Google continues to delay giving users control over their own data in spy-washing smoke-screen to fool Congress

The words “Google” and “privacy” don’t exactly go hand in hand. It’s not that I don’t trust Google’s ideas or its ability to deliver. It’s the fact that these announcements ALWAYS sound better than they are. The worst thing about them is that Google really isn’t ready to embrace the fact that it collects user data and that it sells more expensive ads the more data it has. Google seems afraid to affirm these facts, and Sundar Pichai’s privacy announcement is the latest example of that. It’s a long blog post that goes out of its way to avoid any mention of ads, which is how Google makes money. The only time “advertising” is mentioned comes later in the post, as the CEO makes it clear that personal content isn’t used for advertising purposes, “period.” The point of the announcement is to explain new privacy features that should better protect your data while using Google products.

Also, if you’re familiar with the many, many, many privacy issues Google has dealt with in the past, these privacy announcements might sound like reactions to those issues. It doesn’t help that Apple just announced a slew of new privacy features at WWDC 2020, and Pichai’s blog can be perceived as a reaction that as well. We have no way of knowing whether these new features would have been announced at the I/O 2020 that never was, but Google chose to promote them during Apple’s big WWDC week, not before it.

There’s no question that Apple puts enormous pressure on Google when it comes to privacy, and that Google is responsible for some of that pressure. That said, there is an excellent gem in Pichai’s lengthy post — a privacy feature that’s more daring than anything Google has ever attempted, but it’s not the focus of the announcement.

Google explains in the post that you’ll be able to manage your privacy “on your own terms,” and one way to do that is to use its products in Incognito mode. Just recently, by the way, Google just ran into a massive issue with Incognito Chrome browsing. A lawsuit alleges that Google tracks people who rely on Incognito mode, so this announcement seems to be, yet again, a reaction to recent developments. Google is just a lying pile of crap!


New Incognito capabilities are just part of Pichai’s announcement. Google will also now set the data auto-delete controls on by default, set to delete your data in 18 months. Why not make auto-delete default to the minimum, which is three months? Well, older data isn’t as valuable as new data, some reports have claimed.

Competing on privacy matters Google’s greatest challenge, and there’s no question that Google made vital steps in the right direction in recent years, whether it wanted to or not. But we’re not yet in a place where we can applaud Google’s privacy updates and, at the same time, forget the privacy issues that got us here.