ANTI-CORRUPTION Action Items Check List:

1.) Build The Internet (Done)

2.) Put Movies And Music On The Internet To Get All Of The Base Demographics And Nose Pickers To Come To A Collaborative Global Network (Done)

3.) Give Everybody On Earth All Of The Secrets About How Abused And Manipulated They Are By A Handful of Evil Billionaires (Done)

4.) Expose The Manipulative Fraud Of Political Party Bosses (Done)

5.) Tell The Entire Planet, 1 Million People At A Time, How The Billionaires Companies Abuse Their Privacy, Minds, Human Rights and Media Impressions (Done)

6.) Crash All of the Billionaires Main Stream “Fake News” Information Outlets by Exposing Them And Giving All News Away For Free And Teaching People How To Make Free Newspapers (Done)

7.) Crash the Evil Billionaires Silicon Valley Companies, and Money, By Contacting 1 Million People at a Time to Remind Them to Boycott Silicon Valley Companies and Their Products (Done)

8.) Contact Every Advertiser of Every Silicon Valley Billionaire and Warn Them To Pull All Ad Budgets For the Companies Who Contribute to Political Campaigns (In Process)

9.) Make It So That Non-Main-Stream Candidates Can Run And Win By Exposing And Breaking Illicit Election Rigging (Done)

10.) Sit Back And Watch The Fireworks (In Process)