Some hacker group sent this around:

"......This post contains top secret classified information obtained from Protonmail’s server. If you want to read about how we obtained that information review the below anonpaste’s.

Part 1: Password: hacked

Part 2: Password: hacked

Protonmail declined further negotiation. We are now offering emails for sale to the general public. Today’s sale will include information on ISIS, Immigration, CIA, 9/11, Monsanto, LAWS, Antarctica and others. Next week we will release another group of classified content.

We are only selling information contained in decrypted emails. We do not claim any of this information is true. All the emails with attachments are saved on a server. If you want access to the server we charge a small fee. Details at the end.


ISIS Emails state the Saudi government partially funds and control ISIS. Emails discuss military targets for ISIS to strike. Those discussing seem to be American intelligence officers. Emails time stamped before each strike is executed. Strikes sometimes follow as discussed in emails. Emails discussing coordinating ISIS’s operations with Israeli, Americans and NATO. Emphasis on making sure they operate toward the same goal but appear enemies.

CIA’s Drug Operations. Human Trafficking. Criminal Enterprises. The American CIA is the primary importer of illegal drugs into America and many other countries. Primarily utilizing airplanes owned by CIA shell companies. Commercial and Navy vessels also used. Emails from DEA officials stating the DEA is controlled by the CIA. Emails providing the location and status of Juan Carlos Ramirez Abadia. Emails outlining the movement of interrogators hired by the CIA with instructions to use advanced techniques against specific people. Photos of tortured people included. One email states an effective technique is molesting/torturing the targets family while forcing the target to watch. Emails states this provides “Good results”. Emails stating “Extraordinary Rendition” is used for kidnapping and human trafficking hundreds of people yearly. Done with the CIA’s oversight. Emails connecting the CIA with illegal money laundering, drug trafficking, arms dealing, selling military secrets & espionage. Email correspondence stating that the CIA has blackmail information on many senators and congresspeople. Some examples given. Names of planes currently flying cocaine into America under the supervision of the CIA included. Opportunities to extort the CIA or hijack a plane full of cocaine possible.

EU Immigration: Several emails suggest Israel is directing the immigration of African refugees into Europe. Israeli goal is for European nations to form negative views of Muslims to allow future planned Palestinian eradication.

Monsanto Monsanto employees and scientists stating to each other harmful effects of GMOs.

Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems (LAWS) Military Robots exist now that search for, engage, and eliminate targets based on programming. No human input needed to make the kill decision. Currently in use now. Decrypted emails generally outlining their capabilities. Video included showing amazing visual camouflage technology.

Americans Murdering Citizens Emails describing plans to to murder american civilians in order to direct politics and earn money. An example is the Las Vegas shooting event. Other targets for civilian murder being discussed. Dallas. Phoenix. Denver. Plan to use 2 shooters again “just like Vegas”. Las Vegas police officers confirm 2 shooters and state it’s an FBI coverup. Lone nut options in future area’s identified. One options is good because he is a Christan. A Christan shooter will have a greater impact on Christan gun owners.

9/11 Terror Attack. Several emails from American Politicians discussing in private the 9-11 attack. Viewpoint clearly described it was done by both Mossad and CIA. Email states it’s purpose was to provide justification to invade Iraq for political purposes. Oil is not mentioned. Jokes are made by American politicians about how the “war on terrorism” is actually designed to promote terror.

Red Market. Information on the illegally harvested organ market. Some people are selected for illegal organ harvest based on private information collected during normal doctor visits.

Antarctica. Several emails stating Raytheon and Lockheed Martin have broken antarctic treaties with specifics relating to nuclear projects. Significant scientific information included that we do not understand.

Luceferian Network – Emails show high level bankers, cooperate leaders and politicians cooperating together. Two emails have incomplete attachments with names, positions, companies and other information. Some emails contain chants, oaths, dates and passwords. Information on Luceferian plan to fabricate their own “God” using several techniques. Cloning, AI and others discussed. Plan is to construct it and put it on the throne of the future Israeli temple. This all looks completely bonkers but important peoples names are on the emails. This would be great in cinema.

Purchase will include all emails relating to the above topics. Decrypted Emails, attachments, Full names, time stamps, full headers, all IP addresses, ext. ……………………………………….………………………………………………………………

We have 20 separate severs set up to maintain the privacy of 20 buyers. This sale will stay open until all 20 have been sold. After that time we will release the next batch of classified content and emails. Access to your own private server containing all the above information costs 2000 XMR. If you want to buy all access or close the sale the cost is 40,000 XMR. First send the payment to the address below. Then email us here ( referencing the transfer. We will then reply to you with server access to collect your purchased information. We will also give you a unique email address for future discussion. You will be given priority for future sales.

Payment Address: 46eG1Qm45w4cvy9LDjbaESaKRg5bN6NbHUgENrqfnNFfLJ4Der2zMnDXJfrNiZPzRARUNur8q9myZER5jTepyuJC1UkqPgV

We will not reply to anyone not making a purchase

AmFearLiathMor Current email:"