Trump Did Not Create Distrust Of The Media, Distrust Of The Media Created Trump

Posted By Ian Schwartz 

(relative portion begins at 5:00)

Mollie Hemingway said the media needs to take a "hard look" inside and called out Jim Acosta for telling a woman, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, that she "needs to say certain words or else he's not going to stop yelling at her."

From Thursday's broadcast of Special Report:

MOLLIE HEMINGWAY, THE FEDERALIST: Donald Trump did not create distrust of the media; distrust of the media helped create Donald Trump and the media really need to get a handle on why so many Americans don't just dislike them but loathe them.

If the only way you can sort of defend media performances, or if you get really upset about Donald Trump criticizing the media is if you think the media are doing a good job. 

The fact is that very few Americans actually think the media are doing a good job. A recent poll showed that 72% of Americans think that the media deliberately report fake, false, or misleading news. I think the misleading thing is really significant there. 

It's not that people are just making up facts out of whole cloth, but the bias, and the self-aggrandizement, and the idiocy that people see in the media is frustrating them and the media really need to take a hard look inside. 

Jim Acosta telling a woman that she needs to say certain words or else he's not going to stop yelling at her is not going to improve the relationship between the media and the American people.