and hacking techniques. A synthetically amplified, PR-agency optimized sex scandal can destroy any target. Your dating experiences from the 70's or 80's will come back to haunt you decades later. Most dates involve drinking alcohol and taking drugs. If you were unattractive or had bad sexual skills your bad date will be called "date rape", "drugging your date for sex" and related twisted narratives that are designed to shame you, the target. If you try to get a date in the future, your potential date will be contacted by a third party who will slander and libel you to make sure your potential first date gets cancelled. Your social life will, essentially, end. Every photo on every dating site is cross checked with every other photo on the internet in order to cull your Facebook, Linkedin, Snapchat and other social media together to create a total psychological manipulation profile data file on you. A single photo on a dating site can be cross searched on every mugshot archive, photo album and corporate database in the worth within minutes using modern super-computers. Your sex life will be on public record in a flash.

    - Social Security, SSI, SDI, Disability and other earned benefits are stone-walled. Applications of targets are “lost”. Files in the application process “disappeared”. Lois Lerner hard drive “incidents” are operated in order to seek to hide information and run cover-ups.

    - Government officials and tech oligarchs contact members of the National Venture Capital association (NVCA) and created national “black-lists” to blockade target victims from ever receiving investor funding. This was also confirmed in a widely published disclosure by Tesla Motors Daryl Siry and in published testimony. If Silicon Valley political campaign finance oligarchs black-list you (see the "AngelGate" Scandal and the "High Tech No Poaching Class Action Lawsuit" cases) you will never get investor funding again.

    - FOIA requests are hidden, frozen, stone-walled, delayed, lied about and only partially responded to in order to seek to hide information and run cover-ups.

    - State and federal employees will play an endless game of Catch-22 by arbitrarily determining that deadlines had passed that they, the government officials, had stonewalled and obfuscated applications for, in order to force these deadlines that they set, to appear to be missed. This can bankrupt a target victim.

    - Some Victims found themselves strangely poisoned, not unlike the Alexander Litvenko case. Heavy metals and toxic materials were found right after their work with the Department of Energy weapons and energy facilities. Many wonder if these “targets” were intentionally exposed to toxins in retribution for their testimony. The federal MSDS documents clearly show that a number of these people were exposed to deadly compounds and radiations, via DOE, without being provided with proper HazMat suits which DOE officials knew were required.

    - Victims employers are called, and faxed, and ordered to fire target victims from their places of employment, in the middle of the day, with no notice, as a retribution tactic.

    - On orders from Obama White House officials, DNC-financed Google, YouTube, Gawker Media and Gizmodo Media produce attack articles and defamation videos. Google locks this attack media on the internet on the top line, of the front page of all Google searches for a decade in front of 7.5 billion people, around the world. This attack-type uses over $40 million dollars in server farms, production costs and internet rigging. The forensic data acquired from tracking some of these attacks proves that Google rigs attacks against individuals on the internet and that all of Google’s “impressions” are manually controlled by Google’s executives who are also the main financiers and policy directors of the Obama Administration. This data was provided to the European Union for it’s ongoing prosecution of Google’s political manipulation of public perceptions.

    - Victims HR and employment records, on recruiting and hiring databases, are embedded with negative keywords in order to prevent the victim targets from ever gaining future employment.

    - Gary D. Conley, Seth Rich, Rajeev Motwani and many other whistle-blowers in these matters, turned up dead under strange circumstances. It is very possible that some of these attack services, operated by former CIA operatives, even offer discrete murder-for-sale services using high-tech assassination tools that make murders look like heart attacks and brain failures.

    - Disability and VA complaint hearings and benefits are frozen, delayed, denied or subjected to lost records and "missing hard drives" as in the Lois Lerner case.

    - Paypal (A DNC-biased operation) and other on-line payments for on-line sales are de-platformed, delayed, hidden, or re-directed in order to terminate income potential for target victims who competed with the attackers interests and holdings.

    - DNS redirection, "website spoofing" sends target victims websites to dead ends where no sales orders or customer inquiries actually get back to the target. These internet revenue activity manipulations are conducted using Google and Amazon servers. All commercial storefronts and on-line sales attempts by target victims, will have had their sites hidden, or search engine de-linked by a massively resourced facility located in Virginia, Texas or Palo Alto, California in order to terminate revenue potentials for the target victims.

    - Over 50,000 trolls, shills, botnets and synth-blog deployments are deployed to place defamatory statements and disinformation about victims in front of 7.5 billion people around the world on the internet in order to seek to damage their federal testimony credibility by a massively resourced facility.

    - Campaign finance dirty tricks contractors are hired by campaign financiers to attack the friends and family members of the target victim in order to create low morale for the target victims psyche and motivation.

    - Are you getting weird headaches and hearing a "buzzing sound" in your head? The U.S. Government has now acknowledged that the Cuban, Chinese and other embassy "sonic attacks" are from a known microwave beam weapon. Any one of the technical departments of the attack services listed at the top of this article can build such a biological harassment weapon. It can be aimed at the target victims office, bedroom or vehicle and, within a week, have caused biological and emotional damage using a weapon that has no visible track of trajectory. It is designed to make the target victim think they are "going crazy" or "hearing sounds in their head". While this may sound pretty out there, web search "Embassy sonic attacks" on the top 5 non-Google search engines and read the very credible reports of these attacks.

    - In one case covert political partner: Google, transferred large sums of cash to dirty tricks contractors and then manually locked the media portion of the attacks into the top lines of the top pages of all Google searches globally, for years, with hidden embedded codes in the links and web-pages which multiplied the attacks on Victims by many magnitudes.

    - Covert Cartel financier: Google, placed Google’s lawyer: Michelle Lee, in charge of the U.S. Patent Office and she, in turn, stacked all of the U.S. Patent Office IPR and ALICE review boards and offices with Google-supporting employees in order to rig the U.S. Patent Office to protect Google from being prosecuted for the vast patent thefts that Google engages in. Google has hundreds of patent lawsuits for technology theft and a number of those lawsuits refer to Google’s operations as “Racketeering”, “Monopolistic Cartel” and “Government Coup-like” behaviors. Thousands of articles and investigations detail the fact that Google, “essentially” ran the Obama White House and provided over 80% of the key White House staff. A conflict-of-interest unlike any in American history. Google’s investors personally told Applicant they would “kill him”. Google and the Obama Administration were “the same entity”. Applicant testified in the review that got Michelle Lee terminated and uncovered a tactical political and social warfare group inside Google who were financed by Federal and State funds.

    - Honeytraps and moles were employed by the attackers. In this tactic, people who covertly worked for the attackers were employed to approach the “target” in order to spy on and misdirect the subject.

    - Gawker Media, Gizmodo Media, Snopes, SPLC and other hired media assassins will be retained to produce "hatchet job" character assassination articles about you. Then those articles will be faxed, mailed and emailed to your employer and investors with a note saying: "You don't want to have anything to do with this person, do you..?" in order to get you fired from your job and get your loans or financing pulled. The attackers will use their round one attack media, that they authored, to create a round two second wave attack designed to end your life via economic warfare.

    - Mortgage and rental applications will have had red flags added to them in databases to prevent the targets from getting homes or apartments.

    - Krebs On Security, Wired, Ars Technica, The Wall Street Journal and most major IT publications have reported that hundreds of spy "back-doors" have been found on every Intel, AMD, Apple, Xfinity, Cisco, Microsoft, Juniper Networks motherboard, chip-set and hardware component set. This means that any kid with the "key" code can open any computer, server, router, cloud-network or other network connected device and read every file, photo, video, your calendar and email on your devices at any time from any location on Earth. The key codes have been released to every hacker community in the world for over ten years. There is now no government, corporate or personal data that can't be hacked, even data from decades ago. Every single one of your darkest secrets can be in the hands of your enemy within 60 minutes, or less. Important meetings you had planned with potential investors, employers, clients, dates, suppliers and others will suddenly get cancelled at the last minute. They will get cancelled because your enemies are reading your calendar remotely and covertly sending slander information to those you had hoped to engage with in order to sabotage your life. Nothing you have ever typed on a computer or Smartphone is safe. it WILL be acquired and it WILL be used against you.

    - McCarthy-Era "Black-lists" are created and employed against target victims who competed with Obama Administration executives and their campaign financiers to prevent them from getting funding and future employment.

    - Obama Administration targets were very carefully placed in a position of not being able to get jobs, unemployment benefits, disability benefits or acquire any possible sources of income. The retribution tactics were audacious, overt..and quite illegal.

    - There are thousands of additional Dirty Tricks tactics being used by these Attack Services yet Congress refuses to pass laws out-lawing such attack services. The cost of an attack on a person ranges from $150,000.00 to over $50,000,000.00. While a Silicon Valley billionaire can afford to launch counter-measures to these attacks, any regular taxpayer will be utterly destroyed, and incapable of fighting back, against even the smallest version of one of these "kill orders". A number of modern office shootings are the results of these attacks against an individual who has lost everything because of the attack and has no options left.

Federal law enforcement, the United States Congress and the highest level investigators in the U.S., and abroad, have documented (per the “FISA Memo”, Congressional Reports and federal employee testimony) and proven the fact that the Obama Administration regularly engaged in the operation of retribution, vendetta and reprisal campaigns known as “hit-jobs” against domestic natural born U.S. citizen domestic taxpayers. The Federal Court, in at least one previous court case,has ruled that Applicants, in this particular matter, were the victims and target of a number of these attacks designed to inflict permanent medical, emotional, character assassination, brand negation, economic and career damage.

'They Can't Beat Him On The Law So They Are Trying To Destroy His Life' -Sen. Graham Questions Dems' Motives On Brett Kavanaugh Sexual Assault Allegations (


and tens of thousands of other evidence items we can show you on the cloud and hard drives we can ship to you.

!!!!! Mueller Hears That Silicon Valley Has Been Manipulating The Entire BREXIT Campaign  !!!!!!

- Second former employee of controversial data firm to be questioned by special counsel’s inquiry into Russia collusion

By Carole Cadwalladr

Brittany Kaiser is said to be cooperating fully with the Mueller inquiry.

A director of the controversial data company Cambridge Analytica, who appeared with Arron Banks at the launch of the Leave.EU campaign, has been subpoenaed by the US investigation into possible collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government.

A spokesman for Brittany Kaiser, former business development director for Cambridge Analytica – which collapsed after the Observer revealed details of its misuse of Facebook data – confirmed that she had been subpoenaed by special counsel Robert Mueller, and was cooperating fully with his investigation.

He added that she was assisting other US congressional and legal investigations into the company’s activities and had voluntarily turned over documents and data.

Kaiser, who gave evidence to the UK parliament last April in which she claimed Cambridge Analytica had carried out in-depth work for Leave.EU, is the second individual connected to the firm subpoenaed by the special counsel. The Electoral Commission has said its investigation into Leave.EU found no evidence that the campaign “received donations or paid for services from Cambridge Analytica …beyond initial scoping work”.

Damian Collins, chairman of parliament’s inquiry into fake news, said it was “no surprise” that Kaiser was under scrutiny by Mueller because “her work connected her to WikiLeaks, Cambridge Analytica and [its parent company] SCL, the Trump campaign, Leave.EU and Arron Banks”.

He said it was now vital Britain had its own inquiry into foreign interference: “We should not be leaving this to the Americans.”

Tom Watson, the deputy leader of the Labour party, echoed Collins’s statement, saying: “This is the first evidence that a significant player in the Leave.EU campaign is of interested to the global Mueller inquiry. People will be bewildered that the British government has no interest in establishing the facts of what happened.”

In August, Sam Patten, a US political consultant who had worked for Cambridge Analytica on campaigns in the US and abroad, struck a plea deal with Mueller after admitting he had failed to register as a foreign agent for a Ukrainian oligarch.

He became a subject of the special counsel’s inquiry because of work done with Paul Manafort, Trump’s campaign manager, in Ukraine. He had also set up a business with Konstantin Kilimnik, a key figure who Mueller has alleged has ties to Russian intelligence and who is facing charges of obstruction of justice. In a 2017 statement to the Washington Post, Kilimnik denied any connection to intelligence services. Kaiser, however, is the first person connected directly to both the Brexit and Trump campaigns known to have been questioned by Mueller.

The news came to light in a new Netflix documentary, The Great Hack, which premiered at the Sundance film festival last month and is expected to be released later this spring. Film-makers followed Kaiser for months after she approached the Guardian, including moments after she received the subpoena. She claims the summons came after the Guardian revealed she had visited WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange while still a Cambridge Analytica employee in February 2017, three months after the US election.

One part of Mueller’s investigation focuses on whether the Trump campaign sought to influence the timing of the release of emails by WikiLeaks before the election. Investigators are looking at communications between them. In the film, Kaiser says that she has gone from being a cooperating witness to a subject of investigation because of her contact with Assange.

In October 2017, it was revealed that Alexander Nix, the chief executive of Cambridge Analytica, had contacted Assange in August 2016 to try to obtain emails from Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign – which indictments from Mueller’s team say were obtained by Russian military intelligence – to use in Donald Trump’s campaign. When Kaiser gave evidence to parliament last year, she was asked about her relationship with Assange and WikiLeaks but failed to reveal that she had met Assange.

In the documentary, Kaiser is shown after receiving an email from the Guardian last June asking about meeting Assange and alleged donations of cryptocurrency to WikiLeaks. Kaiser did not respond to the email at the time, but on camera says: “She knows I met Assange. And she knows I donated money to WikiLeaks in bitcoin.”

Her legal representatives later wrote to the paper to say that the allegations, including that she had “channelled” donations to WikiLeaks, were false. Kaiser said she had received a small gift of bitcoin in 2011 – long before she worked at Cambridge Analytica – and, not knowing what else to do with it, gave it to WikiLeaks, because she had benefited from material it had released over the years.

Her lawyer told the Observer that the meeting with Assange came about after a chance encounter in London with an acquaintance who knew him. It lasted 20 minutes and consisted mainly of Assange telling her “about how he saw the world”. He said they did not discuss the US election.

Patten and Kaiser were involved in a controversial election campaign in Nigeria in January 2015, which former Cambridge Analytica employees say had “unsettling” parallels to the US presidential election.

The Guardian revealed that the data firm had worked alongside a team of unidentified Israeli intelligence operatives on the campaign. Ex-Cambridge Analytica employees described how the Israelis hacked the now-president of Nigeria’s emails and released damaging information about him to the press weeks before the election.

CBS NEWS 60 MINUTES Lara Logan "I’m Being ‘Targeted’ For Saying the Media is ‘Mostly Liberal"
by Tamar Auber

On Wednesday, former CBS News foreign correspondent Lara Logan spoke with Fox News Sean Hannity about her recent comments slamming the media as “mostly liberal.”

Logan told Breitbart podcaster Mike Ritland the remarks made on his show — which drew widespread attention online — amounted to “professional suicide.”

Defending her remarks on Hannity’s show, Logan said that as the result of her speaking out about how the media is “mostly liberal” she has been targeted because she is an independent voice.

“Any journalists who are not beating the same drum and giving the same talking points,” she insisted “pay the price” for not going along with the liberal crowd.

She also called out her targeters by name.

“I know they’re going to come after me,” she told Hannity. “Michael Calderone who is at the Huffington Post. I can give you the script now. I can tell you who the players are. Joe Hagan. Brian Stelter.”

She added: “They smear you personally. They go after your integrity. They go after your reputation as a person and a professional. They will stop at nothing. I am not the only one. And I am just, I am done, right, I am tired of it. And they do not get to write my story anymore. They don’t get to speak for me, I want to say loudly and clearly to anybody who is listening, I am not owned. Nobody owns me, right? I’m not owned by the left or the right.”

Logan made headlines recently when, during a scorched earth podcast interview with Ritland, she said that there was a lot of “weight” in most news organizations on “one side of the political spectrum.”

“The media everywhere is mostly liberal. But in this country, 85 percent of journalists are registered Democrats. So that’s just a fact, right?” she told Ritland.

She also trashed reporting based on single, anonymous government sources.

“That’s not journalism, that’s horseshit,” Logan stressed. “Responsibility for fake news begins with us. We bear some responsibility for that, and we’re not taking ownership of that and addressing it. We just want to blame it all on somebody else.”


Internal documents from a private Israeli intelligence firm called Psy-Group show that, at the time of many incidents, the company, and possibly other private investigators, were targeting U.S. citizens because they spoke up about crimes.

Psy-Group’s intelligence and influence operations, which included a failed attempt in the summer of 2017 to sway a local election in central California, were detailed in a New Yorker investigation that I co-wrote earlier this month. Before it went out of business (ie: changed it's name) , last year, Psy-Group was part of a new wave of private-intelligence firms that recruited from the ranks of Israel’s secret services and described themselves as “private Mossads.” Psy-Group initially stood out among its rivals because it didn’t just gather intelligence; its operatives used false identities, or avatars, to covertly spread messages in an attempt to influence what people believed and how they behaved. In 2016, Psy-Group held discussions with the Trump campaign and others about conducting covert “influence” operations to benefit the candidate. Psy-Group’s founder and C.E.O., Royi Burstien, a veteran Israeli intelligence officer who established the firm in 2014, told me that his talks with the Trump campaign went nowhere. The company’s posturing, however, attracted the attention of Robert Mueller, the special counsel, who has been investigating interference in the 2016 Presidential race.'


FED BOMBSHELL: Fusion GPS Bribed Dozens of MSM Journalists With Cash To Run Character Assassinations, While News Companies Paid Firm to Dig Dirt on Trump

High-ranking FBI insiders are pulling back the curtain on Fusion GPS, the firm that commissioned and spread the bogus Trump dossier.

It appears the embattled intelligence firm was quite busy paying off Big Media reporters, according to federal sources who have traced dozens of transactions between TD Bank and media members as well as media organizations, sources confirm.

But stunningly, Big Media organizations have employed Fusion GPS to dig dirt on politicians and D.C.’s elite — namely Donald Trump.

“Fusion GPS was on the payroll of the media and in turn had members of the media on its payroll,” one FBI insider said.

Bombshell revelations.

FBI insiders confirm Fusion GPS employed law firms as well as shell companies to send and receive funds to and from media and reporters. But the embattled firm also used its accounts at TD Bank to directly commission reporters. Likewise, Fusion GPS received funds from media companies into its own accounts at TD Bank, FBI insiders said,

“There are dozens of payments from the media flowing into their (Fusion GPS’) account,” one federal law enforcement official said. “One company wired funds to Fusion (GPS) more than a dozen times.”

Why would media companies commission Fusion GPS? Likely to dig dirt on enemies or secure records that reporters could not legally obtain, one federal law enforcement insider said. One FBI insider said the payments to Fusion GPS coincide with Donald Trump’s run for the White House.

The payments were made between Sept. 2015 and Sept. 2017, records show.

The unthinkable: The mainstream media paying Fusion GPS for dirt on Trump to the same firm the Democratic National Committee paid to fund the bogus Trump dossier. And at the same time Fusion GPS bribing journalists to place stories — likely negative about Trump, as well as spread the bogus Trump dossier around.


Was Buzzfeed — the only company to publish the full bogus dossier — on that list?

And who is on the payroll? We are trying to run that information down.

And why aren’t these people behind bars?


How To Destroy ANY Corrupt Politician or Dirty Silicon Valley Campaign Financier, 100% Legally!

Organized crime is alive and well in public offices across the nation. This is how you utterly destroy any person who engages in it, using 100% legal tactics and the power of crowd-sourced law enforcement.

FBI and other government officials will even help you do it. The voters will help you do it. Your friends will help you do it. Total strangers will help you do it. The entire internet will help you do it.

You will use CIA-class databases, social media, public watch-dog technologies, FBI-quality monitoring systems and open-source collaborative forensics comparison data to hunt down every: hooker, real estate asset, male prostitute, mistress, secret email account, social media posting, family trust fund, shell corporation, family stock market transaction, off-shore account, covert investment brokerage, email, Uber and Lyft ride, hotel entry and exit, credit card transaction, Paypal account, search engine manipulation, venture capital connection, Stanford University admissions bribe, expense account abuse, taxpayer funds abuse, rape, sextortion, covert tech company stock they own under another name, every party they attended, every tag they appear in on social media, every Cayman Island account, every crooked CPA or law firm they have used, every lobbyist they ever paid....EVERYTHING.. and you will drop the data into a simple database and cross matrix everything even better than the spy agencies can do it..


Each person from each political office, lobby firm, law firm or company who engaged in the subversion of the government and the bribery of public officials WILL have EVERY personal email account, text message account, voice-mail hard drive, social media account, dating account or other PERSONAL communications account examined via investigators. Such examinations shall begin from the date of the opening of each account and run up to today. Law enforcement believes that such parties used personal data systems to subvert the laws of public disclosure and engage in criminal financial crimes and democracy subversion efforts.

You will be even more powerful than Ralph Nader, Julian Assange and Edward Snowden COMBINED!

You will ensure that the public servants, who are your EMPLOYEES!!!!, are held accountable and totally, completely devastated for their crimes against the public.


The Obama administration used that loan program to hand out taxpayer funds to electric car companies, including luxury automaker Fisker Automotive, which drew down on $192 million before having its government credit stripped away. Fisker’s loan was sold off to a Chinese billionaire for $25 million in 2013, netting taxpayers a $139 million loss. Tags : department of energy energy fisker automotive government accountability office









DOE corruption—appointed and elected officials should face prison time

Marita Noon


An exhaustive review of 350+ pages of leaked emails regarding the Obama administration’s handling of the various green-energy loan and grant programs makes several things very clear: they lied, engaged in favoritism, and rushed application approvals to suit the political agenda of the White House. At the same time, worthy projects that went through a complete due diligence process were denied or ultimately withdrawn, as the lengthy approval process “taxed investors’ patience”—as was the case with Aptera Motors, which worked closely with the DOE for two years.

Paul Wilbur, President and CEO at Aptera, didn’t think they were treated unfairly. He told me, “At the end of the day, we couldn’t get through the process.” But, he admits, he hasn’t read the emails.

Aptera was trying to build a very efficient electric vehicle with an under $30K price point. Wilbur met with Secretary Chu who could see the value in the technology. But our research shows that value was not the deciding factor in which projects got funded and which ones didn’t. Wilbur reports that he didn’t donate to any candidate. He wanted to keep the whole process clean and do what was “good for America.” 

The report from the House Oversight Committee says Aptera first applied for an ATVM loan in December of 2008 and “shut down on December 2, 2011.”  The report implies that Aptera was led on: “After numerous negotiations with DOE, in September 2011, Aptera received a conditional loan commitment of $150 million if the company was able to raise $80 million privately.” And: “The loans given to Fisker and Tesla gave Aptera hope that DOE would eventually act on their application. More importantly, since the DOE continued to engage with the company throughout the time period, management was convinced that DOE was interested and willing to provide financing for the company.”

Aptera’s 100% US technology has since been sold to a Chinese company.

Aptera was applying for an Advanced Technology Vehicle Manufacturing loan (ATVM). Only five loans were given out through the program and all have political ramifications. Christine Lakatos, who has worked with me on the green-energy, crony-corruption reports I’ve written, has done thorough research on the topic. She has read each and every one of the 350+ pages of emails released on October 31 and has written a blog post specifically addressing the ATVM program and its hijinks. As she cites, Fisker and Tesla (which Romney referenced in the first debate), got loans in 2010 and then the Vehicle Production Group’s loan was the only ATVM loan closed in 2011; all have ties to Obama bundlers. The other two ATVM loans went to Ford and Nissan—both of which, according to the House report, “were heavily engaged in negotiations with the Administration over fuel economy standards for model years 2012-2016 at the time the DOE was considering their applications. Both companies eventually expressed publicly their support for these standards, which the Administration described as the ‘Historic Agreement.’”

Armed with the sweeping knowledge of the House reports and subsequent hearings, evidence from DOE staffers (many of whom were appointed by Obama), Lakatos’ research, and personal experience, a different ATVM applicant has now taken its case to court citing “corruption and negligence.”

On November 16, 2012, XP Technologies filed a lawsuit against the federal government concerning the DOE’s denial of XP Technology’s loan guarantee application. The complaint alleges: “criminal activities did take place by DOE staff and affiliates.” A November 23 press release announces that XP Technologies is now represented by Cause of Action, “a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that uses investigative, legal, and communication tools to educate the public on how government accountability and transparency protects taxpayer interests and economic activity.”

According to the document filed on November 16, “Plaintiffs' backgrounds include extensive issued patents on seminal technologies in use world-wide, White House and Congressional commendations and an engineering team of highly experienced auto-makers. Plaintiff brought a vehicle design, which was proposed as the longest range, safest, lowest cost electric vehicle, to be built in America in order to deliver extensive American jobs nationwide. No other applicant, or award ‘winner’, has succeeded in meeting, or (is) intending to meet, that milestone. XP Technology developed a patented lightweight, low-cost, long-range, electric vehicle using air-expanded foam-skinned material for a portion of the polymer body and received numerous patents, acclaim and superior computer modeling metrics over any competing solution. XP presented a vast set of letters of support to DOE from pending customers. Major auto-industry facilities and engineers had joined forces to bring the vehicle to the defense, commercial and consumer market.”

Over the weekend, we had an exclusive interview, on condition of anonymity, with a senior official at XP Technologies about the lawsuit and the experience.

He reported: “Staff from within the DOE have provided evidence which is quite compelling.” As Aptera's Wilbur made clear, the individuals within the DOE were very thorough. One of the emails, in the 350+ pages, was from Secretary Chu himself in which he criticized staffers for taking a “principled stand,” which held up the approval process of projects the White House wanted advanced. Another indicated that the pressure to rush was coming from “above the agency.” Overall, the emails show that projects were rushed so that announcements could coincide with visits, speeches, and photo ops—as well as providing talking points for the president.

Our XP source told us “We experienced, and have been provided evidence of, applicant submissions and reviews being modified in order to benefit some and disadvantage others, and the business connections between the different parties associated with the ones that benefited is quite extraordinary.”  The leaked emails support this accusation, specifically regarding the “business connections.” In her post, Lakatos calls it “green fraternizing.” The emails show that certain applicants and decision makers went bike riding together, had coffee meetings, sleepovers, beer summits, parties, dinners, and fundraisers.

While he didn’t provide us with a name, the XP official said, “We experienced a senior senator blockading our efforts and then providing favors to a competitor, which then benefited his family financially.” The discovery the lawsuit will provide will expose the “senior senator,” but our previous research shows that Senator Harry Reid’s actions seem to fit the XP official’s comment.

XP Technologies believes that “DOE officials changed the first-come-first-served published rules and standards of the funding in order to take applicants in order of who they favored and who had purchased the most influence instead of the order in which they applied, as required.”

Having extensively studied the DOE’s various loan programs, including the ATVM, Lakatos and I agree with our source’s startling conclusion: “Based on the evidence provided by investigators, and experienced directly by our team, it is hard to imagine that at least one or more elected, or?appointed, officials might not be seeing measures ranging from censure or even federal prison time.”

Time, the lawsuit, and subsequent investigation will tell.

While the House Oversight Committee has been digging deeply into the mismanagement and corruption of the green energy loans, the media has paid little attention. Other than our report, the October 31 release of the emails cited here received virtually no news reporting. Even the Fox News Channel ignored the story. The plight of promising companies like Aptera and XP Technologies would have gone unnoticed if not for the lawsuit. The legal complaint attracted attention.

On November 16, the Heritage Foundation broke the XP story: “A lawsuit filed in federal court on Wednesday alleges mass favoritism in the Department of Energy’s decisions to award federal grants to major car companies to develop electric vehicles, according to a legal complaint obtained by Scribe.”

On November 19, Lakatos, whose work is listed as “evidence” in the legal complaint, received a call from Fox News’ Gary Gastelu—who reported on the story on November 20. The next day, Fox News covered the lawsuit on America’s Newsroom. Even the Drudge Report picked up on the story.

XP has a litigation website on which the company states: “The case has nothing to do with complaining about not getting the loans. It has everything to do with HOW the applicants didn't get the loans!” They are communicating with other applicants about participating in the lawsuit.

The XP story and subsequent media coverage offers a lesson for others—especially industries who have been wronged by the Obama Administration’s practices (such as energy). The lawsuit may—or may not—send officials to federal prison, as our XP source suggests, but it could go a long way to winning in the court of public opinion.


- All FBI case files referencing "Solyndra", "Kleiner Perkins", "Rare-Earth Mining", "Stock Market Manipulation" and related search terms

Marita Noon
The Archives from
Congressperson Jim Jordan
Gary D. Conley
Philip Giraldi
David Bird - WSJ
Congressperson Trey Gowdy
Congressperson Darrell Issa
William Barr, AG
Dan Epstein
Investigation Staff -
Veronique de Rugy







- These twisted deeds indicate the mind-set, moral depravity and disturbed culture of the, so-called, "Oligarchs" who control modern media.

- Silicon Valley Venture Capitalists Rape And Sex-Extort Interns.

- Silicon Valley's Greylock Partners, Kleiner Perkins, and most other VC's are rapists, sexual predators and political bribery enthusiasts and nobody ever arrests them for it...

- They Hire hookers and Rent-Boys, not for the sex, but to be able to "control another human" because they are almost all Sociopath personality types.

- They hire "clubs" to secure underage children for them because they want to have total manipulation over a helpless person because it makes these men feel more powerful.

- The Rosewood Hotel and the Four Seasons hotels in Palo Alto are riddled with $6000.00 per night hookers, rent boys, Stanford Co-Ed "sugar babies" and Russian Mafia managed Ukrainian prostitutes. You just have to know the "code words" and hand signals to play "the game".

- Google executives killed by their hookers, black-mailed by their hookers, exposed in sex slave rings and worse...

- Huge number of Google, Netflix and Facebook senior executives are homosexual and pressure staff for sex.

- San Jose and San Francisco International Airports have a non-stop flow of European Hookers flown in by tech CEOs who got them off of "seeking" and "" using the "code words".

- Almost every tech executive and Sandhill Road VC has been charged with spousal abuse, sex trafficking, intern sex extortion, bribing Stanford to cover up sex exploitation and worse.

- Stanford University bosses cover-up, and support, frat house sex crimes in order to keep rich daddies donating to Alumni funds.

- Basements and secret rooms in some of their Woodside and Atherton, California mansions house BDSM chambers and sex abuse lock-rooms

-See This shocking video:


Rachel Renock, the chief executive of Wethos, center, with her business partners, Claire Humphreys, left, and Kristen Ablamsky. Ms. Renock said they received sexist comments while seeking financing. Credit Sasha Maslov for The New York Times

Their stories came out slowly, even hesitantly, at first. Then in a rush.

One female entrepreneur recounted how she had been propositioned by a Silicon Valley venture capitalist while seeking a job with him, which she did not land after rebuffing him. Another showed the increasingly suggestive messages she had received from a start-up investor. And one chief executive described how she had faced numerous sexist comments from an investor while raising money for her online community website.

What happened afterward was often just as disturbing, the women told The New York Times. Many times, the investors’ firms and colleagues ignored or played down what had happened when the situations were brought to their attention. Saying anything, the women were warned, might lead to ostracism.

Now some of these female entrepreneurs have decided to take that risk. More than two dozen women in the technology start-up industry spoke to The Times in recent days about being sexually harassed. Ten of them named the investors involved, often providing corroborating messages and emails, and pointed to high-profile venture capitalists such as Chris Sacca of Lowercase Capital and Dave McClure of 500 Startups.

The disclosures came after the tech news site The Information reported that female entrepreneurs had been preyed upon by a venture capitalist, Justin Caldbeck of Binary Capital. The new accounts underscore how sexual harassment in the tech start-up ecosystem goes beyond one firm and is pervasive and ingrained. Now their speaking out suggests a cultural shift in Silicon Valley, where such predatory behavior had often been murmured about but rarely exposed.

The tech industry has long suffered a gender imbalance, with companies such as Google and Facebook acknowledging how few women were in their ranks. Some female engineers have started to speak out on the issue, including a former Uber engineer who detailed a pattern of sexual harassment at the company, setting off internal investigations that spurred the resignation in June of Uber’s chief executive, Travis Kalanick.

Most recently, the revelations about Mr. Caldbeck of Binary Capital have triggered an outcry. The investor has been accused of sexually harassing entrepreneurs while he worked at three different venture firms in the past seven years, often in meetings in which the women were presenting their companies to him.

Several of Silicon Valley’s top venture capitalists and technologists, including Reid Hoffman, a founder of LinkedIn, condemned Mr. Caldbeck’s behavior last week and called for investors to sign a “decency pledge.” Binary has since collapsed, with Mr. Caldbeck leaving the firm and investors pulling money out of its funds.

The chain of events has emboldened more women to talk publicly about the treatment they said they had endured from tech investors.

“Female entrepreneurs are a critical part of the fabric of Silicon Valley,” said Katrina Lake, founder and chief executive of the online clothing start-up Stitch Fix, who was one of the women targeted by Mr. Caldbeck. “It’s important to expose the type of behavior that’s been reported in the last few weeks, so the community can recognize and address these problems.”

The women’s experiences help explain why the venture capital and start-up ecosystem — which underpins the tech industry and has spawned companies such as Google, Facebook and Amazon — has been so lopsided in terms of gender.

Most venture capitalists and entrepreneurs are men, with female entrepreneurs receiving $1.5 billion in funding last year versus $58.2 billion for men, according to the data firm PitchBook. Many of the investors hold outsize power, since entrepreneurs need their money to turn ideas and innovations into a business. And because the venture industry operates with few disclosure requirements, people have kept silent about investors who cross the lines with entrepreneurs.

    Some venture capitalists’ abuse of power has come to light in recent years. In 2015, Ellen Pao took her former employer, the prestigious venture firm Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, to trial for allegations of gender discrimination, leveling accusations of professional retaliation after spurned sexual advances. Ms. Pao lost the case, but it sparked a debate about whether women in tech should publicly call out unequal treatment.

    “Having had several women come out earlier, including Ellen Pao and me, most likely paved the way and primed the industry that these things indeed happen,” said Gesche Haas, an entrepreneur who said she was propositioned for sex by an investor, Pavel Curda, in 2014. Mr. Curda has since apologized.

    Some of the entrepreneurs who spoke with The Times said they were often touched without permission by investors or advisers.

    At a mostly male tech gathering in Las Vegas in 2009, Susan Wu, an entrepreneur and investor, said that Mr. Sacca, an investor and former Google executive, touched her face without her consent in a way that made her uncomfortable. Ms. Wu said she was also propositioned by Mr. Caldbeck while fund-raising in 2010 and worked hard to avoid him later when they crossed paths.

    “There is such a massive imbalance of power that women in the industry often end up in distressing situations,” Ms. Wu said.

    After being contacted by The Times, Mr. Sacca wrote in a blog post on Thursday: “I now understand I personally contributed to the problem. I am sorry.” In a statement to The Times, he added that he was “grateful to Susan and the other brave women sharing their stories. I’m confident the result of their courage will be long-overdue, lasting change.”

    After the publication of this article, Mr. Sacca contacted The Times again to amend his original statement, adding: “I dispute Susan’s account from 2009.”

    Many of the women also said they believed they had limited ability to push back against inappropriate behavior, often because they needed funding, a job or other help.

    In 2014, Sarah Kunst, 31, an entrepreneur, said she discussed a potential job at 500 Startups, a start-up incubator in San Francisco. During the recruiting process, Mr. McClure, a founder of 500 Startups and an investor, sent her a Facebook message that read in part, “I was getting confused figuring out whether to hire you or hit on you.”

    Ms. Kunst, who now runs a fitness start-up, said she declined Mr. McClure’s advance. When she later discussed the message with one of Mr. McClure’s colleagues, she said 500 Startups ended its conversations with her.

    500 Startups said Mr. McClure, who did not respond to a request for comment, was no longer in charge of day-to-day operations after an internal investigation.

    “After being made aware of instances of Dave having inappropriate behavior with women in the tech community, we have been making changes internally,” 500 Startups said. “He recognizes he has made mistakes and has been going through counseling to work on addressing changes in his previous unacceptable behavior.”

    Rachel Renock, the chief executive of Wethos, described a similar situation in which she faced sexist comments while seeking financing for her online community site. While she and her female partners were fund-raising in March, one investor told them that they should marry for money, that he liked it when women fought back because he would always win, and that they needed more attractive photos of themselves in their presentation.

    They put up with the comments, Ms. Renock said, because they “couldn’t imagine a world in which that $500,000 wasn’t on the table anymore.” Ms. Renock declined to name the investor. Wethos raised the $500,000 from someone else and is still fund-raising.

    Wendy Dent, 43, whose company Cinemmerse makes an app for smart watches, said she was sent increasingly flirtatious messages by a start-up adviser, Marc Canter, as she was trying to start her company in 2014. Mr. Canter, who had founded a software company in the 1980s that became known as Macromedia, initially agreed to help her find a co-founder. But over time, his messages became sexual in nature.

    In one message, reviewed by The Times, he wrote that she was a “sorceress casting a spell.” In another, he commented on how she looked in a blue dress and added, “Know what I’m thinking? Why am I sending you this — in private?”

    Mr. Canter, in an interview, said that Ms. Dent “came on strong to me, asking for help” and that she had used her sexuality publicly. He said he disliked her ideas so he behaved the way he did to make her go away.

    Some entrepreneurs were asked to not speak about the behavior they experienced.

    At a start-up competition in 2014 in San Francisco, Lisa Curtis, an entrepreneur, pitched her food start-up, Kuli Kuli, and was told her idea had won the most plaudits from the audience, opening the door to possible investment. As she stepped off the stage, an investor named Jose De Dios, said, “Of course you won. You’re a total babe.”

    Ms. Curtis later posted on Facebook about the exchange and got a call from a different investor. He said “that if I didn’t take down the post, no one in Silicon Valley would give me money again,” she said. Ms. Curtis deleted the post.

    In a statement, Mr. De Dios said he “unequivocally did not make a defamatory remark.”

    Often, change happens only when there is a public revelation, some of the women said. In the case of Mr. Caldbeck and Binary, the investor and the firm have apologized, as has Mr. Caldbeck’s previous employer, the venture capital firm Lightspeed Venture Partners, which had received complaints about him.

    “We regret we did not take stronger action,” Lightspeed said on Twitter on Tuesday. “It is clear now that we should have done more.”

    Lindsay Meyer, an entrepreneur in San Francisco, said Mr. Caldbeck put $25,000 of his own money into her fitness start-up in 2015. That gave Mr. Caldbeck reason to constantly text her; in those messages, reviewed by The Times, he asked if she was attracted to him and why she would rather be with her boyfriend than him. At times, he groped and kissed her, she said.

    “I felt like I had to tolerate it because this is the cost of being a nonwhite female founder,” said Ms. Meyer, who is Asian-American.

    But even after she reached out to a mentor, who alerted one of Binary’s investors, Legacy Venture, to Mr. Caldbeck’s actions, little changed. Legacy went on to invest in Binary’s new fund. Binary and Mr. Caldbeck declined to comment.

    “We failed to follow up on information about Mr. Caldbeck’s personal behavior,” Legacy said in a statement. “We regret this oversight and are determined to do better.”

    A Silicon Valley venture capitalist has been sued for $40 million by a woman who claims he used her as a virtual sex slave for 13 years.

    Michael Goguen, who had worked for a firm that funded Google and Paypal, “sexually and physically” abused Amber Laurel Baptiste over more than 13 years after picking her up at a Texas strip club, her lawsuit alleges.

    Baptiste, who claims she was brought to the United States from Canada by human traffickers at 15, said she endured “countless hours of forced sodomy” from the tech titan. The former stripper said Goguen made her endure demeaning sexual acts, sodomized her for “six hours at a time,” and forced her to call him “king” and “emperor.”

    Filed in San Mateo County, Calif., on March 8, her suit details a life of torture and servitude as she was jetting around the globe to serve as the millionaire’s plaything. She claims Goguen had promised to save her from human trafficking but instead became an even worse predator himself.

    Goguen, who was forced to step down from his position at Sequoia Capital, did not deny that the two had a sexual relationship but insisted the sex was consensual. He filed a countersuit against Baptiste claiming she is an “exotic dancer . . . looking for a payday.”

    The venture capitalist said Baptiste was obsessed with him and sought to extort him because she was jealous of his wife. In his countersuit, Goguen provides pages of texts and emails in which she apparently refers to him as “Prince Charming,” “My Beautiful Love” and “the sweetest man in the world.”

    The suit includes Bapiste’s descriptions of the “amazing sex” the two had together and photos that she allegedly sent him in which she is seen playfully posing in her underwear.

    Baptiste is demanding $40 million, saying the two agreed on the amount to compensate her for the horrors she had suffered. Goguen, who has already paid her $10 million, said she is “a woman scorned” and a victim “of her own delusions.”

    He claims that when he tried to end their relationship, Baptiste became bent on vengeance, threatening to ruin his life and reputation. He said that he had no choice but to pay her the $10 million, but that she refused to relent and demanded more money.

    Sequoia Capital released a statement that called Goguen’s departure from the firm the “appropriate course of action.”A philanthropist, Goguen was lauded for donating $2 million to fight online child pornography and sex trafficking where he lives in Montana.

    Goguen is not the only business leader who’s faced backlash over sexually inappropriate behavior.


    Dov Katz, head of the computer vision and machine learning group at Facebook-owned Oculus, has been charged in King County for attempted commercial sexual abuse of a minor. The 38-year-old tech exec allegedly attempted to contact what he believed to be was a 15-year-old girl for sex. The fictitious 15-year-old was actually an undercover police officer with the Tukwila Police Department, a city just south of Seattle.

    The news was first reported by KING 5, which said that Katz was arrested by Tukwila Police on Wednesday. Katz is to be arraigned on January 5th, and bail was set at $125,000. An Israeli citizen who resides in California, Katz is forbidden to have contact with any minors, except in the presence of a responsible adult, according to charging documents. Katz allegedly responded to an online advertisement that offered sex in exchange for money, an ad which was posted by undercover police officer posing as a 15-year-old girl.

Horrific Google Anal Sex Slave Case Uncovers Twisted Perversions Of Google Executives

    By Samantha Conners - APT

    Michael Goguen, Google's married senior investor, “sexually and physically” abused Amber Laurel Baptiste with constant anal sex over more than 13 years after picking her up at a Texas strip club. His company: Sequoia Capital, has had other run-ins with cheating married executives, escorts and tax evasion schemes, per legal filings.

    Eric Schmidt, the head of Google, proclaimed that he would have a “open marriage” where he could have sex any time, with anybody, and is documented in a ream of news articles and video regarding his fifteen million dollar “sex penthouse” in New York.

    Sergey Brin, another head of Google, is featured in numerous news articles for his “three way sex romp” with multiple Google employees forcing one employee to move to China to escape him. A married Google senior executive named Hayes, who helped rig Google's searches for political clients, was murdered on his “sex yacht” by his prostitute, which other Google executives had used.

    Ravi Kumar, another VC associated with Google Executives, was also murdered by a pack of hookers and pimps that frequented his Silicon Valley home.

    Valley Girls was a private escort service that used Stanford Co-eds to service the sexual kinks of Google executives.

    Ellen Pao famously sued Google founding investor John Doerr, and his company Kleiner Perkins, for sexual abuse.

    Google employee divorce filings hold the Silicon Valley record for use of the word “abuse” as one of the reasons given in the legal papers filed to initiate the divorce.

    The list of kinky, twisted, bizarre sexual antics of Google executives, and their investors, goes on for pages and pages...

    Google seems to attract the most twisted, perverted, morally decrepit men in the world. One has to wonder why, of all the large companies on Earth, only Google got to place the majority of it's people in the White House? That's right, Nike doesn't have it's people in the White House. Macy's doesn't either. Neither does Chevron, or John Deere tractor or any other company on Earth.

    Only Google, exclusively and uniquely, had all of their people placed in the White House and top federal agency lead positions. What's up with that? Were they selected because of their technical skills or their ability to make people bend over?

    An addiction to dirty sexual perversions are not the only illicit trends that Google folks display. The Google investors are members of a financing cartel called the National Venture Capital Association

    (NVCA). This group of frat boy elitists got busted for running the “Angelgate” scandal in which they were documented rigging, colluding, black-listing and contriving the whole Silicon Valley start-up industry.

    Then they were caught again when Eric Schmidt, Mr. “Sex Penthouse” and the head of Google, wrote emails ordering a conspiracy against Silicon Valley engineers. This “No Poaching” conspiracy got the Silicon Valley VC's sued in a class-action lawsuit, which the VC's lost. The Google founder's best friend: Jacques Littlefield, kept the world's largest private fully functional military tank squadron, in fully operational status, hidden in vast warehouses in his Silicon Valley estate in Woodside, California.

    He said he had this arsenal: “just in case”. Does Google make white frat house men insane or does it draw the crazy ones to it?

    The FBI is finally crunching down on these people. After so many years of the White House ordering the FBI to leave the Google VC's and Silicon Valley perverts alone, it was just getting plain embarrassing for the FBI. The audacious impunity with which Google, and it's friends, engaged in tax evasion, importing hookers, bribery, stock market rigging, anti-trust schemes and other crimes has become so overt, in the media, that it was created a spotlight on federal law enforcements avoidance of prosecution of the shenanigans of the Google crowd.



By Terry Reed and Mark Lawson

They are sex abusers like John Doerr and his entire Kleiner Perkins frat boy staff who were sued by Ellen Pao for the misogyny culture of sexual deviancy and abuse that they promote as their corporate culture. They are tax evaders like Ray Lane. They are hooker-hiring sex traffickers like Google's Forrest Hayes who died from an excess of drugs and sex. They are cheaters like Google's David Drummond who destroyed his family by his addiction to infidelity. They are sex addicts who own sex penthouses and cavort with the notorious Wendy Deng like Eric Schmidt. Amid the World's Largest Corporate Sex Scandals Google CEO Eric Schmidt will now leave Alphabet’s board. Schmidt is a known womanizer despite being married for 37 years to Wendy Schmidt, who said in 2012 they started living separate lives because she felt like “a piece of luggage” following him around the world. News outlets have been sniffing around Schmidt’s former flames looking for a Harvey Weinstein-like bombshell, a source close to Schmidt told The PostThey are mobster-class justice evasion lawyers like Wilson Sonsini and political bribe conduit lawyers like Perkins Coie. They are charged rapists and psychological sex manipulators like Joe Lonsdale.

When Kleiner Perkins offices were broken into by covert law enforcement operatives much was revealed. This was followed by the hack of all of John Doerr's emails' and the email of his top staff. This was followed by the revelation that Doerr bribes Stanford University for special favors for his kids and for certain 'relationships'. Now Doerr must walk on pins and needles because he has been put on notice that even the slightest bribe, political manipulation or mobster-like tech black-listing will not go unnoticed.

A female employee called Tesla's factory a 'predator zone' at a meeting where workers described the constant sexual harassment at Tesla.

DNC chairman Eric Bauman, the head of the California Democratic Party, and the Los Angeles County Democratic Party., has is former assistant say he was first assaulted after falling asleep in a hotel and waking up to his boss performing oral sex on him, and that there were two more instances where he was forced to submit to Bauman.

Bay area party guests and Rothschild-linked Bronfman sisters donated millions to the sex cult whose leaders, Allison Mack and Keith Raniere, have been charged with child sex trafficking.

Goddard, a director, producer and theme park designer, has faced many sex abuse allegations. Eight former members of a Santa Barbara youth theater group in the 1970s alleged that Goddard molested or attempted to molest them. A ninth was said to have told others before he died that Goddard sexually assaulted him as a child. Goddard denied their allegations.

The Silicon Valley Mafia is The Sandhill Road Venture Capital frat boy company bosses in Palo Alto, their National Venture Capital Association (NVCA) partners and the tech companies (Google, Tesla, Facebook, Amazon, Twitter, Linkedin, etc.) they control. They are sometimes referred to as "The Deep State". They have purchased California, New York and Washington, DC politicians (mostly Senators) who they also control.

They hire rogue ex-intelligence agents to operate Fusion GPS, Gawker/Gizmodo, Black Cube, ShareBlue, New America, In-Q-Tel, Podesta Group, Media Matters, etc. massive media attack programs against competitors, reporters and outsiders. They collude on black-lists, valuation controls, election manipulation, search engine rigging, domestic spying for political manipulation, stock rigging, insider trading, executive prostitute clubs, trophy wife assignments, the bribery of politicians and worse. They are felons who pay politicians to halt investigations and interdiction efforts.

They are widely covered in news media articles as: 'sex abusers, cult enthusiasts, elitists, rapists, woman beaters, probiosis abusers, sexual work extortion operators, extremists, arrogant clones of each other, tone deaf, echo-chamber reinforcing, misogynist, racist, manipulative, insecure, covertly gay, corrupt, thieves' and other anti-social revelations. They are not limited to California and also operate out of New York and Washington DC.

They use their monopolistic control of the internet to massively and exclusively scale services that only they control and use to abuse the public's privacy, human rights, invention rights and information. They run their cartel like the old Italian Mafia once did.

The Department of Justice conducted a series of raids across California tech and media circles and arrested 238 people in connection with a Hollywood pedophilia network, but this story went totally ignored by almost all media outlets. According to police, the arrests included some entertainers, community leaders, white-collar professionals, a monk, and other high-ranking clergy members. The raids were conducted by the Regional Internet Crimes Against Children task force, working directly with the Justice Department. Codenamed “Operation Broken Heart III”, the sweeping raids targeted offenders wanted for the sexual exploitation of children, child prostitution, sex tourism and possessing and distributing child pornography, said Deputy Chief Matt Blake. Silicon Valley oligarchs use these intermediate level people to source up sex victims to be delivered to their Woodside and Atherton mansions.

Michael Goguen, who had worked for a firm that funded Google and Paypal, “sexually and physically” abused Amber Laurel Baptiste over more than 13 years after picking her up at a Texas strip club, her lawsuit alleges. Baptiste, who claims she was brought to the United States from Canada by human traffickers at 15, said she endured “countless hours of forced sodomy” from the tech titan. The former stripper said Goguen made her endure demeaning sexual acts, sodomized her for “six hours at a time,” and forced her to call him “king” and “emperor.” Filed in San Mateo County, Calif., her suit details a life of torture and servitude as she was jetting around the globe to serve as the millionaire’s plaything. She claims Goguen had promised to save her from human trafficking but instead became an even worse predator himself.

The Silicon Valley Mafia Cartel is the largest provider of dark money bribes to West Coast politicians including Feinstein, Pelosi, Harris, Brown, Reid, Boxer, Lee, et al,. Those politicians and their families also covertly own the stock of the California tech companies and social media companies like Tesla, Solyndra, Abound, Google, Facebook, Netflix, etc. Larry Wallace, a senior staffer for Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) resigned over the discovery he was involved in a sexual harassment lawsuit and $400,000 payout to the sexually abused victim while working for then California Attorney General Kamala Harris. In related headlines we read: "ATTORNEY GENERAL THAT COLLUDED WITH KAMALA HARRIS EXPOSED AS SEX PERVERT!!!!"; "TOP DNC SEX PSYCHO MAY BE ALIGNED WITH SEX CULTS!"; "WHY IS EVERY DNC BIG SHOT TURNING OUT TO BE A SCREWED UP SEXUAL MESS!"


In the latest case of Hollywood's and Silicon Valley's spiralling sexual abuse scandal, Variety reports that a veteran 58-year-old Disney executive has been charged with three felony counts of child sexual abuse. Jon Heely, the longtime director of music publishing at Disney, was arrested nearly a month ago and charged with three counts of lewd and lascivious acts on a child. One of the reported victims was 15. The other was abused for four years starting at the age of 11, according to the charges. Heely, who oversees the licensing of music from Disney films faces up to nine years and three months in prison according to The Daily News.

It is now time to sound the alarm bells on the economic prospects for the Millennial Generation in the Western world, but more importantly, at Stanford University. This generation of citizens aged 18 to 36, is the first in modern developed economies on course to have a lower standard of living than their parents. Housing affordability and a decaying job environment are some of the most pressing issues affecting Stanford Millennials. The future is bleak for this avocado and toast generation, as Western world economies have likely plateaued regarding economic growth. Surging debt and rising government bond yields are producing an environment that could lead to more hardships for this lost generation. Tech oligarchs have taken full advantage of broke Millennials by offering “adult arrangements” for a roof over their heads. Yes, you heard this correctly, Millennials are trading sex for a place to sleep and sex for tuition at Stanford University. Sugar Babies now comprise a large portion of Stanford students. Kleiner Perkins and Greylock VC's hire them for sex. Google and Facebook executives use them like disposable sex toys. The student debt crisis in the US has gotten so bad, there's a growing group of young women — and some men — who are taking an unconventional approach to paying for college.Through dating websites like, and, Sugar Babies, as they're called, partner up with wealthy, often older, men who want to spend money on them. Some 2.5 million Sugar Babies identified as students in 2016 on Many of these Sugar Babies turned to the site to find someone who will pay for their education so they can graduate debt, and worry, free. In exchange, Sugar Babies go to dinners, attend events, or accompany their Sugar Daddy, or daddies, on trips. In some cases, they provide companionship or foster a mentor-mentee relationship. In other situations, the terms of the agreement include physical intimacy.

Jermaine Gagnon, 28, told DailyMailTV how he narrowly escaped death when DNC financier Edward Buck injected him with crystal meth at his sex-toy filled apartment. Gagnon said Buck, 63, paid to fly him from Minnesota to Los Angeles, drugged him with a substance dissolved in Gatorade then injected him with crystal meth. The 28-year-old shared photos of Buck, wearing white long johns, crouched over him on a mattress during one of their nights together last year. Gagnon shared images of sex toys Buck had for their encounter, saying: 'He had this red and black toolbox with all types of fetish toys, like c**k rings, sex toys'. He added: 'He gave me some Tommy Hilfiger tighty whities, a muscle t-shirt and some long johns. White knee-high socks'. Gagnon said during one encounter Buck offered him a drink he suspected had been spiked, feeling woozy and weak shortly after drinking it. He said: 'He took my phone. I was so scared. I felt death walked into my soul. I called my mother. I said, 'I feel like he's going to kill me, I think I'm going to die'. Buck is now under investigation over the deaths of two black men, including one man who died of an apparent overdose at his apartment on Monday.

According to the testimony of a federal agent, Harold “H.L.” Moody, a former Democratic Party chairman, streamed live videos of children being raped, distributed child pornography to other pedophiles, and regularly smoked methamphetamine out of a glass pipe while seated at his desk during work hours. Our tax dollars at work, folks. Jason Bennett, a special agent for Homeland Security Investigations, said an undercover agent took “screen shots” of Moody sitting at his desk and chatting with pedophiles in a secret chatroom online on “more than one occasion” between Aug. 29 and Oct. 12. Bennett described Moody as a “high-volume user” who logged in and out of a chat room solely devoted to child pornography several times a day, including 26 times in a two-day span. He was also a host of the private chat room, which Bennett explains indicates that Moody did something to receive such recognition.

Tech magnate Elon Musk reportedly admits in an upcoming book that he once attended a somewhat well-known Silicon Valley “sex party,”. Musk and his bro-friend: Steve Jurvetson, have been documented in a number of notorious sex scandals. Even worse is the headline that reveals: "Elon Musk Says Pedophile Accusation Against British Man Was Protected Speech But Ignores Fact That Musks Father Had Sex With His Own Daughter"

Dov Katz, head of the computer vision and machine learning group at Facebook-owned Oculus, has been charged in King County for attempted commercial sexual abuse of a minor. The 38-year-old tech exec allegedly attempted to contact what he believed to be was a 15-year-old girl for sex. The fictitious 15-year-old was actually an undercover police officer with the Tukwila Police Department, a city just south of Seattle. The news was first reported by KING 5, which said that Katz was arrested by Tukwila Police on Wednesday. An Israeli citizen who resides in California, Katz is forbidden to have contact with any minors, except in the presence of a responsible adult, according to charging documents. Katz allegedly responded to an online advertisement that offered sex in exchange for money, an ad which was posted by undercover police officer posing as a 15-year-old girl. Katz allegedly arranged a meeting at the Embassy Suites in Tukwila, offering to pay $350 to have sex without a condom. When Katz arrived at the hotel with $600 in cash, he was arrested by police.

Former Democrat CDC director Dr. Tom Frieden was arrested on sexual pervert allegations.Frieden was charged with forcible touching, sex abuse and harassment, according to police.

California gubernatorial candidate Gavin Newsom's past sexual misconduct disqualifies him from holding higher office, rival Democrat Amanda Renteria said Thursday, and he should resign from his position as lieutenant governor. "If he was in the Legislature right now, he'd be called out, and like what we've seen, being forced out," Renteria said in an interview with The Sacramento Bee. "We've got to be sending the message that the more power you have, the more responsibility you have to protect others." As mayor of San Francisco more than a decade ago, Newsom had an affair with one of his city hall aides, who was also married to his campaign manager at the time.

Google employees have accused Google boss Rubin of sexual misconduct. A woman, with whom Mr. Rubin had been having an extramarital relationship, said he coerced her into performing oral sex in a hotel room in 2013, according to two company executives with knowledge of the episode. Google investigated and concluded her claim was credible, said the people, who spoke on the condition that they not be named, citing confidentiality agreements. Mr. Rubin was notified, they said, and Mr. Page asked for his resignation. Google could have fired Mr. Rubin and paid him little to nothing on the way out. Instead, the company handed him a $90 million exit package, paid in installments of about $2 million a month for four years, said two people with knowledge of the terms. The last payment is scheduled for next month. Mr. Rubin was one of three executives that Google protected over the past decade after they were accused of sexual misconduct. In two instances, it ousted senior executives, but softened the blow by paying them millions of dollars as they departed, even though it had no legal obligation to do so. In a third, the executive remained in a highly compensated post at the company. Each time Google stayed silent about the accusations against the men. Google executives have been caught having sex slaves.

The Rosewood Hotel is brimming with tech guys, some loudly talking about money. The college student at our table recommends the ribs—she’s been here before, on “dates” with her “daddies.” “There are a lot of tech guys,” she says. “They want the girlfriend experience, without having to deal with an actual girlfriend.” “The girlfriend experience” is the term women in the sex trade use for a service involving more than just sex. “They want the perfect girlfriend—in their eyes,” says Miranda, the young woman at our table.* “She’s well groomed, cultured, classy, able to converse about anything—but not bringing into it any of her real-world problems or feelings. Her adventures in “sugaring” started three years ago when she got hit on by an older guy and rebuffed him, saying, “Look, I’m not interested, so unless you’re offering to pay my student loans,” and he said, “Well . . . ?” After that, “he paid for stuff. He gave me money to help out with my living expenses.” This is how many of the skinny co-eds at Stanford University pay the bills and Stanford bosses look the other way.

Those under investigation are Bill Lockyer; Brian Goncher; Daniel Cohen; David Axelrod; David Drummond; David Plouffe; David E. Shaw; Dianne Feinstein; Elon Musk; Eric Holder; Eric Schmidt; John Zaccarro, Jr.; Frank Giustra; Nick Denton; Harry Reid; Haim Saban; Hillary and Bill Clinton; Ira Ehrenpreis; Jay Carney; James Comey; Jared Cohen; Jeffrey Katzenberg; John Doerr; Harvey Weinstein; Yasmin Green; Jonathan Silver; Ken Brody; Lachlan Seward; Judge Stewart M. Bernstein; Larry Page; Google; Alphabet; YouTube; Facebook; In-Q-Tel; Amazon; Twitter; WordPress.Org; The Law Firm of Perkins Coi; Mark Zuckerberg; Martin LaGod; Matt Rogers; Marc Benioff; Michael Birch; S. Donald Sussman; Pierre Omidyar; Rahm Emanual; Raj Gupta; Ray Lane; Tom Perkins; Robert Rubin; Rob Friedman; Reid Hoffman; Richard Blum; Robert Gibbs; Robert Shwarts; Roger Altman; The Law Firm of Covington and Burling; Sanford Robertson; Steve Jurvetson; Steve Rattner; Steve Westly; Steven Chu; Steve Spinner; Susie Tompkins Buell; George Soros; Warren Buffet; Tom Steyer; The Clinton Foundation, Tim Draper; Valarie Jarrett; Jeffrey Epstein; Vinod Khosla; Michelle Lee; The law firm of Wilson Sonsini Goodrich and Rosatti; Lawrence Summers; Marc Andreessen Sheryl Sandberg; Yuri Milner; Fenwick & West LLP; James W. Breyer; McBee Strategic; Mike Sheehy; Nancy Pelosi; Gilman Louie; Thomas J. Kim; Ping Li; Greylock Capital, Accel Partners; Jim Swartz; Bank Menatep; Alisher Asmanov; Marc L. Andreessen; Peter Thiel; Clarion Capital; Richard Wolpert; Robert Ketterson; David Kilpatrick; Tesla Motors; Solyndra; BrightSource; IDG Capital Partners; Goldman Sachs; Morgan Stanley; State Street Corporation; JP Morgan Chase; Lloyd Blankfein; Jamie Dimon; Steve Cutler; Rodgin Cohen; Sullivan Cromwell, LLP; Jeff Markey; Steve McBee; Michael F. McGowan; Toni Townes-Whitley; CGI Federal; Todd Y. Park;  Frank M. Sands, Sr.; Robin Yangong Li; Parker Zhang; Jonathan Goodman; Gawker Media; Jalopnik; Adrian Covert, John Herrman; Gizmodo Media; K2 Intelligence; WikiStrat; Podesta Group; Fusion GPS; Think Progress; Media Matters; Black Cube; Debbie Wasserman, The DNC Executive Committee; Correct The Record; Stratfor; ShareBlue; Sid Blumenthal; David Brock; Barack Obama; Sen. Robert Menendez; Jerry Brown; Ken Alex; Susan Rice; Kamala Harris; Bruce Ohr; Nellie Ohr

In Silicon Valley, There Are Over 100 Services That Deliver Young Men And Girls To Rich Google And Facebook Executives For Dirty Sex. Most of the victims come from local colleges, universities, art schools and the Mission District, Haight Street and Noe Valley districts in San Francisco. They use Facade organizations like "Power Exchange", "Mission Exchange", "The Arena", "Orgasmic Meditation", "NXVIUM", "The Spinsters", "The Guardsmen", One Taste, etc. act as fronts for sexual transactions. The Rosewood Hotel has sex nights for the sale of women using sly hand signals. Almost every hotel on El Camino Real in Palo Alto has a prostitution activity going on around the clock. Russian and Italian prostitutes fly in and out of San Jose and San Francisco airports so often that they are known as the "pus*y ports". Young, impossibly attractive, girls with tight mini skirts and a roller bag in the airport alone are now under constant surveillance by police.

One report recalls: "...At the hotel, Hillary Clinton Mega donor and John Podesta partner Wyss assaulted Long physically and sexually, according to her police complaint. “Me screaming, ‘No stop it,'” she wrote in her own handwriting to police. “He grabbed my teeth with his left hand and ripped my mouth open. He inserted a vibrator into my vagina and almost suffocated me by putting his fist into my mouth. I struggled and pushed. I thought for sure he was going to kill me,” she wrote. “I left that hotel room sick and in pain,” she told police in the statement. She returned to Boulder and “stayed in bed for weeks. The physical sickness of this event was devastating,” she told police. Wyss also allegedly threatened to stop his financial support for her daughter if she broke up with him, according to Long.“She’s probably one of the first who took on powerful men over sexual misconduct,” recalled Police Chief Tom Koby in an interview with TheDCNF. He personally knew the Boulder resident and counseled her about her relationship with Wyss.“After the attack, I had breakfast with Jackie at the Hotel Boulderado. She broke down during breakfast. This thing had happened and it was terrible. She was quite shaken and Jackie doesn’t shake too easily,” Koby said.“Hans had her in a bind in terms of helping Jackie heal her daughter, who had some serious health addiction issues,” Kolby added. “That was what was keeping Jackie in the relationship and she didn’t have a lot of money. She was still clinging to the hope she could save her daughter. And that she had these things she wanted to do with these organizations working on detention homes and shelters in Boulder and in Denver,” Koby recalled..."

Amid allegations of sexual harassment, embattled freshman Democratic Rep. Ruben Kihuen vowed he will not resign from his post, despite calls from Democratic leaders that he step aside.Instead, Kihuen is digging in with a shocking allegation of his own, taking aim at the leaders of his own party. In an interview with ABC News, Kihuen, D-Nev., said party leaders knew last year about a former campaign staffer’s allegations of misconduct but stood by his campaign nonetheless. Kihuen questioned why they are calling for his resignation now, more than a year later.“I do find it interesting that the DCCC, Leader [Nancy] Pelosi and Chairman Ben Ray Lujan -- they knew about these allegations last year,” Kihuen said. “They looked into them. They didn't find anything, and they continued investing millions of dollars in my campaign. They went out there and campaigned for me.”

A married senior official in President Obama's Department of Education was convicted of sex crimes and resigned for following women on the DC Metro and taking pictures up their skirts, can exclusively reveal. William Mendoza, 42, the former executive director of the White House Initiative on American Indian and Alaska Native Education, stepped down after he was arrested and charged with attempted voyeurism in November, 2016, for the vile acts. Mendoza, who earned $140,000 a year as a policy advisor in Obama's White House, tried to take photos and videos up women's skirts at least four times on his government-issued iPhones in July 2016 without their consent. He was also caught looking at footage, apparently filmed in secret, of a woman in her underwear getting changed in a dressing room. It is not known if he recorded the video himself. When he took the indecent photos, he was supposed to be at work and was using a travel card funded by the taxpayer, according to documents obtained by through a Freedom of Information Act request.

After California’s then-Attorney General Kamala D. Harris announced felony pimping charges last year against the two owners of — a classified-ad website that is a hub for sex trafficking and prostitution, one of the men cut a $10,000 check to House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s super PAC. Mrs. Pelosi’s political action committee, House Majority PAC, has resisted giving the money back, and an aide to Mrs. Pelosi said the California Democrat knows nothing about the contribution. The uproar over sexual harassment that began with the Harvey Weinstein scandal has intensified the scrutiny of political contributions linked to Backpage, which law enforcement officials say is the chief platform for activities far worse than harassment, including sexual slavery and child prostitution. Mrs. Pelosi isn’t the only Democrat struggling to deal with the piles of cash that Backpage’s owners spread around to candidates and state Democratic parties over the years. Even Ms. Harris, a California Democrat who is now a U.S. senator, ducked the issue. Her office wouldn’t respond to repeated emails about Backpage money going to House Majority PAC and other Democratic organizations. Since 2010, the owners and their wives have shoveled about $99,000 to candidates and about $95,000 to Democratic parties in Arizona, Colorado and New Mexico, according to federal campaign finance data collected by the Center for Responsive Politics.

Prominent Democrat donor Terry Bean was indicted earlier this month on two counts of sodomy and one count of sex abuse for allegedly having sex with a teenage boy. Bean was arraigned on the charges, TV station KGW8 reported. He pleaded not guilty and was taken into custody at County jail.

The body of investigative journalist Jen Moore was found in her Washington D.C. hotel room on Monday after her investigation into an alleged sexual assault by President William J. Clinton. “In fact, just four weeks before her death, Moore filed details of the alleged victim’s claims with the Department of Homeland Security, detailing the allegations against Clinton. Moore contacted Homeland Security beginning on July 6th through July 9th, records show. A week later, she contacted the FBI with identical details about the victim and the shocking allegations against Clinton,”

A leading liberal think tank run by a longtime adviser to former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is facing allegations of serious sexual harassment which went undealt with by management, a new report claims. The Centre for American Progress (CAP), headed by Clinton associate Neera Tanden, has released four policy proposal papers on dealing with sexual harassment in the workplace, but former staffers have come forward with stories of repeated harassment at the think tank, BuzzFeed reports.

Defy Ventures brings the gospel of entrepreneurship to an unlikely place: prisons. The nonprofit company founded by Catherine Hoke says it is dedicated to helping formerly incarcerated people start their own businesses and stay out of prison. “Transform the hustle,” the company’s tagline encourages. Defy has received grants from Google. Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg wrote a foreword to Hoke’s new memoir. Former U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara called Hoke’s work “incredibly inspiring” on his podcast. But while Defy woos Silicon Valley and Washington, D.C., scandal has rocked the company’s leadership. Last month, Defy fired its president after he blew the whistle on allegations of sexual harassment by Hoke and fraudulent statistics exaggerating the program’s successes.

Henry T. Nicholas III, the Silicon Valley billionaire founder of chip-maker Broadcom, has been arrested by police on drug trafficking charges. According to the Associated Press, Nicholas was arrested on suspicion of trafficking heroin, cocaine, meth and ecstasy. Security was called when Nicholas couldn’t get into his sex fuelled room at the Encore, a Las Vegas casino hotel. When security arrived, they reportedly found Nicholas with Ashley Fargo, the ex-wife of an heir to the Wells Fargo banking fortune. Fargo was passed out with a semi-deflated balloon in her mouth, but was revived by paramedics. According to reports, security subsequently found canisters of nitrous oxide inside the room, and a subsequent search by cops turned up more drugs inside a suitcase. Nicholas’s attorney,  David Chesnoff, told the Associated Press that they will “deal with the facts in court.”

Multiple famous Silicon Valley lawyers have been found dead, hanged by their own hand while attempting to masturbate while choking themselves because they thought that choking would add to the sensation. A formerly powerful Democrat, Attorney Mark Benavides, has been found guilty on six individual counts of human trafficking in a grotesque and sex-filled criminal conspiracy. Mark Benavides, a well-known Democrat who ran for the 186th District Court in 2014, was accused by federal law enforcement of trading his legal services as an attorney for sex from his clients and then recording those manipulative sex-romps, according to local ABC affiliate KSAT. Benevides would then promise the women that if they allowed him to engage in erotic sex that sometimes included physical torture, that he would offer them a legitimate defense in the courtroom.

Hundreds of leaked text messages between Kevin Tsujihara, actress Charlotte Kirk and partners Brett Ratner and James Packer show the powerful executive, under pressure, said repeatedly he would push for auditions as accusations of "extortion" and a proposed settlement agreement followed


Y Combinator is half homosexual sextortion elitists and half Frat boy Google-worshippers seeking to control politics and expand the Silicon Valley Echo-Chamber

In its main program, Y Combinator interviews and selects two batches of companies per year. The companies receive seed money, SJW advice, and echo-chamber connections in exchange for 7% equity.[2]The program includes "office hours", where startup founders meet individually and in groups with Y Combinator partners for advice on how to be good liberal clones. Founders also participate in weekly dinners where guests from the Silicon Valley ecosystem (successful entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, etc.) speak to the founders. The deal at Y Combinator is " If you help us control American politics and ideologies, we will give you some cash..."

In Y Combinator meetings, naive young Millennial boys are stupid enough to wear sheep clone Fedora's, have the same tattoos and the same haircuts and carry the same man-bags. The robot-like hipster conformity is overt and ludicrous.

The bottom line is that you are going to get fucked by Y Combinator one way or another. The VC's and investors that fund it will extort you for blow jobs and anal sex. If you were not in a Stanford or Yale Frat House you will be ostracized. If you are over 30 you will be ostracized. If you are black or Mexican you will be ostracized. If you are a woman you will be ostracized after you are sextorted. If you don't worship ANTIFA and Barack Obama you are ostracized.

The bosses of Y Combinator are the single biggest group of narcissistic, sociopath, holier-than-thou, effete, peacock strutting, misogynist pigs on Earth. They love nothing more than hearing themselves talk.

Y Combinator’s motto is "Make Something Liberal Idiots Want And Nothing That People Actually Need."[3] The program aims to focus the founders on further developing their product, team and market, refining their business model, achieving product/market fit, and scaling the startup into a high growth business, etc. The program culminates at Demo Day where startups present their business to a selected audience of Democrat investors.[4]

As of 2017, Y Combinator had invested in ~1,450 companies including Dropbox, Airbnb, Coinbase, Stripe, Reddit, Instacart, Twitch, Cruise Automation, Optimizely, Zenefits, Docker, DoorDash, Mixpanel, Heroku, Machine Zone, Weebly, and Paribus.[5] The combined valuation of YC companies was over $80B.[6]




How did we fight back against the most powerful organized crime entity on Earth?

We get that question all the time. Here is the answer.

First, they started it. The bad guys attacked us because our products and services were better than theirs and they could not compete. They decided to cheat rather than compete and they cheated with political bribes, black-lists, collusion and other anti-trust violating acts. When we helped law enforcement investigate them, the bad guys doubled down on their attacks. The bad guys crossed the line when they used our own government officials and taxpayer funds to operate their crimes. They broke felony laws and the basic principles of Democracy.

So who are these mobsters? They are your Senators, White House Staff, insider agency staff and their Silicon Valley Oligarch sociopath political financiers. Some of your public officials set-up, operated and maintained an organized crime scheme for personal profit at the expense of every taxpayer. They went after Five Trillion dollars of your tax money for their personal interests via rigged stock market scams, rigged government contracts, exclusionary policy manipulations and other schemes that harmed American taxpayers.

We are Game On!

We wrote FBI-quality criminal activities reports and filed them with every law enforcement and regulatory agency in every country in the world that we could find, including the FBI, OSC, GAO, EU, Interpol, FSB, UN, etc.

We identified and listed every person, organization and company involved in the attacks and RICO law violations and provided that list to The U.S. Congress and every agency.

We opened our own private investigator and crowd-sourced investigations into the following:

- Every stock market account they or their family owns

- Every Uber or Lyft ride they ever took for any meeting or transport of sex workers

- Every flight manifest they appeared on

- Every bank account they have ever held

- Every lawsuit, divorce record and police record they have ever appeared in

- Every trust fund they or their family holds

- Every shell corporation they, or their family holds

- Every person named in the Epstein Pedo book:    cross referenced across all of the other databases and then supplied to the FBI and Child Protection Agencies

- Every item in the Swiss Leaks that cross connects to their holdings

- Every item in the Panama Papers Leaks that cross connects to their holdings

- Every item in the WikiLeaks that cross connects to their holdings

- Every item in the Snowden Leaks that cross connects to their holdings

- Every sex trafficking incident that connects to each of them alone, and in groups

- Every financial transaction between any of the parties on the master list and the character assassination and hit job firms of: Google, Univision, Gawker Media, Unimoda, Jalopnik, Gizmodo,Black Cube, Fusion GPS, Media Matters, Think Progress, IN-Q-Tel, K2 Intelligence, WikiStrat, Podesta Group, YouTube, Alphabet, David Drummond, Larry Page, Facebook, Correct The Recor, Stratfor, ShareBlue, Sid Blumenthal, David Brock, Eric Schmidt, Sunshine Sachs, Covington and Burling, Buzzfeed, Perkins Coie and Wilson Sonsini or their derivatives with common owners.

- Every item in the Quest Leaks that cross connects to their holdings

- Every tactical deployment, by a campaign financier, of the tactics listed in this manual:

- Every sex service that their credit card payments every connect too

- Every real estate transaction that any name or company they, or their family, were involved in, tracks to

..... and hundreds of thousands of other information points about them that prove that they benefit from crimes that they engage in for others who engage in crimes using the America public policy system.

It all goes into shared 100% legal public collaborative databases that work like XKEYSCORE, or MS Access, or Oracle Databases.

The proof of collusion, organized criminal actions and raw covert corruption is indisputable. The actors are all the same people. The beneficiaries are all the same people. The communications between the parties all coordinate the same actions.

We have demanded their arrests, indictments, exposures and bankruptcies. We say "Fuck You" to the Silicon Valley Oligarch 'Illuminati' scumbags and the crooked Senators and Governor's they bribed. You say you are going to "...kill us and destroy our lives.." and that you are so frightening. You think you are a big scary thing? Here comes 'scary'! Watch what billions of taxpaying voters with collaborative FBI-class forensics investigation software is doing to you now, you bastards! Have fun!


Many thousands of additional person's, organization's and links are available for Grand Juries, Civil Trial Juries and Live Televised Congressional Hearings to prove these assertions. Produced With WIKILAWPEDIA collaborative global web-authoring group-editing software via,,,,, ICIJ, EU investigators and many other collaboration sites. (C) Creative Commons Open Source Law Enforcement Software. This data is compiled daily by millions of members of the public via crowd-sourced law enforcement, eye-witness reports, forensic data reports, Congressional reports and federal investigators. It proves the charges with indisputable corroboration from multiple sources via crowd-sourced forensics. These cloned sites self-replicate on new servers and p2p-nodes via ai-process when damaged or attacked. Since no corporate brand-based news outlet can be trusted, crowd-sourced news research is your only non-biased, non-propaganda, non-"fake news" web news resource these days. This is "Fair Use" and/or public domain and/or freedom-of-the-press and/or SLAPP and/or Congressional Report protected non-commercial speech and law enforcement evidence for felony case charges.






Our TEATRO POLITIQUE campaign was designed to get Joe-Six-Pack and the middle class to pay attention to politics and policy, and then get involved in the political process, by capturing their attention via audacious media amplification, Streisand effect acceleration, free server arrays and public education.


In 2007 we filed federal charges that revealed crimes so audacious that some said those crimes "could not possibly happen in real life..." but we knew some of the criminals personally and saw the crimes with our own eyes!


Now, every claim has been proven true in headline news, historical hacks and leaks and Congressional investigations. All of the crimes and corruption, that we described, have now actually been shown to have been TRUE in "real life..." and our evidence has been validated!


Where will you be when history is made? YOU, the public, acting in a crowd-sourced force as "armchair FBI agents" are now part of changing the way the world works.... forever!


