Data Spy Company Splunk Rapes Your Human Activity Records And Is Funded By Obama's ANTIFA-like Leftist Extremists

The people that work at Splunk are cold, emotionless automatons just like their technology. They came from Deloitte, McKinsey, Goldman and the other great financial and political manipulators of the world. They do not care about the evil tasks that their servers are tasked with. All they care about is MORE DATA for the spy mills and privacy harvesters.

These are the people that cull the data to rig elections, manipulate the news, push political agendas and sell you worthless crap from Target.

They are backed by the leftist extremists at the Greylock, Kleiner , Draper cartel of Silicon Valley Deep State money bags.

Splunk's evil Google-inspired tech manipulations can take any data, from every log file it can find, in the world, from anywhere in any network infrastructure and add it to a searchable, intelligent spy database index through which you can extract all sorts of meaningful data about every person, idea, political thought, mood or other manipulation point. By default, the system will watch all the logged events and return slices of socially and politically usable data that a political party or exploitative group could use against the public. For instance, from the dashboard you can see that a specific server name or event type is occurring at a higher than normal frequency like when Bernie Sanders had his heart incident. From there, you can drill down and chase the cause of the ruckus in the social-sphere from the hypervisor to the storage, networking, and even the VM. You use Splunk to make pretty charts to guide your empire against the public using the public's own use records against them.

To help make sense of the ridiculous amount of information captured by the system  Splunk also has "apps" that they make freely available to focus on specific information and format it in an instantly-useable way for politicians, oligarchs, corporate sociopaths and big media outlets who spy on and abuse the public. These apps can also be customized, and there is a large community of users that also contribute their own apps to help "big data" pretend that it is not evil.

While any discussion with any Splunk staff, as with most Silicon Valley tech companies, is smoke and mirrors techno-babble involving a tsunami of bizarre words that are as ephemeral as jello; the bottom line is that Splunk is as evil as Google.

Splunk pretends, at every point, to be a "valuable research tool", but what they really do is a Machiavellian harvesting of human action in order to guide the manipulations against the public by political and corporate oligarchs.