What would an insane tech oligarch do for trillions of dollars of criminal gain?

When you run the following query on the stock market volume for a single day, ie: "Select sum(Close*volume*0.001), count(*) from myTable where date = '9/27/2017'."..you get the following result: 7300 stocks were traded, Total Money flow: $271,072,334,824. This is how much was traded on that day.

The total world derivatives market has been estimated at about $791 trillion face or nominal value, 11 times the size of the entire world economy.

The World Bank publishes global data on stocks traded by $ value here. ie:

Most exchanges publish this stat. Here is the data for NASDAQ

  • Feb 6, 2018 - $192 billion for the day.

And the Indian stock market volume data (in Indian Rupees) is here.

  • BSE + NSE cash market, Feb 2018 - About Rs 40,000 crore daily. That’s about $6 billion per day.

Average estimates put daily stock movement between 5 to ten trillion dollars per day. You can buy lot's of Weinstein/Epstein-like private islands, private jets, sex parties, U.S. Senators and crony government contracts with that kind of money. Once an oligarch starts buying sex with underage girls, they don't stop. In fact, there is nothing that a corrupt tech oligarch and their owned Senator won't do to keep their little pig trough filled up.

The average murder/robbery in the United States is undertaken for an average amount under $100.00

Thus, an Eric Schmidt, Elon Musk, Steve Westly, Vinod Khosla, Reid Hoffman, Larry Page or similar oligarch, who is sociologically addicted to money and power, is most certainly capable of ordering election manipulations, Presidential bribes, murders and engaging in other crimes to protect those greed-based assets. They have the full resources to do so, have federal records proving that they hire lobbyists and operatives who do these things and have a documented history of engaging in extremist actions.