Elon Musk and Azealia Banks set for court showdown

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So 2019 has started with one of the most bizarre celebrity beefs you could wish to encounter. Billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk looks set to lock horns with New York-born rapper Azealia Banks in a court of law, after she bore witness to an ill-fated prank he played on his Twitter followers.

American lawmakers have confirmed that Tesla’s legal team can subpoena Banks to give evidence. If they serve her with papers, the 212 singer will have no option but to give evidence to the trial.

It’s been reported by Dazed that Banks doesn’t have to turn up to court, but will definitely have to provide the plaintiffs with documents – such as written statements and her own social media posts – for consideration. However, this feud has been beyond unpredictable, and a face-off in the dock still remains a possibility.

What does Azealia Banks have to do with Elon Musk?

If ever a story needed context, it’s this: Banks happened to be working with Musk’s girlfriend – the musician “Grimes” – back in September last year. They were at the Tesla founder’s home when he sent out a joke Tweet about floating his company on the stock market for $420 a share – the number is a popular reference to weed culture. There is also a suggestion that a sex party, or illicit deeds were underway, that Banks photographed on her cell phone.

The US Securities and Exchange Commission charged Tesla CEO Elon Musk with securities fraud in September, alleging he misled investors last month in tweets about taking the company private.

Tesla share price

His playful jape sent shares sky-rocketing, only for them to plummet again. His little stunt is classed as a form of fraud, and he’s in seriously hot water at the moment. Meanwhile, after going public with her allegations that Musk was high at the time, Azealia Banks may now have a bigger role to play.

It’s long been suspected that the pair could end up facing each other in a courthouse, and it’s something Azealia Banks has forecasted herself. When she delivered the now-iconic “Apartheid Clyde” post in reference to the Pretoria-born Musk, she also predicted that her subpoena was in the mail.