The Hit Job

How much do you have to pay Google, Alphabet, YouTube and Black Cube to dedicate a portion of their servers to push a character assassination set of links, against a competitor, to all five billion people on Earth with internet access? How much did Obama, Clinton, Bloomberg spend using those exact same systems to attack their political enemies?

We know. We have their financial records, invoices and receipts and so does the FBI and the NSA.

How much do you have to pay to get them to lock those attack links on one of the first 4 lines of EVERY search result, in the same position in the search results, for over a decade (which proves that their search results are not "organic", they are manually manipulated by Google and YouTube)? How much did Obama, Clinton, Bloomberg spend using those exact same systems to attack their political enemies?

We know. We have their financial records, invoices and receipts and so does the FBI and the NSA.

How much does it cost to make a Disney-like animated movie about a whistle-blower? How much does the production and software and person-hour billings cost? How much does it cost to distribute that movie world-wide and lock it in the top line of all search results?

We know. We have their financial records, invoices and receipts and so does the FBI and the NSA.

How much does it cost to hire a warehouse full of Russian, Nigerian and Chinese click-farm operators who use Palantir and Google software to instantly be alerted of any mention of a person's name on the internet and to then go slam that person in the comment sections with endless troll remarks? Elon Musk uses these same people to hype his narcissistic need for attention. Obama, Clinton, Bloomberg and other politicians hire these same people to attack their political adversaries. How much does it cost to have anonymous trolls in foreign countries kill a person's brand globally?

We know. We have their financial records, invoices and receipts and a huge number of lawsuits, court records, federal investigation and investigative journalism reports have exposed those records and details. The FBI, NSA, SEC, FTC and Congressional investigators can also confirm these numbers!

So it turns out that it costs: $35,422,152.00 to have a person and their business killed!

That is how much they spent on their attack on the Plaintiff! The people at the top of the heap who organized the attacks were David Plouffe, Jay Carney, David Axelrod, Denis Mcdonough, Steve Rattner, Robert Gibbs, Rahm Emanual and their associates and they did it from The West Wing and The Oval Office in The White House.

The attacks were edited by Nick Denton and his seedy tabloid empire Gawker/Gizmodo.

The money was conduited and assisted for pass-through by political financiers Eric Schmidt, Larry Page, Sergy Brin, Elon Musk, John Doerr, Vinod Khosla, Steve Westly, Steve Spinner and their Silicon Valley oligarch Cartel black-listing operation.

It was a felony. It violated R.I.C.O., Anti-Trust and Constitutional laws.

So they spent over thirty five million dollars attacking the Plaintiff and shutting down a competitor that was targeted to make over six billion dollars in profits. The attackers then made the six billion dollars in profits for themselves, at the expense of the Plaintiff.

So how much do you think they owe the Plaintiff, per previous court awards for such crimes against a member of the public?