By Carla Reed

Just look at an outline just one example of a vast number of complaints against Google filed by hundreds of thousands of complainants:

"... Our Main Issues With Google:

- Larry Page, Jared Cohen, Sergey Brin and Eric Schmidt have systematically stolen each and every patent, trade secret and business model from us, which we launched years prior, including the architecture and business model for YouTube and Google itself. The NY Times article exposes Page’s idea-theft process.

- Google staffed and controlled the Obama White House and redirected our government funds to Google’s, and Google’s investors, bank accounts while operating the largest political Dark Money conduit system in the world.

- Google exchanged compensation with Elon Musk, Dianne Feinstein and political party executives in order to produce, and mass-media-distribute, character assassination smear videos, Gawker/Gizmodo/Jalopnik tabloid hatchet job articles and fake blog posts in front of seven billion people for over a decade, locked on the top line, of the front page, of all Google product search results. At the same time, Google hid, de-listed, server code limited, down-ranked and deleted all of our advertising and positive PR. Google received and exchanged over thirty million dollars of compensation in cash, contracts, services, revolving door jobs and other remuneration, not reported to the FEC, for these attacks.

- Domestic and foreign Intelligence agency experts, law enforcement experts, forensic specialists and Congressional advisers have acquired all of Google’s emails, financial reports, off-shore transaction records and employee testimony proving these assertions...."

How can Google/Alphabet get away with such misdeeds?

Because Google bought most of the politicians you have heard of. Christie Lee Mcnally is out to expose Google's "Mafia-like" operation through Free Our Internet!

Free Our Internet is a non-profit organization describing itself as an opponent of the “tech-left” and its political censorship of “conservative speech online.”

McNally said:

"They control over 90 percent of the internet, so they don’t need to capitulate to us, they don’t need to capitulate to the Senate [or] the president. They don’t need to capitulate … because they’ve bought them all. The amount they pay in lobbyists — if you look at FEC reports and how much they pay in lobbyists [and in] Washington, DC, they don’t have to worry about legislation."

"Clearly they lied last month when they went up there,” said McNally of Twitter and Facebook executives’ denial of political censorship across their digital platforms during testimony before congressional committees.

Open Secrets itemized Google’s lobbying spending via the technology company’s FEC filings, with its most recent data coming from 2014.

The top recipient of Google’s lobbying spending in 2014 was the Podesta Group...founded by Clinton loyalist and founder of the Center for American Progress and its subsidiary ThinkProgress.

Google (now part of parent company Alphabet) spent over $18 million lobbying politicians in 2017, according to federal disclosure records. According to the Center for Responsive Politics, this is the first time a technology company has spent the most on lobbying costs in at least two decades. Google did not return TIME’s request for comment about its lobbying activities.

Marlow described the threat to free speech and expression posed by large technology firms as “100 times the threat” compared with left-wing media outlets.