Hackers demonstrate ability to EASILY break into any voting machine at Las Vegas DEFCON convention

By Thomas Lifson

The only way to ensure the integrity of our elections is a return to paper ballots, a "back to the future" scenario that somehow doesn't seem to excite many Democrats.  They would rather wail about "Russia hacking the election" to delegitimize President Trump, even though Rod Rosenstein recently assured us that not one vote was changed.

The fact that no electronic voting system can be reliably protected against hackers was once again demonstrated this weekend at "Defcon," a computer gathering in Las Vegas.

Defcon last year (via CBS screen grab).

Hackers there took on the challenge of hacking into 30 voting machines and made quick work of it.  CBS News reports:

Hackers from around the world had the rare opportunity to crack election-style voting machines this weekend in Las Vegas – and they didn't disappoint.

After nearly an hour and a half, Carsten Schürmann, an associate professor with IT-University of Copenhagen, successfully cracked into a voting machine at Las Vegas' Defcon convention on Friday night, CNET reports.

Schürmann penetrated Advanced Voting Solutions' 2000 WinVote machine through its Wi-Fi system.  Using a Windows XP exploit from 2003, he was able to remotely access the machine, CNET reports.

Voting technology was thrust into the political spotlight when election systems in several states were targeted by Russian cyber attacks.  The convention purchased more than 30 voting machines for the event, although, organizers didn't specify how many models those units represented.

The solution is very simple.  Paper ballots now!  And since we're worried about election fraud, voter ID, too.