Google Is Using Wi-Fi To Track Your Precise Location And Spy On You: Oracle

Google Data collection

To say that Google knows more about you than you know about yourself would not be an exaggeration. In a fresh attack on Google, Oracle has submitted a 17-page attachment titled “Google’s Shadow Profile” to Australian Competition and Consumer Commission’s digital platform inquiry.

Oracle has accused Google of building profiles of Australian users by logging their data. This profile consists of their “secret interests,” “intimate lifestyle details” and their office and home address.

As per Oracle, “If a consumer connects to the same Wi-Fi access point at 9am Monday-Friday, the Wi-Fi base station likely represents the consumer’s place of work.”

“Similarly, if a consumer connects to the same base station every day at 7pm and stays connected through the evening, the station is likely in located in the consumer’s home.

Oracle has blamed Google for violating the laws by hiding the real motive behind its data collection policies. According to the RDBMS software providing company, the search giant logs users’ data for targeted advertisements thus fulfilling its own selfish motive.

When combined with users’ browsing patterns, search history, and other data collected via its apps, the tech giant has created an “intimate dossier” of users’ lifestyle.
In addition to Oracle’s submission, ACCC has received submissions from 26 other companies. News Corp Australia, one of the largest Australian media companies, has urged the authorities to force Google to sell Google Search to end the company’s hegemony in online advertising and digital search industry.
What do you think must be done to limit what Google knows about you? Should the giant be forced for divestment? Let us know in the comments below.
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