The Silicon Valley 'Echo-Chamber Culture' Has Created A Generation of Sociopaths

By Roberta Johnson

An "Echo-Chamber" is an airtight social bubble in which only controlled ideologies are allowed to exist. All outside ideologies are banished and attacked and the desired way of thinking is amplified by the bosses in charge.

Silicon Valley's political Echo-Chamber is not an accident. It is not an anomaly. It was created by big money campaign financiers, their Senators, the media publishers they control and the hiring directives for the companies they own.

Only those with the right kind of politics are hired by the HR offices for these companies. Freaky haired, sexually confused, ANTIFA-loving, frat house positive, potentially homosexual Millennial kids are favored.

You must stay on their buses to and from work.

You must go to their social events.

You must use, and be monitored by their social media servers.

You must eat their free food in the office.

You must read their media outlets.

You must be watched over by corporate, mercenary-like, digital corporate security departments who monitor everything you write, look at, attend and do for 'subversive thinking'.

You must date and breed from within their dating sites.

You must go to their "Mindfulness Training's"; "Tech Conferences"; "Home Salons"; "Draper Universities"; "Mission Control" and "OneTaste" and NXVIUM" sex cults and other ideological programming

If this social control and Stasi-like manipulation of the social experience for every Millennial in Silicon Valley sounds evil...IT IS!

It all has nothing to do with "helping the world" or "saving the planet" or anything benign. That is just the candy coating that is used to suck the poor Millennial useful fools into the game.

The entire Echo-Chamber of "Silicon Valley' was created by Billionaires John Doerr, Tim Draper, Steve Jurvetson, Tom Perkins, Elon Musk, Larry Page, Vinod Khosla, Steve Westly, and the other Yale/Stanford/Harvard frat boy scum, in order to profiteer on the backs of American taxpayers.

First of all, there is no such thing as "Silicon Valley". There is no valley. Yosemite is a valley. There is no valley in the area. It is flat.

Nobody has put a marking on a USGS federal map that officially designates a boundary for anything that is legally the city, county or thing called "Silicon Valley. Elitist billionaire VC Tim Draper is trying to do this but his effort seems doomed.

Silicon Valley is pure hype and marketing PR generated by these sociopath billionaires in order to pump up their self-aggrandizing images. They control the media and arrange to have anything bad, in the news, about themselves DELETED!

By tricking hundreds of thousands of starry-eyed hipster Millennial's into latching on to the cult-like trappings of this culture, these billionaires get an army of blissfully ignorant political operatives.

What does all of this Echo-Chambering accomplish?

It puts trillions of dollars of your tax money in the private bank accounts of John Doerr, Tim Draper, Steve Jurvetson, Tom Perkins, Elon Musk, Larry Page, Vinod Khosla, Steve Westly, and the other Yale/Stanford/Harvard frat boy scum, at the expense of the public.

....and nobody is the wiser!