Devin Nunes Warns AG Bill Barr: Either Prosecute Or The American People Will Never Trust The DOJ & FBI Again

Congressman Devin Nunes has been on the forefront for nearly two years now, leading the charge to hold those who created and then pushed the fake Trump-Russia collusion hoax, to be held accountable. If they are allowed to get away with what was effectively a direct attack upon a duly elected President of the United States, Nunes believes millions of Americans will lose all faith in the nation’s legal system for generations to come. He is demanding AG Barr follow the evidence to the very end, even if that evidence leads to Barack Obama and Valerie Jarrett.

Via The Conservative Treehouse:

On July 31st, 2016, FBI counterintelligence operation Crossfire Hurricane became official.

An official investigation targeting the campaign of Donald Trump now held a legal, albeit sketchy and politically motivated, justification. Under the auspices of investigating Russian involvement with George Papadopoulos, Carter Page, Paul Manafort and General Michael Flynn, the FBI was now conducting full-blown surveillance on the political campaign of Donald Trump. Crossfire Hurricane was the legal cover; ‘Spygate’ begins.

If Hillary Clinton won the 2016 election all of this would disappear; none of this would ever surface; and the entire operation would just evaporate into the ether of invisible DC history. But Hillary didn’t win. She lost. Now, all downstream official action takes an entirely more urgent and important shift.

Shortly after Presiding Judge Rosemary Collyer authorized the FISA warrant, NSA Director Mike Rogers went to the FISC and informed the same judge of the FISA-702(16)(17) abuses that took place in the 2016 presidential election cycle.

Judge Collyer issues an explosive opinion lambasting the FBI for their allowed abuse of the system. The DOJ head of the National Security Division, John Carlin, resigned from his position.

Ten days after the election NSA Director Mike Rogers also traveled to Trump Tower without informing his boss ODNI James Clapper.

There has been a great deal of speculation as to what Rogers told President-elect Trump during that meeting. It’s likely Director Rogers informed Trump about some of what he knew surrounding the unauthorized surveillance activity and FISA(702) exploitation. However, intelligence is highly compartmented; it’s also virtually guaranteed Rogers had no idea what the FBI did, or was doing, with the material and the larger ‘Spygate’ operation.

On January 5th, 2017, President Obama held an Oval Office meeting with VP Joe Biden, James Comey (FBI), Michael Rogers (NSA), John Brennan (CIA), James Clapper (ODNI), Sally Yates (DOJ) and Susan Rice. At the conclusion of the briefing, President Obama asks Sally Yates and James Comey to remain.

The background context here is important. The outgoing Obama white house team knows what has taken place throughout. Obama’s PDB’s have included information about the Trump campaign officials who were under active surveillance. As the Trump transition team enters into office the FBI surveillance is still ongoing. The counterintelligence operation against the incoming administration, and every participating member remains in full swing.

The day after Obama’s oval office meeting, when President-elect Trump is briefed on the Steele Dossier, ODNI James Clapper and FBI Director James Comey cannot brief the target within their investigation on the granular material they used to gain the FISA warrant against the candidate who is now the President-elect.

Their target was Trump.

Trump is now the President-elect.

On Tuesday May 16th, Rod Rosenstein takes Robert Mueller to the White House to talk with the target of the ‘obstruction’ criminal investigation, under the ruse of bringing Mueller in for a meeting about becoming FBI Director. This meeting was quite literally advanced reconnaissance.

Immediately following this May 17, 2017, Go8 briefing, Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein notified the public of the special counsel appointment.

According to President Trump’s Attorney John Dowd, the White House was stunned by the decision. [Link] Coincidentally, AG Jeff Sessions was in the oval office for unrelated business when White House counsel Don McGahn came in and informed the group. Jeff Sessions immediately offered his resignation, and Sessions’ chief-of-staff Jody Hunt went back to the Main Justice office to ask Rosenstein what the hell was going on.

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein’s scope memos created a impenetrable firewall through which information could not be shared or discussed with congressional investigators or the IG office until Robert Mueller’s probe was complete; and Rosenstein used the threat of the appearance of “obstruction” to keep President Trump from declassifying the material that would have exposed the corrupt endeavors.

The picture here is pretty clear:

Team Obama is hoping to keep claiming the originating 2016 surveillance upon the Trump campaign was an outcome of a valid counterintelligence investigative probe; which is the underpinning of their need to perpetuate the Russian election conspiracy narrative. So long as all Obama officials who were engaged within the process keep up the story that validates the fraudulent purpose; their hope is all players will escape legal accountability for the unlawful weaponization of the intelligence apparatus to target political opposition.

If they succeed, “by the book” will have been successful.

This is what Devin Nunes is warning about.


The Obama administration unleashed the power of the federal government with the intent to attack and destroy a political opponent via lies, intimidation, and what remains an ongoing cover-up. It is likely among the greatest political scandals in the nation’s history. They are now hiding behind secondary players in the scandal, confident their own part will not come to light and that while others might pay some price, they will never be held accountable. Congressman Nunes knows this and is practically begging Attorney General Barr to release all the information and go after those responsible no matter how high up the political ladder that discovery takes him—even if it inevitably leads to these two:

Image result for obama and jarrett