
Netflix, like Google, Facebook and Linkedin, is mainly staffed and financed by homosexuals. They have an extreme need to push certain agenda issues. Netflix is truly WOKEFLIX!

You won't see any of these facts on the "mainstream" internet or "news" sites. The tech Taliban of the internet have colluded to become an information and ideological control empire. If they can make you think, act and vote like they want then they can put their candidates in office who will give them trillions of dollars of government contracts. It has already worked. They all: sleep with each other;  go to each other's parties; hire the same lobbyists, lawyers, Goldman Sachs fund managers; marry and date only people from the same frat houses and sororities; have the same homosexual agenda; finance the same PAC's; hide their money in the same off-shore bolt holes; instruct their HR departments to only hire radical dyed hair hippie-types; have bank accounts that have received CIA or In-Q-Tel cash; control the National Venture Capital Association so that nobody who competes with them can get funded; practice exclusionary culture, ie: while screaming about women's rights and BLM they never hire women or blacks; own the servers and control equipment that operates 90% of the internet; etc. The Tech Taliban are: Netflix, Google, Alphabet, Youtube, Linkedin, Amazon, AWS, CNN, Facebook, Survey Monkey, etc.

Is anyone else tired of Netflix shows trying to be woke ...
Is anyone else tired of Netflix shows trying to be woke? DISCUSSION. The show has a lot of potential. Apocalypse theme shows/games really grab me. But seriously, all the PC bullshit they try to bring into the shows make it so cringe at moments. Why do they have to make it seem they are trying to spread a message in every show? The over the top ...