Detective, Who Exposed Elite Pedophile Ring, Found Dead Police detective-turned-author killed after exposing government pedophilia network

By: Jay Greenberg

mark minne was found dead after he exposed a high level pedophile ring © press Mark Minne was found dead after he exposed a high-level pedophile ring cardiologist digestive A former police detective-turned-investigative author has been found dead, just days after publishing a book that exposed a high-level government pedophile ring. 58-year-old Mark Minne was found with a bullet to his head on August 14, but many people are refusing to believe the "official" police version - that he committed suicide at his friend's farm near the coastal city of Port Elizabeth, South Africa. Minne's family is claiming that he would never kill himself - a point he had brought up with them - and that he feared people were after him because he was about to expose even more elite pedophilia. The highly-respected detective authored the controversial book "The Lost Boys of Bird Island" which was published on August 5th, 2018, and exposed shocking child abuse and corruption that he had witnessed whilst working on the police force. After leaving law enforcement, Minne devoted his post-police life to exposing the government-orchestrated child trafficking he discovered while working as a detective but was previously blocked from investigating. Minne, along with his good friend Chris Steyn, also a former cop turned investigative journalist, authored the book together to expose high-level government officials and powerful elites who took children to Bird Island where they were abused and murdered. Have your say - ⇓ Hit the comments below ⇓ The level of involvement in the pedophile ring by the government was detailed in the book, along with reports on the abuse of the victims, alleged acts of murder to cover up the crimes, and the corruption and exploitation of high-level state resources by the network’s members. Nine days after Mark Minne exposed these crimes in his book, he was dead. forensic investigators search the area where mark minne s body was found © press Forensic investigators search the area where Mark Minne's body was found TRENDING: Illegal Immigrants Seek Asylum at Pelosi Home She Has Police Remove Them TFTP reports: The book details the corruption within the last Apartheid government of South Africa and implicated officials all the way to the top, including defense minister Magnus Malan and the minister of environmental affairs John Wiley. Before his death, Minnie announced that he was approached by many more people with even more damning evidence which he planned to reveal in a sequel of the book. However, he died before he could finish it. The book was published earlier this month on August 5 and only nine days later, Minnie would be found dead. Officials claim they found a suicide note at the scene, but his family says they don’t believe it at all. Tersia Dodo, a family member of Minnie told reporters that just days before he died that if anything happened to him, they must know he was killed. “He mentioned to us all the time that his life was in danger and if anything did happen to him we must know that it was done to him, not by himself,” she said. Dodo says Minnie was being watched and feared for his life because he had more information which would’ve exposed even more people. “I knew about the book for many years and I knew what he had been through, it really played him that he had seen and been involved with the investigation surrounding the book,” Dodo told SABC. Dodo came forward on her own after she saw the suicide narrative being played out in the media. She said she was compelled to do so, to dispel the myths. “Mark was not a coward, Mark faced life head-on,” she said. "There is no ways that I or any of us believed that he would have opted out and that is why I agreed to do this interview to dispel any thoughts and rumors of suicide. "He was not the type of man that was cowardly and that would do something like that.” mark minne was found dead on a farm 9 days after exposing an elite pedophile ring © press Mark Minne was found dead on a farm 9 days after exposing an elite pedophile ring As for the note police allegedly found next to Minnie’s body, Dodo believes it is either fake or was written under duress. “I have said this from the beginning, this supposed suicide note was either written under duress and I would like to see it before I will believe it was written by Mark,” she said. This case is eerily similar to that of a man who was allegedly murdered in Lithuania after he began exposing high-level government pedophiles. A teenage refugee from Lithuania came forward last year with a White House petition and a damning testimony showing what happened after his family tried to expose a little girl’s abusers. When his four-year-old cousin accused two high-level government officials—describing it in heartbreaking detail—Korolis Venckienė learned the hard way how the government protects its vilest members, up to and including using hundreds of militarized police and even murder. As Venckienė explained in his petition on, this nightmare started when their family attempted to seek justice for the sick men who allegedly raped his four-year-old cousin. “In 2008, 4-year-old Deimante Kedyte described her sexual assault by high-level Lithuanian officials. "Her testimony was later verified as true by separate commissions. "She never had her day in court,” Venckienė wrote. When the teen’s uncle, Drasius Kedys, Deimante’s father pushed for the men to be prosecuted for what they did to his daughter, he was murdered. If Minnie was actually murdered, hopefully, the information he was planning on releasing still comes forward. The only way to stop these vile actors is to shine light into the darkness. While Minnie has been silenced, his work can live on to be that light.

© Neon Nettle

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