This evidence, and the associated hard drives and witness testimony, will stand up as sworn, certified, warranted testimony in any federal jury trial, grand jury hearing, RICO Racketeering corruption trial and/or live televised Congressional hearing.

Given equally resourced, and financed, legal support and proper security protection, many hundreds of person's are willing to swear and warrant to the veracity of these assertions:

*** - That New York State, California State and Washington, DC elected officials, in particular U.S. Senators, did criminalize the domestic public policy system in order to acquire personal profits and monopolize industry markets for themselves and their friends.

*** - That Tesla Motors, Elon Musk and his associates, participated in these schemes in violation of organized crime laws.

*** - That the investment firms of Goldman Sachs; Kliener Perkins; Draper Fisher Jurvetson; GreyLock Capital; and other venture firms participated in these schemes in violation of organized crime laws.

*** - That U.S. Senators Reid, Feinstein, Harris, Boxer, Pelosi, and other Senators, participated in these schemes in violation of organized crime laws.

*** - That U.S. Attorney Generals Holder, Harris, Schniederman, and other Attorney Generals, participated in these schemes in violation of organized crime laws.

*** - That certain senior law enforcement officials received full and complete crime reports and law violations disclosures about these crimes and stalled investigations, covered-up the crimes and tampered with evidence in order to protect their political friends and profit monetarily.

*** - That A "Silicon Valley PayPal Mafia" does exist and they do conspire to break the law and manipulate Democracy.

*** - That the members of this technology cartel "Mafia" group are selected for their social, physical and family similarities which include the tendency to engage in sociopath behavior, rape, sex abuse and sex-extortion, misogyny, tax evasion, money laundering, real estate fraud, racism, bribery, patent theft and other deviant behavior.

*** - That Google's VC's and executives, who are part of this cartel, plan and manually run election manipulation programs, privacy abuse, search engine rigging and militaristic information manipulation for personal profiteering at the expense of the public.

*** - That the Obama Administration used the U.S. Department of Energy as a campaign financier payola slush fund.

*** - That U.S. elected political officials hire and manage third party services to run reprisal campaigns against taxpayers and that those character assassination providers include: IN-Q-Tel, Think Progress, Black Cube, Podesta Group, EDS, Stratfor, Fusion GPS, IN-Q-Tel, Media Matters, Gawker Media, Gizmodo Media, Syd Blumenthal, and other attack services which are illicitly compensated with laundered taxpayer resources.

*** - That the bribes and profiteering conduits for this scam are ignored by compromised FEC bosses and include: Dark Money fronts; family trust floats; shell corporation layering; insider trading in tech companies; revolving door jobs at Netflix, Google, etc; prostitutes; sports suites; political campaign search engine rigging, bot attacks and other illicit payola.

*** - ...and such other evidence of political corruption crimes as enumerated in document # 2335-US-GrandJury-563