The NYT is owned and controlled by Mexican monopolist Carlos Slim is now advocating for direct political action to oppose the POTUS. Why isnt the NYT required to register as a foreign entity?

The NYT is owned and controlled by Mexican monopolist Carlos Slim is now advocating for direct political action to oppose the POTUS. Why isnt the NYT required to register as a foreign entity? (

submitted ago by GizaDog to news (+340|-3)

The Wall Street Journal

Carlos Slim Becomes Largest Individual New York Times Shareholder

Mexican Telecom Billionaire Exercises Warrants in Media Company

Carlos Slim received the warrants when he lent the company $250 million in 2009.

Carlos Slim received the warrants when he lent the company $250 million in 2009.Illustration: Reuters




Josh Beckerman

Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim became the largest individual shareholder in New York Times Co. on Wednesday after exercising warrants that more than doubled his stake in the media company to 16.8%.

Mr. Slim, 74 years old, received the warrants in 2009 when he lent the Times $250 million to help it deal with sharp declines in advertising